Oh My Love You're So Good Treating Me So Cruel There You Go With Your Fancy Lies Leavin' Me Lookin' Like A Drumstruck Fool With All Your Jive Talkin' You're Telling Me Lies Jive Talkin' You Wear A Disguise Jive Talkin' So Misunderstood Jive Talkin'. You Just Aint No Good
Bee Gees - Jive Talkin
Main Course 1975
Damn This New Blogger Sh*T Change!! Every single time the Blogger folks make a change, WHY MUST THEY, my vintage MacBook Pro doesn't digest those changes. It Blows!! What happened to the edit icons?? I was planning on adding a number of you to my "inspired" blogs but its gone. Under my layout, I can add or delete widgets but not edit or add?!?!?! Anyone?? Muller
I am currently struggling with clicking links, commenting on blogs, and even replying on my own blog. My friend Mariette's experienced difficulties dropping a comment, Little Wendy just ran a stellar event in ATL and my comment on her blog disappeared, and zero notifications transport to my email address. Isn't that weird, absolutely no email notifications??? YouTube notifications still operate just fine but Blogging, NOPE. Mr Bill, Olga Girl, And Brother Drew, Erased. So Frustrating

Last question and it isn't a yes or no question. The question is not about your view but the why. In the middle of dire climate change, horrific war on Ukrainian soil, why the Phuc are Americans still discussing Roe vs Wade??? Why are we still spending millions of dollars over this issue?? Again, I am not asking for your side on women reproductive organs. I am asking why we are spending money!?! It is so disappointing for me as there are much bigger fish to fry. Enough of my frustrations and on to better content. Big Hugs
Much better outings recently as I have dedicated or prioritizing my time and scheduling "me time" these days. Mostly, been scheduling these rides as therapy for my own exigencies. A majority of my rides are consumed with making phone calls , headwind, cold winds , cold fronts , and bone chilling headwinds. Can you imagine the picture that I am projecting??

This was a cool like ride by observation in the photo above. A real true cowboy was using his three Boarder Collies to herd /work his four massive Angus Cows. Another highlight was an evening ride and quietly listening to the sounds of flowing creeks before the deposit themselves into the Mighty Colorado River and flow together as one. The birds are unreal this Spring and wish I was a member of the Audubon Society because we have such beautiful yellow belly birds and albino white harons or cranes. I can't tell the difference between these two families of cranes. Plus the soaring eagles, hawks, osprey , and other hunting verities and sizes of birds of prey are simply mesmerizing.

Numerous newbies on the multi used trail systems these days. They are unable to say hello or are completely off guard when I say Hello Hello. Cracks me up on how they stand out so and clearly present themselves as such. Some of them are unsure of their current situation and waving is just not an option. And when I say," Hello." Pure Innocent Shock. Classic
Last Friday was Field Trip Fun Day as the Friday Night 7pm Group gathered at the old courthouse for a group ride around town. I was informed that the theme for the night was Birthday. I replied with "OK?" thought about for the day or two or whenever The Dude sent me the update. Decided that a Clown Outfit made sense to me. Every birthday could use a happy go lucky clown, Right??
And all kinds of life came out for the ride and over half of the 72 riders were dressed up. A group of One Wheel came out and one of the gals in that group worked over a bubble maker. Classy Move. Then this guy jumped in at the college, so 72 plus a door rider, made his way back downtown on his electric board. Yes, that is a proper front door bolted to an electric skateboard. Ideals I Have
After we all dispersed towards our separate ways, The Dude and I marauded the town for a few more hours. And check out that night shot above. Can you believe that I shot that with my old dinosaur iPhone?? Nutz
I have two house and dog sitting gigs coming up so I shot up to Marble of a car camping overnight. Let me explain to you how peaceful the higher elevations are these days.
There is just something about solitude as those twinkling little ice crystals dotting the night sky vaults magic down upon all of us. Drifting off with the Crystal River trickling on by is the cats meow. And a mountain glow sunrise, spectacular.
If I ever begin suffering heart or healthy issues, along a crisp mountain spring creek is where you will find my carcass.
Smile, Shine, And Roll On
My antiquated office time has brought such a comforting sense of joy. After all the construction, manual labor, and walking yards behind the noise maker, Body Work Rocks!!
Working with an older client and the funniest thing happened. I began with their feet and they were jabbering away with random thoughts and then just like that, SNORING. I mean, out cold. I continued to work my magic and filled the session with my patterns and releases. They slept and snored over the entire 50 minutes. Cracked me up and they were so happy and refreshed when their little sleepy eyes fluttered back to life.

With another client, crazy A$$ winds, they are suffering from Tennis Elbow. As we worked together the windows rattled from gusty winds. The photo below is from my office and I added a filter effect to capture the Utah Dust. Anyway, they appreciated the work and I am so thankful to be switching gears again and spending more time in the office these days. Life Is Good
Will be hosting a righteous edition of the MCR on May 19th at 6:30pm. Click here to listen live during the show. Click ( HERE ) to listen to the recorded show from the calendar after May 20th.
While I am hosting the Magic Carpet Ride, will be featuring short sound bites and/or clips from The Twilight Zone. Plenty of Rod Serling voice overs throughout the show and eerie well known clips as well.
I continuously hear songs that I impulsively add to my playlist. Currently, I am sitting at just over 4 hours of music in this particular playlist for a 2 and a half hour time slot. Happy Friday The 13th
- Wag More Bark Less
- Smooth Out Issues
- Ring Friends
- Intake More H2o
- Host The Best Dang Show
I leave you with my spirit animal. Will happily share that story with you if you're interested in another post. Hiking along with the dog that I am currently watching over and caring for. The dog was roaming around just below me when I heard the distinct sound of those rattles above me. While the dog bound around down below, I circled up and around and suspicious observed this beauty. Check Out Those Rattles
Grin And Say Nice Things,