Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Them Padres

It's A Magic Carpet Ride     Every Door Will Open Wide      To Happy People Like You     Happy People   What A Beautiful Day     Sunny Day     Sweeping The Clouds Away       On My Way To Where The Air Is Sweet       Can You Tell Me How To Get    How To Get To Sesame Street 

Sesame Street

Joe Raposo Nov 10,1969 


This here situation in 2022 is Un Flipping Believable. 

The Dude hit the golden age of AARP status and we discovered the option to cut our phone bill by half. Yes, by half!! My allegiance with AT&T since 2005 ended and religiously paid our bill on time every month. For some reason AT&T couldn't explain to me why our month bill had reach $80 a month per line.

So T Mobile claimed every promise under the moon until the "Oh By The Way" charge was casually thrown into the conversation. So that pissed me off but we are all at the mercy of these A$$Holes. The Dude & I agreed to move forward with this transaction as we are clearly saving money in the long run here. Still, Sh*tty charge and even Sh*ttyer business tactics. But we all know that this is simply the new world order. 

Our SIM cards are in our old dinosaur phones and guess what???? AT&T for absolutely NO Phuc-N Reason LOCKED OUR PHONES!! AT&T did this because they are dickheads. AT&T went through the list of reasons why and I never qualified for any of the accusations. #1 Do you owe $$$ on your phone #2 Have you had service with AT&T for at least 6 months before breaking the contract #3 Do you have an unpaid bill #4 Welcome to first world problems you can't control. Total BS

Can you believe that in 2022 our phones were locked out for 68 hours?? Have you ever had a phone company lock your phone?? Have you ever waited for an email from a provider with your unlocking code?? If you left AT&T you have.


The fact that the Sand Diego Padres beat Smell A made my year. Every TV analyst picked Smell A over The Padres and I smile with satisfaction. The Smell A Dodgers can take their 111 Season Wins and shove it. The Padres were only a few games above .500 this season and are moving on up. Mind Is Still Blown 


Friday night bike night went over the top this week. No, I actually went over the top with Friday Night Bike Night. I originally had zero intent of participating in the 90's theme and The Dude was on a river trip. Next thing I know, a curry chicken with veggies and wild rice is in motion when the text comes through. The Dude was in Loma, heading home to shower, and on for Bike Night. Oh Baby 

Next thing I knew, full belly of goodness, few Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA's , The Blue Z arrives while I am stringing lights on my beach cruiser. The Dude announces that he is going grunge. I'm pulling out the totes of wings and the costumes start fly around the tribe. Everyone is finally hip to the skip and are actually putting in some thought into their outfits and lights. Sh*T Fire 


The Wolfman called during a beautiful Colorado bluebird day while I was on a bike ride. I politely declined his generous offer the first time round. He went on to explain his position and displeasure with staff and I quickly agreed to help him out. U Bet

So thankful that I stepped up to the plate!! I stirred up an absolute blast of a show!! Here is the LINK TO THE SHOW and it is a valid link for about two weeks from the 15th. This link starts with STORIES program 12:01:03, then an ad, and then at 12:04:11 I personally lit the station on fire! Ready for this?? I opened the show with Maverick's Test Run from Top Gun 2022. Danger Zone

This verity show is peppered with 1970's B-Side Classic Rock, 1920's & 30's Halloween Songs, 4 music related trivia questions, 9 LP's on the turntable, Black Sabbath Lullabies, and a few tasty hidden gems. Like a quick clip from a Jerry Seinfeld stand up monologue. After my last rant, numerous songs carried merit. I'm telling you, clink the link and have a listen because its a fantastic show. I mean, just the older Halloween tunes are worthy of a listen. Feel Good Tunes 

I brought up the Top Gun opening sequence because of a caller. When I offered up the trivia questions the first time around, a random guy Jay called in to answer one of the questions correctly and then enthusiastically shared with me that he just watched the new Top Gun on the big screen last week. He went on with how was able to visualize the screen I was airing over the KAFM Airwaves. How Cool Was That


You wanna talk about a hand full the past two weeks. I am watching three medium sized dogs while their human travels around France. Hand full is an understatement but manageable. The neighbors right across the street asked me to watch their three little dog while they jet over to Fort Collins for a college tailgate festival and football game. You Got It, 6 Dogs!!! 

