Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025/02/25 2025/25/02 02/25/2025 Three Magical Days Left

Boogie Fever     Got To Boogie Down      Boogie Fever     I Think It's Going Around     I Took My Baby To The Drive-in Show    She Turned The Speaker Down    And Then She Turned On The Radio   I Watched A Silent Movie Diggin' Funky Sound    She's Got The Boogie Fever    She Likes To Boogie Down     I Took My Baby To The Pizza Parlor    To Get A Bite To Eat    I Put Some Money In The Jukebox For Her    You Know She Ate Her Pizza Dancing To The Beat 

The Sylvers

Something Special 1976 


Well , here we go boys and girls and why should this notion be any different? Reached out ( answered HIS ad ) to a guitar player , we seemed to hit it off , met with HIS drummer , that felt as if it went really well , and today the phone call came in that HIS band is still auditioning bass players. Say What?? And I wanted so bad to ask ,"You mean to tell me that you held me on the phone here talking about your job and what not when you knew all along that I am not your guy?? SO why are you wasting "our" time here?" Unreal  

I guess what bothered me the most was listening to him jabber on , his band , his schedule , what he wants for days off , and never once did he ask me a single question about the audition or direction or if I even resinated with his drummer or the style of music or what I do for a career. Oh Musicians 

It has come to my attention that it is 100% me. Like All Me. Bands are built around chemistry , which I clearly don't possess. Relationships only jive with chemistry and I definitely bomb on that avenue as well. I have now met and played along with 4 guitar players and I am discovering that I am just an odd breed. Somewhere there is this unwritten rule that in order to be apart of band you must a rock star with an ugly self-centered ego and must always carry yourself as if you are top dog. It also really helps the cause if you bash other musicians you once played with or heard about. Basically , if you are a royal dickhead, you're in. So I guess I'll carry a beat to my own drum these days. Phuc It 


Taking advantage of these ridiculous temperatures while riding a verity of bikes lately. On Sunday , was surprised by all the activity along the river trail. Moms with strollers , rollerblading couples , cyclist , dog walkers , and folks simply staring deep into their screen time while obliviously walking right down the middle of the path. But Yo , They Are Outside 

However , there was a fun ride awhile back. I left the office and thought that the skyline appeared to be awfully grey. I even thought to myself , rain would be welcomed. Mother Nature actually offered up a little winter snow storm. The ground is obviously way too warm for any accumulation what so ever. But Hey , I was enjoying riding into those fluffy falling snowflakes while celebrating my youth. Phuc Yez 

Most of my desert riding resembles this photo here above. Colorado Bluebird Action!!! Even weeks ago when our high temp hovered around 49F / 9C the sun fooled me into believing that it was more like 70F / 21C. Those bluebird days allow me to happily ride my bike. Again , riding my bike is therapeutic. Our wildlife around the valley is hungry as they emerge from a winters slumber. And there always seems to be something special to witness while simply pedaling a bicycle in any direction. Even on those windy days and I just know that I am in for a headwind from both directions , catching birds in flight makes the commute so totally worthy. No matter the mood , a bike ride makes the heart smile. I Prefer Smiling 


Just finished up a week with these guy and they are more my speed. They haven't judged me , that I know of. Well alright , yes , I am doing it wrong in their eyes as well. Not scooping food in the correct order , not waking up early enough , handing out the wrong flavored treats , and coming through the door during nap time really get under their paws. Useless Human 

And one of these dogs is not like the other. One of these dogs would like to be scratched behind the ears. One of these dogs is hungry. And one of these dogs is wondering if today is Sunday or Tuesday or Friday.  Hung Jury 

Lights , Camera , Action !!! Retrofitting lights from the old fluorescent tubes to cool energy efficient LEDs  while cleaning years and years of cobwebs while I go. It's not a bad gig and I might as well continue along while I am able to still successfully climb ladders. Falling So Blows 

And while I still carry a visual sense to identify chromatic colors of course. 

And there were no surprises when I flipped the light switch to illuminate the room once again. Well , not a real big surprise until I walked by the janitors closet and he jumped out and shouted SUPPLIES 

I really don't mind messing around with 110 electricity as the "shock" is slightly stronger than sticking your tongue to a 9volt battery. And most of the time , I remain zap free while rewiring light fixtures or ceiling fans or happy treadmills. Plus , let's be goofy here , a little jolt every now and then reminds us that we are alive and kicking. Like Donkey Circle Kicking 

And speaking of kicks , got a real kick out of this request the other day. I was informed that the pool was "low" on chlorine and would I have a little look see. Casually began skimming through the proper steps of the mental checklist. Always start with power , the power source , or the power switch itself. Then , follow the next steps as one navigates the trouble shooting 101 flowchart. All seems in solid working order and I was almost stumped. Decided to uncouple all the couplings backwards from the Barrels of chlorine to the pool injectors themselves and about halfway through that task , here we go. Calcification Baby 

So in closing , with my scatterbrain mind on full display here in this particular post , I am still in the positive on the income front , my legs still function , able to get out of bed on my own , still floundering with musical projects , still rocking the vegan lifestyle , still have all ten toes and digits in general , still noticing birds of prey , and spending the rest of my available time with a saddle between my legs commuting between jobs. Directions , to what? Inspirations , from whom? Guidance , like whatever. Angry , back on the saddle there grasshopper. Animals Rule 


  1. Another Lucrative Vegas Trip Next Month
  2. Crack The 100 Mile Per Week Next Month
  3. Happily Play Music By Myself With Backing Tracks 
  4. Capture Some Righteous Spring Storms Next Month 
  5. Finish Up My Latest Wood Carving Project
  6. Reframe From Using The Word 'while' For Awhile  

Be The Better Person ,



  1. The band sounds like crap. You'll be fine playing with people who actually enjoy the fun playing music and not worrying about how cool they think they are. Have an enjoyable and fun week! Cheers, my friend.

  2. Hay que aprovechar bien la vida, saliendo a hacer buenos viajes, con agradables recorridos.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Sorry to hear your music-guy is... what he is!
    As my Mom used to say: Think positive!
    Yum to the Pizza! And lucky you enjoying the bike.
    Good goals, cheers to that!

  4. "Boogie Fever" was my step-brother's favorite song when we were kids! LOL! I still remember the lines, "I took my baby to the pizza parlor...to get a bite to eat...na na na"!

    That sucks about the audition or interview or whatever, but it sounds like they wouldn't have been a good match for you after all. Way too much ego! Don't question yourself, your charisma or your abilities as a result. You just need a different gig.

    That calcification is crazy. Nothing getting through that pipe!

  5. It sounds like you're navigating a frustrating situation with the band audition process, and I can definitely understand how it feels when it doesn't go as expected. It's tough when you give your time and energy to something, only to find out that the other side isn't on the same wavelength. Finding the right fit, both musically and personally, is essential, and it's great that you're taking it all in stride. Keep following your own path and don’t lose sight of what makes you happy—whether it's making music on your own terms or finding a group that truly clicks with you.

    And hey, if you ever need a break from the music world or just need to vent, I'm always here!

    Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post: [https://www.melodyjacob.com/](https://www.melodyjacob.com/)
