Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Totally Awesome

Check me out from the Crested Butte days. I posted this photo because it dawned on me that this bike is 20 years old!! I bought this GT Ricochet in 1995 as a discount because it was the 94 model. The story is…….. YESTERDAY was AWESOME!!

I have a killer BoB Trailer that I hooked up 2 the old GT and loaded it up w/all my recycling. I took off at 1pm while we sat at 36F and the day felt more like 70F. Thankfully I only wore a very light flannel and my thin homemade cap to keep the air off my ears. The recycling center is a simple few miles away so I took the long route because I felt great riding. The streets were quite empty and I went w/a high cadence. I had the weight in the back which makes it feel like your always riding uphill. I always give myself enough room for a quick turn, a slow stop, or a lean out towards traffic to keep the passing cars honest about the 3 feet they should allow us cyclist. Ya RIGHT. My ride south went well and event free. Dropped off all the recycling and headed for the river. 

Shadow Boy after our loop. Check out the tongue action. He pulled me and I ran thoughts threw my head. Ya Know, the ideas that save the world. My legs feel so good. Its just the lungs I have yet to find. The nights are incredible to walk and check out the constellations above. We are have clear and cold nights. No moon at 11pm so the blanket of stars rolled on around me and the Boy Dog. Here is something to chew on……. Walking w/your arms swinging for 15min once a day can improve the muscle we call the heart. ONLY 15min!!! Get out and walk. And drinking 20oz of water everyday will burn 25 pounds over the coarse of a year. So Get Out And Drink Water While Walking w/your friend, partner, pet, OR BY YOURSELF!!! Get Out And GO……..

Do You Know This Guy??? You Should!!! Tony Furtado is more than just a bango player. The Blue Z and I headed down to our local community radio station. The building was a little room ( perfect 4 acoustic style bands ) and Tony's 3 piece band played the room well. VERY WELL!!! Its the kind of room where you want the artist to talk between songs. When I am at big shows, I don't want the singer to wing a " How is everyone her in ****** town?" I say," Just Play!" But the Radio Room offers an intimate surrounding and an up close and personal atmosphere. Tony told short little stories about the band and a few of his songs and song writings tales. One story was how he never listened to the Grateful Dead but played a private gig for a Jerry B-Day Bash and needed to learn a few songs. So he played Peggy Sue and it was unreal. What a voice. Another story was about losing a friend, a writer, and later, his father so he played Fallen Angles. Very few dry eyes during that little gem. The room was packed, faces I haven't seen in over a decade, and Tony was a professional for sure. A Lot Of Notes In 2+ Hours

I may not post in a few days but wanted to throw out a bone here. I am hosting a radio show Thursday Night at 6:30 Mt Time Zone. Hope You Can Stream. www dot kafmradio dot org

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