One cool little moment in time was out back watering while listening to a high school football game. The house is butted up against Stoker Stadium and almost an unblocked straight shot to Los Colonias Amphitheater. Anyway, the high school machining band during halftime was pretty whipping to listen to. Los C has hosted a few ridiculously loud concerts as I can hear the lyrics and I am over a mile away from the place. 

Nelly played a show and pulled out all of his old songs. I rode my bike down to that show and hung around outside. A country western band played last Thursday and I couldn't believe how clear it was for hanging 2 miles away. Just me and the dogs, listening to random tunes, burning some sh*t, and relaxing with a few cold ones. Dynamic 

But hey, I am still enjoying walking dogs, fixing things around their houses, and watching MLB when available to do so. Smelling the aroma of a backyard BBQ, walking in the park under darkness, and listening to random bands as they make their way through the valley. Righteous 


Moving around and out and about and all that jazz. Shared a delightful ride with Little K the other day and rode further than anticipated due to the endless banter back and forth. Plus, with these ideal Colorado temperatures, come on!!! 

Once in a great while, burn the quads while celebrating my youth. Nothing Too Flashy 

A majority of my rides are commuter based rides and Bike Night. Have only stretched out the legs a few times this month with longer distance rides. Time is a bugger! But as long as the car is parked, I'm cool with that. Totally Cool

Our friend Noel shot this about photo of The Dude and I during Bike Night two weeks ago. Last Friday's Theme was Tye Dye and everyone has a Tye Dye shirt hanging in their closet. What a turn out!! I don't know the official count but well over 150 riders for sure. About 80% were wearing Tye Dye and a number of folks brought along their dogs as well. Way Cool 

We definitely anticipated a mind bending experience and the excitement met the execution. Such A Fabulous Group 

Below is our tribe ( L-R The Blue Z, Me, & The Dude ) treating Main Street like a modern day Tuesday in Vegas. We were roaming around, socializing with folks, and openly drinking brews concealed in our huggies. It has been a few really good weeks for me. 


The highlight of my week...

Above is the Brocchi's Cluster and below is the Dumbbell Nebula

Below is the Eagle Nebula

Below here is the Great Pegasus Cluster

Below is the Ring Nebula

Above is the Stephans Quintet and below would be the Veil Nebula

The professor of Astronomy over a CUM hosted a viewing night there on the Quad of the main campus. The Dude & I carried over The Blue Z's telescope for an added bonus. His older telescope was the most powerful out of all the telescopes on display. My highlight for sure was simply observing 18, 19, 20 year old students navigating themselves around a telescope for the first time. A newbie student would approach, I would have them look through the spotting scope first to orient their eyes, then gander a look through the eyepiece, they ritually stated that they couldn't quite see, and then their whole body would react when they notice Saturn for the first time. Then, as that image worked through their little sponge like minds, I asked them if they could pick out that little dot of light reflecting back just below Saturn. That would be the Moon Titan of Saturn. WoW!!!!! Then we would view Jupiter and FOUR of its moons on display. LIKE WOW


  1. Talk With Inspiration 
  2. Ride Like The Wind , Even In A Headwind 
  3. Appreciate The Smaller Things 
  4. Vivid Captures Of Nature 
  5. Except What I Am Unable To Control
  6. Love
  7. Spend Time With Those That Matter 

Here's To Another Magical Day On This Planet,


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Four Years Already

It's Nine O'Clock On A Saturday     The Regular Crowd Shuffles In     There Is An Old Man Sitting Next To Me    Making Love To His Tonic And Gin      He Says ," Son Can You Play Me A Memory? I'm Not Really Sure How It Goes    But It Is Sad And Sweet And I Knew It Complete    When I Wore A Younger Man's Clothes"      Sing Us A Song     You're The Piano Man    Sing Us A Song Tonight  

Billy Joel 1973


Definitely one of my better months this calendar year but nothing impressive by any means. Believe me, I am far from tooting my own horn here. 

