I Hear The Ticking Of The Clock I'm Lying Here The Room's Pitch Dark I Wonder Where You Are Tonight No Answer On The Phone And The Night Goes By So Very Slow Oh I Hope That It Wont End Though Till Now I Always Got By On My Own I Never Really Cared Until I Met You And Now It Chills Me To The Bone How Do I Get You Alone You Don't Know How Long I Have Wanted To Touch Your Lips And Hold You Tight You Don't Know How Long I Have Waited And I Was Going To Tell You Tonight But The Secret Is Still My Own And My Love For You Is Still Unknown
I-Ten Alone
Taking A Cold Look 1983
written by Billy Stienburg And Tom Kelly
Alone was made popular by Heart in 1987
Cycling - 432mi / 695km
Running / Hiking - 14mi / 22km
Activities - 30
PR's - 3
Hours - 47
Not a bad effort at all for the month. Much better than the previous two months but nothing worth bragging about. Claimed the leader board one of the weeks this month. But again, not tooting my horn by any means. BARKtoeber Baby
The Mighty Colorado River is showing improvements as well. To keep this in perspective here, the irrigation canals have been closed off for the season and a few reservoirs up stream are draining in anticipation of winters snow melt. If It Snows
The photo below is when I realized that I spaced my helmet. What a jack off I am. Will say that the legs felt stronger for the higher averaging miles per week. Hope this will be a continuing trend for me.
Amber The Human was the last of our tribe to enter the 50's club. Her husband brought us all together to celebrate the occasion at a fancy dancy prancy cuisine in Palisade. Peche is an unbelievable restaurant here in the valley that blew my socks off. Four items for appetizers , four main course options, and two desserts on the menu. Decadent

The dishes were top shelf culinary art forms and the flavors were remarkable. In a cream , very airy, sauce were dashed with hints of rose hip oil. The Foie Gras was served with fresh peaches on the tastiest type of Fried French Bread Slices. The Ravioli appetizers were spicy and so flipping delicious. Those could have been a meal by themselves. My roasted carrots were prepared to perfection and complimented the Pork Cutlets and fresh spring salad mix. Again, another cream sauce for the Pork was a buttery smooth delight. Its a high end upscale restaurant that I clearly don't belong and don't see myself patronizing in the future. But if I had the slush funds, I would dine there every Friday night!! My poorly delivered descriptions just doesn't do these plates justice, IT WAS THAT GOOD. So Good

Here are a few of my latest art pieces and the above photo was for Amber's 50th. These are my first attempts using a glue gun on canvas and I learned a great deal. Below is just after the pour and the glue is almost undetectable. After the second day of drying, all was well again.
I then finger painted on a metallic gold acrylic paint to highlight the tree of life. The more I worked with this piece, the more it spoke to me. I was pleased to offer this to Amber The Human as she is a true artist of many mediums of work.
So back to the dinner, my only complaint was that I am the only one in the group without a partner. They are all happily married and I couldn't be happier for them but it sucks. As we were discussing meal options, they ordered with the intention of sharing plates with each other. Me, it sucks. Don't get me wrong, The night was ideal and how can it not be with this jovial bunch. We all enjoyed the atmosphere, the savory flavors, and each others company. I never once felt left out from the group.
But like this photo below. I'm solo so I am not in the photo. L to R; Uncle Karl, Judd, Janet, Susan, Amber, And Hippie Jim. Been rocking with this motley crew now for 20 years. Amber and I worked together and she was living in the same house with Mr Jim. They introduced me to Uncle Karl and Janet via the radio station. Judd came on the scene around 2003 and married Amber years later. Susan and Mr Jim married a few years before Amber and Judd. Love These Guys

We laughed a lot all night during dinner but it sucks for me to not share the moment with someone I cherish. Yes, I am jealous. Random moments during dinner would have been so nice to rest a paw on that special someones thigh, to share the experience with, to lean over for a quick embrace of smiling puckered lips, and I really felt alone when we all departed the restaurant. How I would have loved to held hands while walking under the moonless evening. Giggling our way to the car, opening the door for, and pointing out something gratifyingly meticulous about their demeanor that I appreciate. It is those insignificant gestures that I ache for. I want what everyone else at the table has. Someone I Can Count On

Went to the office early, casual bike ride to move around the previous nights meal, and then raked leaves in three separate yards. The street sweepers arrive this Thursday so all the leaves need to be raked out to the street by then. The Dude surprised me with a phone call and inquired if I wanted to maraud around downtown on bikes. Hellz Yez
We quickly threw Sassy Cowboy Costumes together and ventured towards downtown with adult beverages in hand. For the past two summers, duh, downtown has been dead. We rode downtown for the 4th and there was nobody out and about. But Saturday before Halloween was another story to write home about.
