Friday, April 25, 2014

Double Dog Downer

Got It Standing

Well Sh*t……. Why this week of all weeks……. As you may now…… I took a spill on Monday….. Basically I crushed the left side of my rib cage…… I know nothing is broken…… Now I am just dealing w/this subscapularis feeling stuck…….. The head of my ribs were they meet my sternum hurts 2 sneeze, cough, or roll over in bed…… Now…. If thats not enough…… Mother Nature blew on through the valley…… Well…… Blew down the damn gate……. And I can't lift the damn thing….. So I was feeling way down….. Have yet 2 finish the landscaping project…… Cant ride my damn bike….. Unable 2 take a full breath…… Walking the dogs is painful….. On & On goes the water works….. Then, a friend of mine went over the handle bars of his bike & destroyed his Clavicle…… Hate 2 say this but its the perspective that I needed….. He is in REAL pain….. I am just being a big sissy…. Time 2 Wake Up Mr Reed….. I had the wind knocked out of me….. So did he…. It hurts 2 move…. He can't move….. Hurts 2 breathe in a full rich breath….. He can't even think about breathing

SO 2day I am so sucking it up…… Its Friday & Its Time 2 Feel Alive….. Time 2 Pull My Head Out…. This is going 2 be a Gr8 weekend…… Thanx 4 stopping by my blog….. I will have some photos from the weekend….. I will have some uplifting ideas 2 share……. Enough of the Debbie Downer…… Happy Friday Folks!!!!!

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