I am beyond delighted for my newly discovered and SOON to be passion. I was completely oblivious to summer biathlon racing here in Colorado. There are competitive mountain bike/shooting events in Wyoming, Utah, Montana, & Idaho. Who Knew
I am so psyched right now!! Colorado hasn't hosted ( according to the Colorado Biathlon Club ) a biathlon like this since 2018 but every other Rocky Mountain Region has capitalized on this market. As far as I can tell, most events are between 15 and 25 kilometer mountain bike rides with both prone and standing shooting zones.
Head Winds - 20+mph Winds - Totally Sucked
Do I Own A Rifle??? Hell No
Am I Familiar With The Rules?? What Rules
Do I Know If We Ride With A Rifle Strapped To Our Backs?? Not A Chance
Am I Fired Up?? Phuc Yeah
Ortho-Bionomy is so cool. Its a modality that amazes me and despite me, WORKS. The long distance runner client that I work with finished the Berlin Marathon three minutes shy of a Sub 2:30. They were dealing with a hamstring issue prior to heading overseas and a little nervous really. We worked together leading up to the race and they even made the comment," My Legs Haven't Left This Strong In A Long Time." as they walked down the hallway after our session. Again, they are putting in the effort, the time, and the self discipline. Its Not ALL Me Or The Ortho But It Sure Marries Well. They Were Stoked About There PR In Berlin. YES

Leaving the office, riding along the River Trail with a little less light pollution, a shooting star falls into my vision. The other night was magical for sure. I enjoy watching the Winter Constellation Orion climb up into the sky from behind the Big Grand Mesa and then here comes, almost a frequent occurrence these days, a piece of space debris slashes across the sky. THEN!!! A second dust trail skips across the sky with a vibrant green ( Nickel Based Atoms & Molecules ) glow. How Luck Am I

An old Silver Sneaker has been dealing with Prostate Cancer and other health related issues for years now. He attends spin classes at least twice a week. He really is a tough old bird and I say bird because he LOVES airplanes. He has taken flights in old planes and has shared with me some videos of him riding in the back of a two seater. He knows everything about these planes and was quite excited when the GJ Airshow brought in B-52 Bomber planes. Yes, he paid the $$$ and went for a ride. Overall, just a really good guy and I always lend an ear his way for whatever story he felt like sharing.
Old Man Ken, with a new cane, walked in the other day and he looked frail as can be. I only hope that my facial reaction didn't show my hand. I allowed him talk and just be him. Its the first time I have ever been apart of someone sharing their " I Am Done " matter of fact speech. There were no hot rod stories of his youth, nothing about taking flight, just the sad realization of wanting to sleep towards the next journey.
Ken passed away peacefully in his home last Tuesday
34 Hours
561 Miles
8 Personal Records
39 Activities
4 Traveling Days
5 Completely Off The Bike Days INCLUDING The Commuter Bike
5,547.8 Total Miles So Far This Year
This is also the time of year when the deliciously overpowering strength of decaying organic matter lofts into my awareness. Don't Ya Love It
Riding here in Colorado is absolutely breathtaking at times. Both physically and mentally. The metronomic cadence allows my mind to wonder in & out and then Mother Nature snaps me back into reality with these gorgeously changing leaves. Our streets our littered with rich autumn colors and our not so Mighty Colorado River has become dotted in yellowish emeralds from the turning Cotton Wood Trees that overlooks those banks. Pure Beauty
All last week, riding the River Trail towards Utah, I have noticed fewer and fewer cyclist. There is this older guy that I have waved to all summer long that FINALLY acknowledges my presence the other day. I normally try to say hello or other encouraging quotes in passing. But this particular guy is always stone faced. Now, he will head nod as I roll around him. Lets Call That Progress! Or maybe its the appreciation a process taking a meaningful amount of extra time to achieve, but delivers in return something that can't be arrived at any other way?
Hosted a show the other ( 10/23 ) day and I really enjoyed myself. It was another daytime slot and there were the usual distractions but a pretty solid show overall.
This link
HERE is good for another week
Next time slots -
I'm Hosting Tropical Air THIS Friday
I might host a Jam Band/Reggae style show on Nov 12th at 9pm
I am leaning towards subbing in on the blue grass show on the 19th
I might give the green light to host a Thanksgiving show at 6:30pm - Maybe - still have commented to that one yet
I was just sent an e-mail with 8 available shows during the month of November
DOT kafmadio DOT org
The station is doing well but this is that time of year when folks are traveling, hosting friends and family from out of town, or are just in need of a breather after the FUNd Drive. And I Am Happy To Sub
- Dig Deep And Go Over The 700 Mile Mark For The Month
- Remain Methodical With The Weights
- Hike Our Beautiful Trails & Gracefully Embrace The Time Change
- Formulate A String Cheese Incident Game Plan
- Pull Off A Tasty Smoked Turkey Day Dinner
Did This (
https://youtu.be/M28gXt2BCCU ) Link Work - Its From My Time Lapse Days - I Actually Thought About Shooting A Time Lapse The Other Day While Working In Carbondale Colorado
Be Well & Stay Hydrated,