Thursday, August 21, 2014

Radio Show Tonight

Life Is Awesome….. I have been having some of the best damn days…… We should all have these days….. Everyday….. Every Summer….. Every Week……… I send off gratitude

A few high lights and recaps:

My training pace has picked up for the better. Thank You Legs
New Clients. Thank You Ortho-Bionomy
The video from above is a sample of what goes on just before the KOM. Thanx Colorado Race Fans
And the socializing. Thank so much boo cycles ( check out their site )
Camping w/friends, family, & the Boy Dog. Thanx San Juan Mts
Outdoor concert series. Thanx Hugh & Kelly & The Rock-a-Strua at CMU

On Tap 

Easy walk w/the Shadow Boy in the morning.
Another New Client
Catching the debacled coverage on NBC Sports at 1:30pm
Working the Farmer's Market at 4pm.
Board Meeting at 5:30pm
Hosting the Magic Carpet Ride at 6:30pm www dot kafmradio dot org A Classic Rock Show Tonight
Friday will have some tile work involved it it some how, easy walk w/Shadow Boy, and grain filled dinner BECAUSE……

…….Saturday is the Search And Rescue 8 Mile Trail Run!!!! Cant Wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. 8 mile trail run sounds like a freaking blast! Good luck and take lots of pictures!!