Hours - 47
PR's - Zero
Miles - 253 / 407.16 K's 
Days On The Bike - 27
Days Not - 3
Activities - 32


Talk about a Nut Case of a Month!!! No Sh*T 

One of the bigger punches to the gut, there will be a few in the post, a Sunday text informing me that my office space on the third floor will no longer be available as of November 1st. No Phuc-N Way 

Paying rent on time, walking the walk of the talk you talk, and a team player just doesn't carry the merit it once has. So I am now fending for myself, the cost of new Biz Cards / Advertising, losing the ideal space, and having to reach out to clients to explain what's beyond my control totally blows chunks.

But the optimist in me is understanding that the glass is HALF FULL AGAIN. Hosting an open house, reaching out to clients that have been dormant for a period, and a new design of biz cards will be refreshing and full of opportunities for me. Well, it's how I am projecting myself at the moment. 


Talk about digital BS. When blogger added or switched or updated the RSS formate, this particular blog has been lost in the shuffle. My lasted post hasn't broke 100 yet. I mean it is what it is after all and this blog of mine is just that, my entries. A journal of my own documents and reminders of the good times. Damn Good Times 

When the blogger site "fixed" the comment errors and all that awhile back, my 1,000+ views dropped significantly. The saying is so true; You Get What You Pay For. And why is my SPAM folder full of updates from Blogger?? Who Knows  


Yes, you are reading this correctly. The Executive Director at KAFM is a defensive narcissistic. She hired her girlfriend for the Program Director position and that lady is beyond useless and is completely in over her head. Her middle schooler education at best hasn't helped her cause as a Program Director. I say this as her emails are ALWAYS followed up with a second email correcting her first email. Plenty of examples I could bore you with. For over a year she has been a laughing stock and greeted with a shake of a head when her name is mentioned by fellow volunteers. Embarrassing  

This PD sent me 12 emails demanding that I sign her Employee Hand Book back when she first came on staff with KAFM. Yes, I have all 12 of those emails in a folder as I presented them to the Board of Directors. This same PD sent me 4 emails recently after my last four shows pointing out all my faults and 'rule' breaking infractions. One email claimed that I have jeopardized the station of a $20,000 fine from the FCC. 

We all know she pulled that figure out of her A$$ and if it was true, an email should not have been the form of communication. A phone call for setting up a face to face in person meeting would be the professional way of handling this matter. Outreach 101

Now I have been forwarding ALL of her email to friends, past board members, and business associates and the feedback is always entertaining as we are all well aware that this lady is a nut job. Her emails are lame, pathetically full of grammar errors, and how does anyone miss spell words in this day and age. Two Words SPELL CHECK 

So I hosted the Tied To The Tracks program and featured The Munsters and the PD lost her Sh*t. She emailed me the most fragmented unprofessional email with phases of " I Hate " taking ownership of the station has never been in her wheelhouse and my favorite sentence " ... just send me an email like everyone else does ... " This email has gone viral among us volunteers and the replies are a classic. 

She poked the wrong bear here. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and called her at KAFM. My intention was to ask her to call a truce. I called her extension 8 times last week and she never once answered to phone. This led me to began a crusade to boycott the Fall FUNd Drive at KAFM but ...

I made it very clear as I spoke with fellow programmers that I do NOT want to "bring" KAFM down and I am not disinclined with KAFM the station. Would never ask programmers to bail on their shows during the fund drive or any time slot for Phuc sakes. Simply boycott this Fall Drive as a communal way of waking the Board of Directors up. Here is the problem. All 17 programmers emailed me back, They Haven't Donated A Dime In Over A Year. I have spoke with about 18 or 19 programmers in various locations and they all married the same phase. A majority of past programmers have ether quit their show and / or pulled their funding means. The stories they shared with me about the interaction with staff is repulsive. We all knew the current situation was bad but this is even more than damaging for the station as a collective. My goal now is to bring life back into the station. KAFM's legacy CAN'T end with these two Phuc Wits in play. 

