Saturday, October 31, 2020

PAWS - itive Vibes


BIKE - 538mi / 865km


PR's - 4

HOURS - 45

Days Off The Bike - 10 

So fortunate to have this functioning connective River Trail System and very well used by other cyclist, roller blade racers, wheel chair folks, random tandem bikes, and various couples out for a journey through the Valley. We all ride through golden colors of bliss. YES


Cycling is an attitude adjuster activity and a pretty damn nice endorphin rush while screaming down the Rocky Mountain descents. Been stripping off my pissy pants and settling in on the saddle for mind clearing spins. Started climbing hills because I am a complete lump of room temperature butter when it comes to hill repeats. First time up, cool. Second time up, sucks. Third time, should dismount the bike and walk. And Where Is That Cardiovascular System 

And the horrified facial expressions crack me up. Rode the commuter bike, like I always do, everyone asked if I rode in this morning at 18F / -7C. With my helmet under my arm, I so want to be the worlds biggest dickhead. In my mind I ask, what was your carbon impact this morning? How long did you warm up you car when you are really just warming it up so you don't feel cold? Did you really drive less than 3 miles this morning? Is your car still warm for the commute home or does it need to idle again? And I am the silly one?? Wake Up Humans 

This was a very special moment. I rode past this spot and witnessed this handsome Bald Eagle spreading its wings as it swooped in for a landing on that dead Cottonwood tree. So I spun back around to capture this beautiful sight. Just as I hit that red button on my iPhone, a friend from long ago rang. Stoked 


The only good news out of this disastrous virus was the opportunity for a ZOOM funeral. If Den would have passed in 2019, All I could say to Rob is that I am thinking of you or other BS statements from this side of the world. But with COVID, the Australian funeral home streamed the whole service and I did feel apart of the ceremony. Without that technology, would have never seen the slide show photos of Dennis from his childhood, would have missed out on all the stories his friends, mates, and co-worked shared, and would have felt really disconnected. 

When the news came in that Dennis was consciously stopping all treatments, I began honoring him. Only took me about 12 days to fill this trash can with empty grog cans. When Robert spoke during the service he said at one point," ...with a can in hand, Dennis would approve." Robert gave a well stated from the heart 3 or 4 page eulogy. Tear jerker for sure but filled with humor as well. Truly amazed how well Robert held up while speaking. Very Impressive Really 


Here are some before and after shots of the wonderful outdoor work I was doing before the winter blast hit. I made a quick pit stop before McClure Pass to stretch the low back and shake the legs out. If I didn't stop, would never have seen Team Bambi strolling across the road. 

The forecast for my day, the below photo is task at hand with a weed eater. But before that sucker fired to life, such a peaceful location. I firmly believe that Aspen Trees communicate through their root system, just like James Cameron's movie Avatar. The largest grove of living Aspens are right here in Colorado. Something special about simply standing quietly amongst these living beauties and breathing in the fresh mountain air. 

And afterwards. My job for the day was cutting a path from the main road to this watering hole. The path was actually a road from way back when thats been barricaded for decades to any thought 4x4 action. With the right tunes dancing through my earbuds and short safety meetings, cleaned up rather nicely.

This little watering hole is stunningly gorgeous and I am rather luck to have this as a back drop while I worked. The clear water is provided by mountain snow run off and trickled down into each separate beaver lake/lodge habitat. This landscape setting inhabits joy as a majority of the leaves had fallen but these bright orange reddish beauties were still hanging on. Such A Beautiful World 

Another before photo here down below. That tall grass was about hip high and those dormant twigs along the road were awful. If I walked anywhere near those pesky sticks, the weed wacker would damn near fly from my hands. The Sh*T Sucked 

So my day was basically making a medium high pass and following that up with a ground level pass. And of course, its my MO, I worked the road like munching down on a summer time sweet corn on a cob. The job took me all afternoon but I didn't care. Yes, could think of a hundred things that I would rather be doing but work is work and thats way its called WORK. 