The madness poured onto the streets and caged up costume wearing yahoos were in full force. The Dude and I slowly rode around the mean streets of GJ and rang out our bicycle bells. Cat Calls After Cat Calls! This would be the first time in years that The Dude busted out the spirits. The hard stuff has ripped his guts up and heartburn just isn't worth it. So when he handed me over a flask of
Pendleton Whiskey, I was shocked again by his behavior. I forgot how much I appreciate the kahlua overtones of Pendleton's Whisky.
We caught up with a number of hooligans that we hadn't seen in years. My niece and her boy were out and in costumes and we chatted for awhile. Pretty much a steady stream of characters lined Main Street throughout the evening. When we decided we had enough Reindeer Games, having no clue or concept of time, it was 1:30am.
Now we are talking!! Sunday night was Halloween and I couldn't wait as it is still my favorite holiday. Hands Down!! The theme for our group this year was
Guardians of the Galaxy.
They all had costumes they ordered online and I wasn't all that excited about the leftover cast to choose from. So I made the bold move to render my own space alien from a Galaxy just beyond M55. The face paint took me almost a full hour to finally pass my standards. I cut the bottom off of a 2 litter soda bottle, filled it with battery operated lights, and hair sprayed the hell out of my hair. I am fortunate enough that I can wiggle my hairline/ears which allowed the latex eyelash over my third eye to wink. That was a huge hit with the group!! That and my hidden laser pointers in my flight suit.

L to R; Tanner the farmer, The Dude as Thanos, Roni as Cousin to Yondu, Hailey Bird as Gamora, Avery as Groot, Jo Jo as Rocket Racoon, Baby Daddy as Star Lord, Kalinderrrrrrrs as Nebula, and Me Myself & I. Did have one little snafu as I had glued a bunch of rusty bolts to a strap of fake leather to wear over my shoulder like Bandolier Style. But the glue just didn't hold and turns out was just A OK because navigating my spacecraft was nearly impossible already. Thats A Whole Other Story
The neighborhood kids we crossed paths with all made mention of my character. Clearly was a roaring success and worthy of the efforts. I went to every door with little Jo Jo. Reminded her to say Happy Halloween, Trick OR Treat, and THANK YOU. If I didn't remind her, she wouldn't say a word. Total Classic
Wasn't all that late when the parents called it a night. I could have easily embarked upon another neighborhood but was denied by the responsible adults. Cant wait for Avery and Jo Jo to grow up so we can get after it. Below are the beverages of choice over the weekend. The Ozark Blues Brew's Double IPA was delicious at 8.7% APV but the holiday STONE Brewery Best Before 10/31/2021 @ 9.2% was a chewy suburb handcrafted masterpiece. Should have purchased a full case of that limited edition. Only Two Cans Left - Hint Hint

November 1st was truly the day of the dead for me. I rode the commuter bike to work and my thoughts drifted off about so many of my friends that have passed on to the other side. Even feeling pretty rough I was able to manage somehow to fix a treadmill and solve a squeaky bearing on an elliptical trainer. And after work, yes, did more raking of leaves. It pays well but manual labor so blows. Pretty sure I only have about two more weeks of mowing yards and I shouldn't have anymore swamp coolers to winterize. So Thats Cool
- Dry Out The Liver
- Add Plant Based Meals To The Diet
- Notice The Joyous Occasions
- Cultivate More Happiness
- Elevate My Game
As Always, You All Rock
...I vaguely remember the 50 club, my son just was induced!
