STRAVA NUMBERS: November produced the second largest number in HOURS at 29. My cycling world turned out 363 miles, 12 personal records, 35 activities, and 25.5 "running" miles for the month. This brings me to 2549.7 miles for 2017 and I don't believe that I am on pace for the 3,000 mile goal for the year. OOPS
November missed out as the top cycling month by 8 miles. Strava recorded 370 miles back in August of 2017. Another drag statistic is the fact that I only hit 300+ miles on the bike 3 times this year. Considering I live in Western Colorado, I can label my own effort as LAME A$$.
However, I reframed from driving the car to the office ALL year! In Fact, I couldn't tell you when was the last time I filled up the old automobile. I only bring this up because the oldies were here for Turkey Day and they just couldn't get over the gas prices out here. They drove up from Sunny San Diego. I laughed during this particular conversion because I told them that I am sitting on a half of a tank and couldn't remember when I had filled up last. Classic Reaction & Questions Followed

My gas light didn't come on but I did drive quite a bit while they were here and I will need to fuel up before I drive anywhere again. I don't mind driving. Its just that I live in a flat valley and can ride just about anywhere in the same amount of time as drivers. REALLY??? Yes, GJ Colorado has absolutely NO synced up traffic lights. And in the winter, everyone lets their car sit and warm up for at least 10 minutes, which cracks me up. I can ride to the office or gym in under 10 minutes if I really mash down the pedals while taking a few chances.
TURKEY DAY: Went very well. The Dude worked until about the noon hour and the oldies were in charge of the bird. I have traditionally brought over garlic mash potatoes and followed that trend with an added addition. I came across a blog site that had a whippin
butternut squash quinoa casserole. Now, lets have a little chat here about alcohol. Spirits If You Will
The Boy Dog and I arrived at The Dudes with our prepared dishes and a 64 oz growler of Palisade's
Off Belay I.P.A. I was then offered a 12 oz bottle of Stone I.P.A. from San Diego. So I figured I would toast with that and share the growler when everyone arrives. HA
Fast Forward - I poured the last of that growler during our group partners game of Scattergories and finished that last pint during Mexican Train Dominos. Thats 76 ounces of excellent brew consumed by myself because everyone had their own vices. I had just enough of a buzz on that I passed on the spiced rum concoctions later on in the evening. THANKFULLY!! Dodged That One
As a recap, everyone got along so well. I enjoyed the football games but really didn't pay much attention. We sat a bakers dozen for dinner and nobody left early or stepped on anyones toes. Thats pretty damn remarkable considering all the factors in play. Epic Sunsets
ORTHO BIONOMY: Let me just start with, I Have The Best Clients! I really do. Almost everyone of my clients in Nov left a card on my desk at some point. I am not saying that this wasn't the norm back in massage days but everyone bearing gifts in NOVEMBER?? Very Thoughtful
Oh, and gift certificates?? I have sold 15 gift certificates last month and have a feeling that a few more will go as we are 24 days of shopping away from the big day. Way Cool
Its way cool because these clients are helping spread the word about Ortho and exposing others to the benefits. I couldn't be happier
RADIO SHOW: My next show on air is in about 20 hours from now. I am hosting the Mt Bound Radio Show at 6am on December 2nd. I Cant Wait!! Click
HERE For The Web Stream Link, Click
HERE For The Website KAFM, Click
Here For The Calendar During The Next Two Weeks To Catch The Archive From Saturdays Show, and Click
HERE For The Live In Studio Web Cam.
Mountain Bound will feature a bunch of The Simpsons Christmas Clips, Keller Williams, Kate Gaffney, Big Water, Charlie Hunter, Bela Fleck, New Monsoon, String Cheese Incident, Animal Liberation Orchestra, Elton John LIVE in Australia, Garaj Mahal, Hot Buttered Run, Leftover Salmon, Greensky Bluegrass, Larry Keel, and OF COURSE Jerry from 1980 Keen College Live.
1) Mostly Likely Not BUT 400 more riding miles to reach 3,000 for the year
2) Extra Hikes With The Boy Dog
3) You Guessed It, Extra Treats For The Boy Dog
4) Gym Wise - Weigh Myself, Measure Myself, & Update My Chart of Exercises
5) Growing My YouTube Channel
6) Practicing The Bass Guitar Scales Everyday And Teaching Myself One X-Mas Tune
7) Pay The Entry Fee For The Grand Mesa Ultra 30K
8) Dance Like Nobody Is Watching k-dub
Stay Strong,