Just how cool is manual labor?? I get paid to do this. But on the bright side, my little flask of Makers Mark made it until the end. Another byproduct behind wearing a mask, nobody could smell my breath at 11am. 

And after a camp stove dinner of noodles, mixed with homemade sauce, fresh streamed broccoli and cauliflower, and a killer organic baby mix salad, I was treated to this sunset. Something about thin air sunsets. The three planets of Venus, Mars, and Saturn popped up first. Then, stars like you couldn't imagine. The Milky Way didn't appear until well after midnight but that gassy cloud was stupendous and astounding all at the same time. When you're gazing up, your mind begins to activate with all kinds of creative avenues. Love That!! What to paint next, landscaping projects, where to ride in 2021. You Know, Night Dreaming 

And the harvest before the storm!! Roasting these beauties and then quickly into an ice bath they go. They are then frozen until later this winter. So looking forward to munching down on these guys around New Years. Loads of harvesting and timing just as the brutal winter weather blast hit. Made It, But Damn 


The week leading up to the storm , winterizing swamp coolers, disconnecting hoses, and pulling in all the house plants from patios, walkways, and front steps. Believe me, I was dead on wrong this storm. The local meteorologist have been miss forecasting storms for years now and boldly stated the Grand Valley was in for 6-8inches of snow. Me, sure!?!? More like two inches of rain at most was my prediction. So Wrong 

They did however miss inform us about the moisture content associated with this front. I only recorded 3.75 inches of snow but it was a very wet snow that fell. Shoveling sidewalks and driveways took a little effort on my part. I have perviously shoveled out a number of older neighbors just because but this time around, passed on two houses. They had put up their Trump flags and Trump Sh*t in September and I happily just walked on by with my shovel. 

After a few brews, swapped out my wet boots for my dry pair and started walking. There is something about the crunching sound of fresh Pow Pow under my boot steps. The air is so still after a storm rolls through and a true sense of peace hovered over my walk-a-bout. So Dig That 

The above photo was shot at 7:11pm and its pretty dark out here in Colorado by then. Our light pollution is unreal!! Ended up taking myself out for another walk around 10pm or so because the streets were so well illuminated. I walked right down the middle of the street like I used to do with The Boy Dog. 

While walking, loads of branches were breaking off because of the weight from all the wet snow adding up. A crack of a limb creates a very distinct sound. There are two full size pick up trucks under that branch in the above photo. At one point, a tree limb from an Elm Tree snapped and crashed down to Mother Earth just ahead of me. The "dust" cloud of snow reminded me of clips from a Loney Tune cartoon. You know, when Wile E. Coyote would fall off a cliff after chasing the elusive road runner. So Cool 


Well, Halloween Eve shenanigans actually. Our Dr Seuss plans were tossed out the window and I am passing on that Caveman / Cavewomen outing tonight. Last night however, totally righteous!! 

The oldest niece just moved into a really sweet house and hosted a gathering of friends and family for a mini Halloween Eve. I wasn't all that fired up and obviously skeptical with COVID and unknowns but was talked into it. Our plan was to make an appearance and if it was a sitting around the living room style of party, we would split. Another Field Trip 

Turns out, the old roommate that move out so my niece could move, long ago friend of mine. So I ended up knowing almost everyone at the "party" and we all hung out in the backyard for most of the night shooting the Sh*t and reminiscing about past friends, old business we used to frequent, and basic updates in general. Turned out to be a really good group and very respectful. Masks were clearly worn, space was created when sipping brews, and a majority of the group knew each other from daily work interactions or lovers of the friend. 

The Dude & I would socialize for a bit and then we would hop on the decorated bikes for a ride around town. This pattern played out all night and couldn't have worked out any better. Our highly visible bikes were dressed in lights, our bells rang out for anyone and everyone, and our outfits were ideal for the cooler night time temperatures. Yes, top of the parking structure was the site of a few swigs to refresh the core. 