ReplyDeleteSo Many Moons Ago - Hope It Was A Memorable 50th Celebration For Ya Back In The Day - Did The Boy Have A Bash
I saw a comment here a few weeks ago about Dr Akhere and i decided to contact him as instructed, thanks to this man for bringing joy to me as wished for. i followed instructions which he gave in other to get my lover back who left me and the kids for 3years now, but thanks to Dr Akhere because they are back to me now for good and we are happy together. please do contact him for help too if in relationship problem via email at: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or call/whatsapp:+2349057261346 . And testify for yourself.
DeleteGuardian of the Galaxy, you look like the leader of such group. We all know leaders are creative people and you get a big huge 10 for creativity. Well done, Padre, I love it. :)
ReplyDeleteWish I Recorded All My One Liners Throughout The Evening - I Stayed In Character The Entire Night - Thanx For The 10 Mr Bill - See You On The Next Trajectory
Your face makeup was excellent. Hallowe’en looked such fun. I hope you can find that Someone You Can count On….Take care.
ReplyDeleteThanx Marie - So Much Fun Celebrating Our Youth - You And Me Both And Thanx For The Vibes
It is very satisfying to have a really good meal when out.
ReplyDeleteYou created a rather nice work of art. I didn't know of the technique.
I understand your feelings and it must be hard at times. Yes, you could have been with someone, had a fight and stormed out without food and a night spoilt.
Your Halloween outfit is just great.
Beyond All My Expectations Brother Drew - Pouring Acrylic Is Way Easy And Highly Entertaining - Thanx For The Perspective As That Is My Pet Peeve, Storming Off Like A Teenager - Thanx For Pointing Out The Fact That I Wasn't Doing Anything Wrong - Glad You Liked The Costume As I Had A Blast With It All
Dearest Travis,
ReplyDeleteWell, you might have been raising your 3rd eye brow but you sure do bare your soul.
Yes, being at such a great restaurant with all twosomes, it gets at you. But that might be around the corner for me, for another reason... Tough for perking yourself up when 'alone'.
But you sure went out of your way with that costume and the face painting!!!
Also your tree of life art work looked very sincere, to the receiver that is. It is meaningful and the way you pictured it with the colored leaves, was great styling. You have a knack for that!
Pieter so far has done 2,500 km on his bike. Considering that it was zero for January as he was very, very sick/weak and needed to rest and rest more. For the first time in his life he DID. He never listened to me, but his cardiologist got his attention.
And here we are, already in November. We biked on Sunday but no time this week (Pieter ran errands and did a little stretch...). We're finally getting all our trees down or trimmed up per request in April... Due to a very wet spring and summer, it got postponed over and over.
Happy for this as tomorrow it will get finished. They painstakingly took a huge oak tree down, as there was no space for it to fall without too much damage.
Talking about manual labor, those men work hard!!! Can't imagine how they keep it up and the muscle power they muster up.
Big hugs and stay warm and focused.
Raising The 3rd Eye And Wearing My Life On My Sleeves - Will Meet With You For Dinner Anytime My Dear Friend - You Liked The Face Painting Did Ya - Amber Loved That Tree Of Life And Laughed About Upside Down Or Right Side Up - Good On Peter And Encourage Him When Its The Right Time Feels Right - Wonder If Someone Will Claim That Old Oak - Excellent Reminder To Stay Focused - Big Hugs Mariette
Delete☮️ & 💖
DeleteYou sure had a roller coaster of emotions ride. Well done on so many fronts. Loved your art, photos and makeover skills!
ReplyDeleteWell Said There Magic - Most Of This Year Was Been A Wicked Rollercoaster With Arms And Legs Outside Of The Moving Vehicle At All Times - Thanx For The Positive Vibes - U Rock
That meal sounds delicious and decadent. I've never had fois gras. Did you like it? And wow, your art is amazing. I love the idea of the hot glue. That is cool!!!! I think you need to do more art. Awesome. Happy November. I hope you meet your goals. hugs-Erika
ReplyDeleteBeyond Decadent I Tell Ya - Loved The Fois Gras As The Peach And Toast Where Made To Perfection - The Glue Gun Has Expanded My Horizons And I Encourage You To Act Wildly - Happy November To You My Dear
Your dinner description is worthy of a foodie magazine. Your tree of life is delicious eye candy, too. Great Halloween costume. I would have loved to see the third eye blink! Stay awesome, my friend.
