Working The Plank This Month |
Happy Happy Folks!! A week of Othro classes, early morning walks w/the Boy Dog, and picking up new clients. Thats about how the month of August was gone for me so far. I am feel gratitude!!! Monday and Tuesday classes were specifically geared towards post session. Meaning, after about a 30-45min session, we learned some calming ways and movements towards integration to end the session with. I totally enjoyed the classes but the pace of them was way too slow for me. Wednesday was a day of practitioner training that damn near killed me. I say this because the class really had no direction and would drift off topic so quickly. I completely blame this on the lack of leadership by the new instructor. But it is what it is. Early before class, I was thinking about how lucky we as a class were because we had a number of working practitioners and a 30+ year chiropractor in the class as well. I thought about hanging back and just observing and listening about their approach and philosophy. What blew me away is some of the topics and situations that were brought up that had simply solutions. At one point, I asked another student if she worked out of her home. She went on and on but never thought about why I asked her that question. I was going to point out two ideas that would be very helpful for what she was explaining but I passed and let her ramble on. Later on in the afternoon, sitting w/two other students, I brought up the original situation that she brought up and gave my answers of possible solutions and they were like," Oh thats awesome." I threw this little fish hook out there in hopes that it will get back to the original student. Another problem that was brought up was how to get a client OUT of the office. I deal w/this all the time. Most of my clients will discharge thought their mouths and that is OK. They enjoy sitting in my waiting room and hope that we can continue talking as if it were a coffee shop. My simple line is something like this…… Thank you so much for coming in today. Now, notice what you feel in your body as you walk down the hallway and allow yourself to integrate the work. I need to clean up the room as I have another client on their way and I look forward to seeing you on _________ date…… That is one of the most simple and professional way of leading them out. And its the truth. But in class, the gals wanted to relive the clients situation and say things like, " Oh, I have this one client that _______ ." And away they go and no leadership to bring the topic back to focus. Thats the part that really disappointed me about the day. Everyone had a bitch or confession but nobody had a solution. Or wanted to come to terms w/that particular scenario.
Today & Friday we are covering Chapman's Reflexes which I learned about 4 years back and continue to use often. Well, maybe not that often, but they are an easy clue finder when I am suck in my problem solving skills or assessments. I am totally looking forward to the next two days and will really be diving in feet first. I also have my Block Captain job at the Farmer's Market today. So looking forward to that because our desert weather is shaping up to be beautiful. The past weeks have been windy or raining because of the Monsoonal flow. Today, its going to be 88F and clear as a bell. Clear as a bell???? What the hell does that even mean???
On Saturday, I have a 10K to look forward to. Bring it on baby!!! I will have some photos from that event, stories to share, and good news to spread. Life Is Awesome!!
Do you receive any body work???? What do you like about it??? What do you prefer??? Meaning, Chiro, acupuncture, massage,etc. Thanx so much for stopping by!!!
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