Hungover as all get out, home made bath bagels were under way. I defiantly dropped the ball by not having a proper bloody mary station set up. The fresh brewed coffee was nice but bloodies would have been the veteran move. OOPS

Went with a classic everything bagel and a very tasty salt and lightly fresh crushed garlic. After the yeast became activated, floated four of them at a time in the boiling water for about 55 seconds, coated with the appropriate toppings after a quick egg wash brushing, and then baked off for about 25 minutes. Good Ol Philly Cream Cheese and fresh Smoked Sockeye Salmon waited the oven baked wonders. Turn Out, Oh Baby 

And here is my Blue Moon offering for tonight. Fresh spring water from the mountain spring I stumbled upon and wrote about on September 3rd and topped the mason jar off with a crystal for extra good juju. Serious Blessings Here 


  1. Smile With My Heart 
  2. Adding Heavier Weight To The Routine 
  3. Be Present 
  4. Climb Like There Is No Tomorrow 
  5. Say Something Nice For No Reason At All 
As the time changes tonight, check on your friends. There is this massive political static charge in the air. Stress is around every corner and stress never judges. It is a fact that heart attacks increase during time changes, car accidents are elevated, and sunsets at 3pm just simply sucks. And on top of that, A Blue Moon happens tonight to encompass the whole wacky freaking Halloween weekend. If you're truly a friend, call and say good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, I am thinking about you and wanted to catch up. Its That Easy

Be Well & Do Better,


  1. Dearest Travis,
    You are very lucky with such a River Trail for biking or whatever and what great encounters with nature!
    Quite some miles added and you had some fun times with friends; which is good for the soul.

    1. Your Personalized Messages Are Just The Best - Very Blessed To Have This Wonderful Opportunity Throughout Our Vally Floor - Amazing Encounters With Nature And Always Nice To Receive A Friendly Wave From Fellow Mankind - Working Out Of Town Every Weekend But Halloween So Could Have Added A Few More Miles In - I Only Say That Because I Wanted To Be Closer To A Thousand Miles For October - Wish Me Luck In November - Thank You For Always Dropping Such Lovely Comments - Brings A Smile To My Heart - Thank You


  2. Interesting you have to precook/freeze the peppers, here we buy them all year around.
    Good path to walk and ride on in first 2 photos...
    Take care and loving the look of that snow :)

    1. Roasting The Skin Brings Out The Flavor, The Ice Bath Stops The Over Cooked Process Before They Become Mush, And Freezing Allows For A Special February Or March Treat - The Path Is Incredible And Very Well Used By All Types Of Transportation - I Sure Appreciate Corresponding With You - Thank You And Take Care This Week


  3. -7C really is cold! I once rode fast on a nowy, windy day and bingo. My eyes got "sick", no idea if it was the cold wind and/or a virus, but I need eye cream every night now.
    So... take care of that, huh? (And I am wearing (normal) glasses).

    Glad C19 kinda gives back good that way. And a joke along the way can heal so much.
    I was beside myself on my Mum´s funeral and yet, we made jokes, we laughed and the black coat I bought for this occasion I can even wear again as it´s got bitter-sweet memories.

    Hmmmm... broccoli and cauliflower, yum! And that sunset, beautiful gift after such a hard day for sure.
    Oh, yes, I cannot only imagine, I saw it in the Australian Outback many times, I miss the sky very much (not so much the mossies).
    Lucky you and thank you for sharing and hence bringing back memories!

    Never heard of roasting and freezing peppers!

    Eeeeek. Snow. For one day this would be OK. One.Day. Beep beep!

    Cool costume! And a nice evening! Loads of fun, it looks like.

    Great goals.
    We switched time already the weekend before. So dumb, it makes no sense in these days (speaking of years).
    And the moon? Add clouds to the light pollution... But, aw, well, that´s life!