There is a boycott already in place but we all never knew it or spoke of that fact amongst the masses. Everyone still speaks highly of other programmers but it is across the board that nobody supports staff. Only because I have attended numerous Board Meets as Joe Q Public , have been frequently attending off and on for 20 years now , the fund raising has plummeted over the past two years. The ED has continued to blame COVID but the problem with that "hide behind" suggestion is the other 5 Non Profit Community Radio Stations On The Western Slope Of Colorado have thrived this year. Well, four stations for sure but I can not verify or speak for the station in Crusty Cortez. For Context Here

KVNF made their $60,000.oo goal, KDNK went over their $85,000.oo goal over a three week fund raiser, KOTO had a goal to raise the funds to pay off their building and successfully accomplish that endeavor, and KBUT in Crested Butte raised $40,000.oo during a week long fund drive. KAFM's ED told the board during the May B.O.D. meeting that KAFM raised $17,000.oo during the Spring Fund Drive. However, thanks to inside information, only a few pennies over $12,000 was actually collected. Let That Sink In 

The other writing on the wall was in the latest group email sent out from the PD. This dipSh*T sent out an email regarding this Fall FUNd Drive 2022 and failed to add dates, times, and promote new programmers. Well, the two new programmers. But Still!!! Anyway, she claims that the annual Zombie Prom, no theme was mentioned, will be at the Mesa Theater. Well what do you know, the Theater is booked with bands and ZERO mention of Zombie Prom on their calendar of events. The PD attached a PDF for October's on air schedule and there are 28 available time slots. 28!!!! That clearly displays how many volunteers these two wack jobs have run off. 28 Open Time Slots in October 

Below is the email that this inadequate PD sent me after my show featuring The Munsters I previously mentioned above. She clearly deserves, no, is entitled to an increase of pay for such an amazing job performance. I am pretty sure that I have never heard a mentor or supervisor tell me they hate what I have done. I know for a fact that I have never had a boss tell me that they hate my style in writing. Who emails with hate in their banter of reasoning and fails to go back to delete or rework their thoughts or concerns?? 

atie Meyering

Wed, Sep 28, 10:59 AM (4 days ago)
to meCyrene

When you sub for a show you need to log Spinitron and make music logged is correct.  The mashup you did for Suzi came up as Scott Bradlee's Post Modern Jukebox feat Morgan James and the song came up as Take me to Church.  We pay royalties based on the accuracy of Spinitron, we need to get it right.

The descrep log is not the place to let me know that the Peter Trosclair Studio is dusgustingly filthy.  We have a cleaning service that come in Wednesday and cleans the studio and office.  The rest of the time we, being whomever is on air or in the studio that notices it dirty, we clean up.  Take trash out.  I don't "clean up after" the volunteers.  Everyone needs pitch in.  so if you notice the dirt, clean it up.  No one is above doing this.  The discrepancy log is to be used for technical issues, not to complain.  If you want to complain then send an email like everyone else.

Stop talking over music.  It doesn't sound cool and I hate it when a good instrumental comes on and someone talks over it.  It's disappointment, listener want to hear the music not you going on and on.

Icecast:  The number that shows up is NOT the number of listeners, it the number of IP addresses that are listening which could be way more than what you are talking about.  Just an FYI.

Program Director
KAFM Community Radio
1310 Ute Ave 
GJ CO 81501

Does that email boggle your mind?? Besides the unprofessional elementary grammar errors, who would ever send this rant to a volunteer?? The Spinitron she refers to is a company that collects data. Spinitron has added Japanese or Korean or Chinese characters to songs airing that it does not seem to recognize in realtime. Spinitron auto fills song titles so that it eliminates the miss spelled 20 something enters of Beatles White Album as an example of the problems Spinitron faced when the software was in its infancy. Whatever?!?!? It is also new to me and fellow volunteers that KAFM has been paying royalties. Again, WoW. On that discrepancy log that she mentions , she never addresses the other entry I made that the Entertainment Calendar read was for the previous week that already happened. Yes, the Entertainment Calendar was out dated by a week and my current show she is bagging on was Labor Day Weekend.  Again, not her job apparently as accuracy eludes her these days in the Program Director position. 

