Sunday, January 26, 2025

So Weak I Am

Tell Me Something Girl     Are You Happy In This Modern World    Or Do You Need More    Is There Something Else You're Searching For      I'm Falling        In All The Good Times    I Find Myself Longing For Change     And In The Bad Times     I Fear Myself     Tell Me Something Boy    Aren't You Tired Trying To Fill That Void      Or Do You Need More     Ain't It Hard Keeping It So Hardcore     I'm Falling   In All Good Times    I Find Myself Longing For Change     And In Bad Times     I Fear Myself    I'm Off The Deep End   Watch As I Dive In     I'll Never Meet The Ground     Crash Through The Surface    Where They Can't Hurt Us     We're Far From The Shallow Now 

Lady Gaga , Bradley Cooper

Star Is Born 2018 

Hello All, 

Yes, you read that title correctly. The first order of business was to remove the inside cap from the top of the boiler. Once I accomplished that task without dropping parts into the belly of the boiler itself , cleaning this old cap began. I have zero idea for how long ago the old gasket was installed around this cap. But I can tell you that it had melted and/or broken down many moons ago. Looking Good Now 

The above photo is of the old ball value and contraption for regulating the boiler. That big ball looking thing is what needed to be replaced and that open valve there is rather important for properly installing this beauty. Joy

Once we replaced to nipples and a 6 inch pipe , the assembly process began. City Boy , Little E and I started tightening this all back together. We struggled like crazy with this process and those are City Boys hands on top there in the above picture. We literally gave it all we had and ended up with a 16 and 3/4 in gap between valves. Guess what??? That gap must be at 15 inch period. Even when I gave it my all which included my tiny little boney butt , 16 and 5/8 was all that we could muster. City Boy asked me to go measure again because we all needed a breather here. Measuring was simply a distraction. City Boy even walked back to boiler just to look over my shoulder to make sure I could unequivocally read a taper measure correctly. Thankfully he did because he coaxed two of the biggest gym rats to come and help us. So wished I captured this task on video.  True Testosterone Baby  

Now the one guy is way taller than me and strapped. The other guy is about my hight but always wears sweatshirts or baggy tops. He whips off is top to unveil his Sylvester Stallone physique wearing a white wife beater tank top. His arms are Phuc N solid and his waist is about the same diameter as my thigh. These two brawny guys could easily compete in bodybuilding competitions like right now. Once they attached our two pipe wrenches , I quickly ducked to stabilized the base with my grip , them boys began tightening down this whole apparatus like butter. My jaw hit the floor as they grunted away with raw power. With each quarter turn , they closed the gap like a paperboy folding a newspaper before wrapping with it up with a rubber band. Now remember , three of use were struggling and felt defeated. These two monsters rocked it out with minimal effort. When I measured the first time , 15 and 1/4 inches. Two more rotations and 15 inches on the flipping nose. Impressive 

As we left the shop proud like peacocks , I carried this bad boy back to the boiler room. Once Little E and I attached this sucker onto the side of the boiler , it was a matter of transferring the old wire schematics to the new control box. Up and running went the boiler and the stream room was full of life once again. All in a days work I say while rolling my eyes. 

In Closing , Better Start Eating My Wheaties, 



  1. Muscle men to the rescue, works each time. :) Better get some wheaties in your bowl. :)

  2. This looks a bit scary... Hard to put trust in, but you got the job done! Cheers to that.