    1. It Was Cold But You Do Warm Up While You Pedal On - My Glasses Were Fine Until I Put My Mask On And Then They Were All Fogged Up - oops - Humor Was Welcomed As The Service Went Well - Sending A Big Hug Because Of Your Pain With Your Mom Passing - The Camping Meals Always Taste A Little Better Than A Home Cooked Meal - Fire Roasting Peppers Changes/Adds Taste And The Freezing Allow Me To Enjoy Them Many moons On Down The Road - Thats About All We Had, One Days Worth - Our Forecast Is Slated To Be Bone Dry For Awhile And That So Sucks For Our Forest And Water Table - Glad You Liked The Costumes - The Moon Was So Magical And Hope To Fulfill Those Goals - Be Well And Thanx For Regularly Checking In On Me - Thank You


  4. What a wonderful uplifting post.
    We tuned in to my late step father's sister in law's funeral. We would never had attended, having only met her once. It was very nice. While personal attendances will rise again, I expect the broadcasting of a funeral is here to stay.
    While riding fast down hills on your bike, of course yes, you have to go uphill to ride downhill.

    1. Right On Drew - Something Quite Special About Tuning Into A Funeral - Obviously It Was A First For Me And Would Have Rather Attended - But Having That Option Was Remarkable Because Of The Feeling Of A Sense Of Purpose - Or, You Have To Ride Uphill If You Started Off Downhill - HA
      - How Is That Ticker Of Yours - Been Thinking About You A Lot - Also, Stoked Your Cases Are At Zero To Little - Good On You All - Take Care


  5. Hello,
    I was happy to hear about your snowfall, I am sure it helped the firefighters. The Aspens and the river trail look awesome, beautiful views. Love the deer, they should stay out of the road. Sounds you had a fun Halloween! Your goals are inspiring! Take care, have a great new week!

    1. Really Helped The Forest Floor - Such Beautiful Views Around Every Corner - Thanx For Taking The Time As Its Always Nice Hearing From You

      Thank You,

  6. ...I am prepared to wait a bit longer for our first snow. Thanks for the preview.

  7. Beautiful documentation of your pawsitive October month!
    Best wishes for achieving your set goals.

  8. You have kept very busy-that was allot of work clearing that path, good that you could get out to a party for some fun. the first snow is always so magical isn't it?-have an awesome November

    1. Trying My Best - Yes, Watching The Rain Turn To Snow And Accumulate Was Rather Magical - Loads Of Fear For Me Over The Next 24 Hours


  9. You are so right about a funeral during these times. The husband of a childhood friend died and I could watch the funeral because of the pandemic. I couldn’t have under normal circumstances. Some good has come out of the pandemic for certain.

    Our bikes will be going away for the winter soon. We rode one day at 0 C and it took forever to warm up afterwards. I admire you cycling determination and skill.

    The Hallowe’en party worked well by the sound of it. No need to worry about social distancing etc. Well done everyone.

    Have a great November, Padre.

    1. Sorry For Your Loss And Hope Watching The Funeral Brought You Some Closure - Its Riding A Bike So Much Fun - The Party Was Fun And I Am Kind Of Embarrassed With My Pre Party Behavior Because I Really Didn't Want To Go Or Be Around Anyone - Then, It Was Great To Reconnect With Society Again And Very Freeing To Know That Everyone Felt The Same Way As I - Very Reassuring - Looking Forward To November, So Far


  10. How wonderful that you got to share in your dear friends funeral service Padre, I'm sure a few years were shred. I think you feel about riding the way I feel about walking.. good for the soul. sounds like Halloween turned out a lot better than you thought it would that's cool.. very quiet affair here 😉 The next few days up to the elections are going to be nerve wracking..for the whole world! Take care 💜

    1. Really Was Wonderful And A First For Me - So Good For The Soul - Halloween Eve Was Pretty Damn Righteous - Most Americans Are Completely Clueless About How The Rest Of The World Fairs With Out Election - Just A Bunch Of Entitles Knuckleheads Really - Fingers Crossed!!!

