Sunday, January 12, 2025

Wild Card Weekend - Bring Back College Football

When The Moon Is In The Seventh House      And Jupiter Aligns With Mars     Then Peace Will Guide The Planets     And Love Will Steer The Stars        This Is The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius      The Age Of Aquarius 

Hair Ensemble 1967 

So what does one do on their first day off of 2025?? Well of course they apply for a job. Yup , scored a tip on a part time job that I just couldn't refuse to pass up. Donkey Kicking 

Turns out , there is this company OAK View and they are based in Seattle Washington. They apparently specialize in the process of filling position all across the states. The way that it was explained to me is that these style of industries are responsible for hiring employees for entertainment and sports disrupting. Example: our University just built a gorgeous theater on campus and they are desperate for employees to tend bar , stage hands , etc. Back our day ( most blogger and readers are of age ) we would apply as students for credit and rarely $$$$ would be offered. Mostly on the job experience. But today , students are useless so these jobs are out sourced to companies like OAK View. What blew my mind is OAK View hired GJ folks for the Avalon Theater , The Convention Center Downtown , and The Los C Amphitheater. Unreal 

So I was informed that this OAK Team is looking for Audio/Visual/Lighting Technicians for the brand new Artesia Theater on campus. Basically running cables , operating spot lights , and trouble shooting mics , soundboards , etc. All these task are completely in my wheelhouse so I was moderately intrigued. I became rather aroused when I discovered the starting wage is $40 an hour. Top shelf pay for weekend work this spring/summer. Bring It 

Send Positive Vibes My Way Please ,



  1. Good luck with the job application. Great pay with that one!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seems perfect for you! Best of luck.