ReplyDeletePowerful Words There CJ - I Wish I Had The Proper Tasting Palate For Accurately Painting The Picture Of Savory Flavors For You All - I Deficiently Missed The Mark ON NOT Videoing The Moving Eye - Roni Was Totally Tripped Out By It - I Appreciate You My Friend - Big Hugs
Nice to catch up with you, I love your art for the birthday girl and what a fabulous party!
ReplyDeleteThanx For Being You Christine - Enjoy The Week
The art looks good, the costumes look fun..take care.
ReplyDeleteThanx For Having A Look - Would Love To Visit Darwin Some Day Soon
What a BARKtoeber - impressive.
ReplyDeleteVery arty, cool photo.
Decadent :-) At my last Birthday-party we had Pizza (I turned 14).
But your visit does sound yummy indeed.
Great glue-gun-tree. Even the plain one is great.
Sorry, that really sucks without a partner.
My T found his new girlfriend via internet and they live together happily.
LOL, "adult beverages"!
Very cool, creative outfit! Halloween has not really reached Germany.
Yes, "thank you" is something people often forget, good you reminded her.
Yay for raking, here they BLOW your ears and nerves off.
Love your six November-goals, cheers to that!
Thank You And Pizza Always Works - What Would I Do In Germany, Yikes - Yay For More Yard Work - And YES, You Caught The 6th Goal - Well Done
Trick and Treat ... thanks to life.
ReplyDeleteYour picture turned out great and your Halloween costume is an absolute hit ... well, I wish you good luck, good luck ... yes, a harmonious partnership is a gift and also some work :-) I wish you good luck. Thank you for your contribution, it made me sweeter this morning ... and now a cup of coffee and off to exercise. Hug for you.
You Caught That, Trick AND Treat - Halloween Evening Was Highly Entertaining For Me - Thanx For The Good Luck Well Wishes As Clearly I Anything Helps At This Point - Enjoy Your Morning Cups Of Joe My Friend - Big Hugs
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a fun Halloween and the dinner and birthday celebration. I love your tree art, the beautiful Aspens in the first photo, the river and sunset! Great goals, I wish you more happiness. Take care, have a great day and week ahead.
Ellen, Your Photo Of The Light Prism Over The Falls Is Spectacular - Still My Favorite Shadow Couple - Happy November
You know Halloween is my favorite too. We are kindred spirits!! Your costume rocks.
ReplyDeleteI love the gorgeous foliage along the trail Travis (and impressed with 432 miles of biking). But, your art is so damned unique & dazzling textures...I am speechless.
Knew Would Would Appreciate The Outfit - The Colors Are Still Turning And Thanx - Very Pleased With The Painting - You Rock Hootin
Sorry you attended the dinner without a partner, however you spent a night with good friends eating delicious food.
ReplyDeleteGreat Halloween phots.
Good luck on your goals!
Yes, The Night Was Fully Intended To Be Focused On Friends - The Amazing Meals Were Just A Byproduct - Thanx For The Halloween Feedback There Brother BLK Knight
Da warst du wieder sehr aktiv. LG Romy
ReplyDeleteWink Wink My Friend - Ich hoffe, du bist mit einem Lächeln im Herzen gegangen - sei gut
Great post! Love the tree art, and the Guardians of the Galaxy Halloween costumes! A favourite film of mine 😊👏🏻
ReplyDeleteThank You Thank You Thank You - Pleased The Theme Resinated With You
DeleteBig Hugs,
Oh is good to know that your record this months was better and that the Halloween was so funny for you
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the photos of your art
Thanx My Friend - Full Spectrum Of Halloween Fun - All The Best To You This November
Some really cool art there and I'm totally digging your halloween costume.
ReplyDeleteWell Thank You Ever So Kindly - I Appreciate Your Support - Thank You
Rocktober - Love it. You busted a few cans my friend. And your Halloween looked suitably scary and a little wild. Enjoy Noovember.
ReplyDeleteDig It - Just A Few Brews - Stay Wild Brother Man
Uma postagem muito interessante e gostei de ver as fotografias.