      Big Hugs Perth

  11. I'm glad you got to go to the party and that it was Covid-safe! Stay away from those snowy limbs! And I hope Team Bambi made it across the road. :)

    1. Super Safe And Enjoyable Party - No Limbs To The Noodle - Team Bambi Did Make It And That Car In The Photo Came To A Dead Stop


  12. The party sounded like fun and safe. It was just what you needed it seems and came at the right time. Grilling those peppers reminded me of doing that years ago when I had a grill. We used to add some fish and sliced potatoes wrapped in foil and all spiced and herbed up to the grill. Great memories and the taste buds are alive now and craving it.:) Glad you got to be part of your friend's memorial. It's nice to be able to say goodbye. Enjoy your week and glad you are doing better. Thanks, Padre!

    1. Great Time With Good People - Great Call On The Fish And Potatoes - Looking Forward To The Week Ahead And A Rather Full Schedule - Thank You For Your Kind Words During Those Difficult Time - I Appreciate You Mr Bill


  13. I just love reading your blog and the enthusiasm you have with nature. Your love of biking and the mountains. I don't share the joy you have over snow. We got about the same amount as you did. Heavy wet. Just too early for snow here. And since it's supposed to stay above freezing, I didn't bother to shovel the walkway. We also figured we wouldn't need the kid who comes to snowblow the driveway either. Not this storm, anyway. Technology is wonderful that you were able to attend the celebration of life for your friend, and I enjoyed the Halloween party, too. Take care.

    1. Well Thank You CJ - Riding My Bike Is So Freeing And Stomping Around In The Snow Males My Heart Happy - Technology Does Have Its Benefits - Thanx For Checking In As Always


  14. Pretty busy, and sure is pretty in our area.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. I Am Very Pleased To Be Busy Again - Coffee Makes Me Happy - Thank You


  15. I'm happy to read that you enjoyed a nice and safe (with proper social distance) Halloween party at your niece and met a friend there. That's great that you could enjoy your time and talk about past times. The Halloween costumes with masks thrown effortlessly in are really cool. We don't celebrate Halloween but we have religious celebrations connected with All Saints' Days so it was a festive weekend for me. I went to the graveyard when there wasn't anybody there- and there usually isn't anyone because hardly anyone lives in the village of my grandmother. I went to visit my parents, I don't see them often these days, I typically avoid social visits because I work in a school so that means I'm typically in contact with hundreds of kids.

    1. All Saints Day Is A Great Festival Around The World - Didn't Realize You Worked In A School, Good On You - Thanx So Much For Checking In And Have A Fantastic Work Week


  16. I forgot to comment on you nature and landscape photography- it's always very inspiring your love for the outdoors!

    1. Good Catch There And I Do Enjoy Living Life Outdoors

  17. The admninistration is trying to build a good trail system here in Italy too, at least in the northern part of the country they do.
    It is so nice to see there is so much wild life there... here we see very often the marks that are warning of the presence of deers or bears but I have not once seen one... at best I saw some hare oonce is a while.
    Amazing photos, I always love to visit your blog for the fabulous pictures of nature and wild life.
    Great goals, maybe I will steal some :P
    Stay safe!

    1. Hope They Succeed As The Trials Will Change Lives - I Am Pleased That You Love Visiting And Please Feel Free To Implement All The Goals Into Your Daily Life - Take Care WT


  18. Nice pictures (as always) and i love snow 😍

    1. Thank You And Nothing Like A Snow Storm Moving Through - So Clean - So Fresh - So Damn Freeing - Thanx For Checking In


  19. Oh those golden line of trees brother SO BEAUTIFUL! Plus the snow!!! Thank you for giving me a taste of snow, have never seen it yet falling :)

    1. They Are Beautiful - Someday You Will - Stay Strong Brother Stevenson


  20. i enjoyed your description of yourself, climbing the hills...i got a visual!! fall was pretty here, but short lived!!

    that was a good way to roast the peppers, less mess and stress that doing them inside!!

    the snow looks pretty but you should get a snow blower?!?! nice goals this week, #5 is the best!!