The PD fails to recognize that us volunteers have cleaned, mopped bathrooms, pulled weeds outside of the building, and have vacuumed countless times. We have instilled more pride in this building than she ever will and even states that she refuses to do so in that Email. These basic tasks are no longer going on as a result of NO Leadership Skills throughout this entity. But she is right, I should just send off an email to deaf ears like the troops have. Classic 

They other funny thought and pettiness is the fact that she believes I never knew the Icecast tracks IP Addresses. Duh!!! Throughout my show, two hours or three hours, I read the weather in Celsius and acknowledge the streaming listeners. Always Have, Always Will. I send text messages for years now promoting my upcoming show and you readers have been updated about an upcoming show a time or two. I will start  the show with 7 on line listeners, then 14 listeners, and update throughout the show. I mention by name of the caller that took the time to call me while on air and express their joy of hearing Herman Munster clips and what nots. Happily read appropriate text messages on air from folks and have always acknowledged Gary in Glade Park when he resurfaces. Here is the bigger question: What makes her email attractive for anyone to donate $$$$ to the station? Follow up question: Who would join an organization with this kind of feedback? Last Statement, a board member informed me during my failing crusade that the ED required all the current board of directors to fill out an online Harassment sheet and complete that program. Calling The Kettle Back 

Now, for the 'Rule" breaking!! This refers to the PD 's email that I could have cost the station $20,000 for not airing the KAFM Liner Produced Spots that Traffic produces. I.E. you are listening to KAFM Grand Junction. Now, during a membership drive, a listener calls in, they give the station a credit card number, a debit card number, or a bank account number and KAFM deducts $5, $10, or whatever amount and that is coined a sustaining membership. All sustaining members receive an entry into KAFM's yearly raffle. These raffles are monitored by the State of Colorado to curve cheating, embezzlement,etc. There are a handful of rules and guidelines that you must comply with when you are a non profit hosting a raffle of goods. Two of my friends, G & B were burnt last year by the ED and pulled their sustaining membership. They have not donated a dollar in almost two years now. Guess what??? They BOTH received a raffle tix as a sustaining member in good standing for the Elton John in Vegas Raffle last month. And I am the full on rule breaker here??? Staff has displayed zero accountability and clearly have no clue as to who or how they are collecting funds for the station. 

I was riding yesterday when I crossed paths with a husband and wife duo that have hosted a show on KAFM for years now. I wasn't up to speed that he had quit the station because of the ED and she is still holding strong. As I was sharing my thoughts of boycotting , they explained to me the husband only dropped $120 during the wife's show last spring, this text rolled in from long time programmer. I gave them the look, showed them this text, and said," I am telling you, I receive texts just like this at least once a month." 

KAFM is built into my helix and I am not about to quit or turn my back on the station. I completely sympathize with those that have left and understand where they are coming from. But quitting the station only allows the ED and PD the advantage in believing that they are winning. The facts speak for themselves and the ED and PD are not capable of growing a non profit radio station. Outreach is a foreign concept for these two. Again, they poked the wrong bear. 


Where did the time go?? The Boy Dog Passed away four years ago back in September and I just can't believe that his passing was that long ago. Best Karelian Bear Dog Ever!!  I still have no interest in adopting a dog and I assemble all my puppy needs by house and dog sitting. So Thats Cool

Shadow Boy hovered around 105 pounds and his heaviest weigh in at the vet was 118 pounds. In his prime, he was a solid muscular working breed and never threw in the towel during a car camping hike. Oh, and he never missed a meal.

Speaking of missing meals!!! In the above phone, after an hour, realized I hadn't plugged the dang thing in. What A Knucklehead

Snapped this photo above during Friday Night Bike Night. Still enjoying these meandering cruises around town. That is The Dude by the way. Oh wait, as the PD mentions, Just An FYI 

And during one of my house sitting gigs, harvested all of these tasty goodies from their garden!!! Fresh peach salsa was quite the hit at a small gathering of friends last weekend. Socializing 101


  1. Find A New Office Space
  2. Work On A New Design
  3. Embrace Change
  4. Play Well With Others
  5. Cycle With Vengeance 

Thank you so much for allowing me to vent here. This would be the first time here with this blog that I have openly expressed my deep concerns with leadership or operations regarding KAFM. I have never posted anything negative about KAFM here on this blog. I still believe in the station as KAFM is one hidden gem. We were all faced with diversity as September offered up challenges for sure. Rock Toe Ber will have its moments as well and it is just a phase. We are well aware of this and you all have prevailed numerous times throughout your lifespan. I am so looking forward to future advances of success for all of us. Again, I want KAFM to prove superior but this bullying needs to stop. 

Autumn is just so flipping magical here in Colorado. The East Coast is also gorgeous during the turning of leaves but if you had to be else where, Colorado Baby. And Yes, Think Snow Please 

Go Team Human,