ReplyDeleteUm abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.
Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros
Muito obrigado, meu amigo - Sempre foi bom ouvir de você - Tudo de bom este mês
That is one amazing costume!!! We dress up at work--I have a Wonder Woman costume that I have worn for the past couple of years. The kids love it. No parties for me, tho. Lots of trick or treaters and that's always fun.
ReplyDeleteYou stumped with that song! I don't remember Heart singing it. I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of much music from the 80s. Growing up in the 70s--now that's music!
Have a great week, keep on riding, and don't forget your helmet.
It Was And Thank You - Go Wonder Woman Go - A Classic 70's Next Post
P.S. The Helmet Was A True Blow It
Thanks I'm fine. And you? Thanks, I liked my Halloween look a lot =)
ReplyDeleteVery interesting post. Wow the tree pictures look amazing, like from a big artist. I love Halloween a lot <3 This pictures made me a little bit sad that I was only at home this year :D
Fabulous News - Thanx For Checking In - Smile And Live In The Moment My Friend - Stay Strong
Thank you for your nice comment. Nice pictures and art. We don't celebrate halloween.
ReplyDeleteThank You And I Would Cry Every 31st Of Rocktoeber If I Was In Your Neck Of The Woods
Wow, Halloween was really funny! Amazing costume!!! Lovely tree art!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
Making The Best Of It - And Thank You So Much
Your makeup skills are awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove your art.
Happy Thursday, Padre.
Thanx For That As I Do Take Pride In Halloween Creations - And Rocked That Character All Night - And A Very Happy November To You Veronica
Amazing make-up!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday, Kisses, Paola.
My Instagram
As Always , You So Rock The Casbah
I enjoyed the fine art of tree, nice views of the river, fun and scary make-up, and the road lined with fabulous autumn foliage. There's something sad and lonely about autumn evening even with good friends and delicious meals.
Yoko, Thank You So Much - Autumn Is Spectacular This Year - More Friends And More Meals - Be Well Sista
That looks like a fun group of good people that you hang out with. I love that b&w shot!!
ReplyDeleteHighly Entertaining Groups To Hang With - Also Pleased To Hear From Ya Brother Parts
You rocked the physical this month, Im glad I didn't miss this as it was super fun to go thru...love the creative gift and the costume! The effort sure paid off. I spent the night laughing my sides off at the "Munsters" movie they played on TV. I sure did the Trick or Treat thing with my son when he was a young lad, and it was always fun. More and more when I visit the cemetery I see headstones of people I went to school with time is not standing.
Way Cool On The Costume A ?? Pleased You Saw The Painting As Well - Just Played A Number Of Clips From The Munster During My Radio Show - So GOOD - My iPhone Address Resembles Those Sentiments - Keep On Keeping On Sondra
Your artwork and Halloween costume is amazing. Great work outs this month too. I just started walking again. I garden so much in the summer months I have no time for exercise, but now I'm back at it. I'm sorry you didn't have a partner at the dinner. It made me so sad to read that. My son is 30 and doesn't have a special someone in his life either, and few friends. I keep praying he will find someone.
ReplyDeleteThanx Amy - Totally Appreciate It - Continue On The Walking Journey As Walking So Rocks - Thanx For The Vibes
A golden Tree of Life, beautiful, Alone, I hadn't thought of you in that way, but I know when an older friend lost her husband, she said going out was never the same as everyone else was paired up.Your blog posts had not given me any inclination of that, and your comments to me are always so encouraging and caring, your huge number of blog and internet friends will "stand by you" at all times, every season, each day, and ride out there into the wind and be assured you are special to each one of us.
ReplyDeleteNancy J, You Truly Touched My Heart - You Brought Awareness To Me And I Should Not Have Expressed Those Feeling In This Post - I Just Started Typing Away And Wasn't In The Pity Poor Me Mind Set - More Of A Wishful Thinking - Will Continue To Encourage Others And Tell Funny Tall Tales With You All - Have A Tremendous Week Ahead And Thanx Again
I loved the painting you did to give your friend Amber, it was fantastic.
ReplyDeleteYour friend's birthday dinner seems to have been very nice, it was just a pity you felt alone, but maybe one of these days you'll find that special someone with whom you can also share all the special moments.