    1. Cant Ya Just See The Lump At The End While Your Butter Knife Mashes On Through - And Its An Old Washing Machine Drum - Prefer The Peacefulness Of A Good Old American Shovel - Spread Number Five Like Wild Flowers


  21. Enjoyed your blog post today as I sit down for a while. Loved the costumes for Halloween. Great bike trail. Beautiful aspen. Terrific idea of the zoom funeral. Oh, and one more thing...I know all too well about bloody mary's!!

    1. Thanx And I Do Love A Good Bloody Mary - Be Well


  22. I hate funerals but I might actually enjoy a Zoom one. As you say, much more sympathetic to the deceased. Please don't send that snow our way.

    1. And You Can Enjoy A Can Or Four In The Privacy Of Your Own Place


  23. Uma bela postagem, gostei de ver as fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Que bom que você gostou das fotos e eu sempre aprecio os abraços - fique bem


  24. The zoom funeral? What a bad idea!
    In love with first pic!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Not Sure I Follow - That Photo Was From A Dawn Patrol Bike Ride - In Fact, Our Last Few Sunrises Have Been Off The Chart Gorgeous - Stay Safe Over There And Keep Speaking Your Truth


  25. Technology often frustrates me, but then there are times that it really amazes me. I am glad you were still able to "attend" the funeral of your dear friend because of technology.

    Please keep that snow there. I am not looking forward to it here, at all!

    1. Agreed And I Tend To Embrace The Unknown - Feels Empowering - I Was Very Pleased With 'attending" The Service - Sure Wish It Was Snowing Right Now - Take Care T & Thanx For Stopping By


  26. Amazing :)
    „Zapraszam także do siebie na nowy post - KLIK

  27. There is good coming out of the pandemic and I commented on that today when I learned that I snagged a 6 pack of Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. It's a limited release. In normal times, people line up for the stuff, but this year, the liquor store had a lottery. So one Christmas gift is done! I'm actually kinda excited about it.

    The snow in your beard looks good on you!

    1. That Goose Island Bourbon Stout Sounds Absolutely Delightful - Thanx For Checking In Little W - Always Nice To Hear Whats On Your Mind - Enjoy The Work Week And Stay Strong


  28. Gran variedad de imágenes, descubro en tu extenso reportaje.

    Me encantan las de la Naturaleza.


    1. Obrigado por notar a veracidade das fotos - Eu adoro viver a vida ao ar livre maravilhoso - Por favor, ouvi de você - Be Well


  29. Buenas noches! Una entrada que tiene un poco de todo!!Mu completa, desde los recorridos y sendas de las primeras fotos, por cierto muy despedida de un amigo, las reuniones de Halloween y los disfraces , con buena energia de las personas en cuanto a querer celebrar pese al COVID.. y los ricos preparativos para convidar a los invitados.. Gracias por compartir estas pequeñas cosas de la vida cotidiana. Abrazos y a seguir con los cuidados. Muy buena semana

    1. Estou muito feliz em compartilhar essas aventuras por meio de palavras e imagens - Obrigado por comentar - Fique forte esta semana e grandes abraços do seu jeito


  30. Loving these pics so much! The view of the snow is amazing and these costumes are pretty awesome.
    Happy new week!

    1. Right On And You Used Awesome In The Proper Context - Well Done - Thanx For Dropping A Comment - Really Appreciate It


  31. I love, love, love your goals, smiling and being nice is something we really need, especially during these days! As always I enjoy your photos, the one with the sky looks sooo pretty. And the food sounds yummy too! Have a lovely day!

    1. Been Doing My Best To Smile With My Eyes Ever Since Biden Was Announced - That Particular Shot Continued To Impress Me By The Second - Eat Well And Stay Strong


  32. Beautiful photos! We haven't had snow for a long time ... It didn't appear at all last year. You can see that the climate is changing. Once upon a time it was getting snowy here in November.

    1. I Hear Ya On The Climate - Think Snow And Do Your Rain Dance As Well


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