Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday Fun Day

Sunday started w/an early hike w/the Boy Dog and what a morning it was. Over the years, I have begun to enjoy the sunrise and the colors that showcase the sky. In my younger years, the sun coming up meant I was pulling the covers over my head and snoooooooozing for a few more hours. Now, these days, up before the sun says hello and thats that.

The body felt Gr8 2day!!! My ankles softened the blow, knees lined up, hips were fluid, low back was relaxed, shoulders open, and my head was placed on top and alert. It took me awhile to control my stride ( NOT BLAMING THE BOY DOG ) and kept reminding myself 2 shorten my stride and relax. Overall, Sunday ended the week on a damn good note and the week was awesome 4 sure.

This week coming up.......... Stretching, few more miles on the bike, & spending even more time w/the Boy Dog!!!!
You Are Still Missed Little Girl

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