Creative and spectacular your halloween costume, amazing Guardian of the Galaxy.
Have a great weekend
All the bets for you
Maria!!! Thanx So Much - Would Have Been Nice Sharing But What A Night Full Of Laughter - Enjoyed The Night With The Guardian Crew - And All The Best To You As Well
This might be the first time I haven't recognized the song at the top of your post! I'm not a huge Heart fan beyond "Dreamboat Annie" so I gotta look that one up.
ReplyDeleteYour dinner at Peche sounds amazing and your Halloween costume ROCKS! Bravo for the imagination! I love that you did something totally original. (Not that that's exactly a surprise! :) )
Stoked That I Am Responsible For Expanding Your Horizons - Dinner Was Mouth Watering Delicious And Pretty Damn Pleased With Our Guardian Of The Galaxy Crew - Thanx For The Good JuJu
Glad to hear that you are riding again (but remember the helmet!). I love your art - very cool!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the halloween costume!!!
Struggling But Attempting - Pleased You Enjoyed The Art Piece - Best Holiday Ever - Big Hugs KB
Congrats to your friend on her 50th birthday. Sharing life with someone special is probably the most wonderful thing there is, but only if the person is worth sharing with. Anyhow, it looks you guys had fun. It's great you're cycling more again.
ReplyDeleteYour Halloween costume is awesome. It's great seeing the other Guardians of the Galaxy costumes as well. Cool stuff!
Will Pass Along - Agreed - The Collective Makes The Theme A Success For Sure - Halloween So Rocks
Great post and i had to laugh those Halowwen photoes!hahahah
ReplyDeletenice to see you again and your blog
Anita, Thanx So Much For Stopping On By - Be Well
Have a beautiful day my friend!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
Right Back Atcha My Dear
My daughter was in Colorado on Halloween. She said in snowed last week there. I am so not ready for snow! Looks like she'll be moving that way in July when her apartment lease is up, so maybe our paths will cross some day :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're able to find that special someone some day. You're such a nice fella, I'm surprised you haven't been snapped up already.
Oh, and happy belated birthday to Amber!
Good luck with your goals this week :)
We Certainly Saw No Signs Of Snow In Our High Desert So Lucky Her - All The Best With Apartment Hunting As Prices Are Rather Undesirable - The Goals Went Well - Hot Damn
Que obras de arte magnificas y genial el maquillaje y tarje de Hallowen. Parece que el grupo se divierte!! Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteHalloween é meu feriado favorito - Mãos para baixo - Sempre gostei de brincar de se fantasiar - Que bom que você gostou da arte - Obrigado por fazer o check-in - Grandes abraços
I saw a comment here a few weeks ago about Dr Akhere and i decided to contact him as instructed, thanks to this man for bringing joy to me as wished for. i followed instructions which he gave in other to get my lover back who left me and the kids for 3years now, but thanks to Dr Akhere because they are back to me now for good and we are happy together. please do contact him for help too if in relationship problem via email at: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or call/whatsapp:+2349057261346 . And testify for yourself.
ReplyDeleteNovembre was a pretty nice and active month for you. Halloween disguise is awesome!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting goals, I see you pay a lot of attention to your diet too. As for sharing happiness, I are already doing it very well!
Very Active And I Do Love Halloween - Keep Sharing Smiles And Pure Righteousness - Be Well W T
I can so relate to always being the odd wheel. That was my life for 6 years after I got divorced. Had your EXACT same feelings and thoughts. I truly thought I'd be alone forever...and then Ryan. Wishing for you to have the same thing!
ReplyDeleteOxoxoxO Little L And I Couldn't Be Happier For You And Ryan - What A Treat To Have Such A Wonderful Man In Your World - Thanx For The Wishes
DeleteBig Hugs
Perfect dinner description, great costumes, and amazing make-up!!!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
Thanx For Bringing Me Back Paola - Was A Fantastic Post Here - I Enjoyed Reliving The Events Through These Photos Again - Much Appreciated My Friend
Very nice costumes and lovely makeup! Wonderful and Lovely Post dear! xoxo
It's always a pleasure... I really love your art and your beautiful pics!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram