Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025/02/25 2025/25/02 02/25/2025 Three Magical Days Left

Boogie Fever     Got To Boogie Down      Boogie Fever     I Think It's Going Around     I Took My Baby To The Drive-in Show    She Turned The Speaker Down    And Then She Turned On The Radio   I Watched A Silent Movie Diggin' Funky Sound    She's Got The Boogie Fever    She Likes To Boogie Down     I Took My Baby To The Pizza Parlor    To Get A Bite To Eat    I Put Some Money In The Jukebox For Her    You Know She Ate Her Pizza Dancing To The Beat 

The Sylvers

Something Special 1976 


Well , here we go boys and girls and why should this notion be any different? Reached out ( answered HIS ad ) to a guitar player , we seemed to hit it off , met with HIS drummer , that felt as if it went really well , and today the phone call came in that HIS band is still auditioning bass players. Say What?? And I wanted so bad to ask ,"You mean to tell me that you held me on the phone here talking about your job and what not when you knew all along that I am not your guy?? SO why are you wasting "our" time here?" Unreal  

I guess what bothered me the most was listening to him jabber on , his band , his schedule , what he wants for days off , and never once did he ask me a single question about the audition or direction or if I even resinated with his drummer or the style of music or what I do for a career. Oh Musicians 

It has come to my attention that it is 100% me. Like All Me. Bands are built around chemistry , which I clearly don't possess. Relationships only jive with chemistry and I definitely bomb on that avenue as well. I have now met and played along with 4 guitar players and I am discovering that I am just an odd breed. Somewhere there is this unwritten rule that in order to be apart of band you must a rock star with an ugly self-centered ego and must always carry yourself as if you are top dog. It also really helps the cause if you bash other musicians you once played with or heard about. Basically , if you are a royal dickhead, you're in. So I guess I'll carry a beat to my own drum these days. Phuc It 


Taking advantage of these ridiculous temperatures while riding a verity of bikes lately. On Sunday , was surprised by all the activity along the river trail. Moms with strollers , rollerblading couples , cyclist , dog walkers , and folks simply staring deep into their screen time while obliviously walking right down the middle of the path. But Yo , They Are Outside 

However , there was a fun ride awhile back. I left the office and thought that the skyline appeared to be awfully grey. I even thought to myself , rain would be welcomed. Mother Nature actually offered up a little winter snow storm. The ground is obviously way too warm for any accumulation what so ever. But Hey , I was enjoying riding into those fluffy falling snowflakes while celebrating my youth. Phuc Yez 

Most of my desert riding resembles this photo here above. Colorado Bluebird Action!!! Even weeks ago when our high temp hovered around 49F / 9C the sun fooled me into believing that it was more like 70F / 21C. Those bluebird days allow me to happily ride my bike. Again , riding my bike is therapeutic. Our wildlife around the valley is hungry as they emerge from a winters slumber. And there always seems to be something special to witness while simply pedaling a bicycle in any direction. Even on those windy days and I just know that I am in for a headwind from both directions , catching birds in flight makes the commute so totally worthy. No matter the mood , a bike ride makes the heart smile. I Prefer Smiling 


Just finished up a week with these guy and they are more my speed. They haven't judged me , that I know of. Well alright , yes , I am doing it wrong in their eyes as well. Not scooping food in the correct order , not waking up early enough , handing out the wrong flavored treats , and coming through the door during nap time really get under their paws. Useless Human 

And one of these dogs is not like the other. One of these dogs would like to be scratched behind the ears. One of these dogs is hungry. And one of these dogs is wondering if today is Sunday or Tuesday or Friday.  Hung Jury 

Lights , Camera , Action !!! Retrofitting lights from the old fluorescent tubes to cool energy efficient LEDs  while cleaning years and years of cobwebs while I go. It's not a bad gig and I might as well continue along while I am able to still successfully climb ladders. Falling So Blows 

And while I still carry a visual sense to identify chromatic colors of course. 

And there were no surprises when I flipped the light switch to illuminate the room once again. Well , not a real big surprise until I walked by the janitors closet and he jumped out and shouted SUPPLIES 

I really don't mind messing around with 110 electricity as the "shock" is slightly stronger than sticking your tongue to a 9volt battery. And most of the time , I remain zap free while rewiring light fixtures or ceiling fans or happy treadmills. Plus , let's be goofy here , a little jolt every now and then reminds us that we are alive and kicking. Like Donkey Circle Kicking 

And speaking of kicks , got a real kick out of this request the other day. I was informed that the pool was "low" on chlorine and would I have a little look see. Casually began skimming through the proper steps of the mental checklist. Always start with power , the power source , or the power switch itself. Then , follow the next steps as one navigates the trouble shooting 101 flowchart. All seems in solid working order and I was almost stumped. Decided to uncouple all the couplings backwards from the Barrels of chlorine to the pool injectors themselves and about halfway through that task , here we go. Calcification Baby 

So in closing , with my scatterbrain mind on full display here in this particular post , I am still in the positive on the income front , my legs still function , able to get out of bed on my own , still floundering with musical projects , still rocking the vegan lifestyle , still have all ten toes and digits in general , still noticing birds of prey , and spending the rest of my available time with a saddle between my legs commuting between jobs. Directions , to what? Inspirations , from whom? Guidance , like whatever. Angry , back on the saddle there grasshopper. Animals Rule 


  1. Another Lucrative Vegas Trip Next Month
  2. Crack The 100 Mile Per Week Next Month
  3. Happily Play Music By Myself With Backing Tracks 
  4. Capture Some Righteous Spring Storms Next Month 
  5. Finish Up My Latest Wood Carving Project
  6. Reframe From Using The Word 'while' For Awhile  

Be The Better Person ,


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

February Before March Madness

Meet You Downstairs In The Bar And Hurt      Your Rolled Up Sleeves And Your Skull T-Shirt     You Say , " What Did You Do With Him Today?"     And Sniffed Me Out Like I Was Tanqueray     Cause You Are My Fella My Guy      Hand Me Your Stella And Fly   By The Time I Am Out The Door   You Tear Men Down Like Roger Moore      I Cheated Myself     Like I Knew I Would   I Told You I Was Trouble    You Know That I'm No Good 

Amy Winehouse

Back To BLK 2006 


Will happily state the obvious , That Super Bowl Blew A$$. And I am not saying this because I had a dog in the fight. I am stating this because I DID NOT bet on the over. The over /under in Vegas was 47.5 for a combined score. I figured that both teams would easily put up 24 points each. But I passed on my gut feeling because it is the Super Bowl after all and maybe the final score posted would be 14-17 or something low like that. Didn't bank on the blow out , nor the 40+ by the Eagles , nor the combined 66 points , and definitely wasn't anticipating the game completely solidified midway through the 2nd quarter. What A Joke 


Busting buns in the office this year and that is treating me well. Only wish I had lickable wallpaper. You know , snozzberries. A majority of the clientele have been receiving treatments for years but this month I have seen 3 new clients. Almost all of them are claiming low back and/or neck pain. Stereotypes 

Have explained the Cellular Neck Theory of mine during previous sessions and always work it in with new clients. Who knows if that idea resonates but it is what it is. And before they reach their automobile , they pull out their phone and scroll away. Interesting 


With the mad weather temps out here in the desert , riding I roll. Obviously, most rides are logged with the old trusty commuter bike. But the other day , dug deep in the back corners of the cobweb filled shed , threw in some new liquid slime, some air , and the ol dinosaur Cannondale shined with enthusiasm once again. Truth be told here , I almost sold this bike a few years back but I love this sticker too much to sell the bike. I Am Nutz 

And I definitely got a kick out of these protesters. Yesterday was a day of rage and these protesters were fired up. Fired up for good reason but why the Phuc do they all drive to these gatherings?? A majority of these folks drove less than 3 miles and our valley floor is pancake flat. And the human across the street from where I am currently house sitting stuffed their cardboard cutout protesting sign into the trash can this morning before pick ups. That is right folks !! They drive to the protest and fill the landfill with their propaganda signs. Making A Difference 

Please don't get me wrong here or for the record , I am NOT anti protesting. I would NEVER knock someone for thinking the world is flat , climate change is a hoax , a war on any turf , or who you think is the king of kings. I simply question why and how did we become so lazy and why does Mother Earth pay for it? And what really blew my mind , a number of these protesters are currently clients of mine and they have mentioned how they were unhappy with my old office downtown because there was NEVER any parking. Classic 


On the downer side of things , a friend of mine , like almost 25 years of friendship , quietly passed away in her home surrounded by family. When chatting with another mutual friend , informing them of the bummer news , they asked me if I was sad because they died , sad because I would never see them again , sad because of my own mortality? 

You know , we face the inevitable , it's not that when someone passes , it is lucidly unavoidable. I don't necessarily "worry" about my mortality because I walk with my best foot forward. If I were to shuffle off this mortal coil this evening , no regrets. And I choose to believe that I have collected enough Karma Coupons to fully Rest In Peace. 

Speaking of Karma Coupons , with the help from The Wissel Tribe , sparked this old car back to life again. Fuel Pumps are so wonderful when they actually work. I am not a car guy what so ever but I stepped up to the plate without cussing out these inanimate objects in front of me. Not a fan of "working" on cars because I have these soft girlie hands and they ALWAYS bleed when I am around cars and/or their motors. Yup, check out that thumb. SUCKS

But again , yes , I miss her already. Yes , I miss the luxury of calling her at anytime. Yes , may the day come when we all are able to stand as a truly good human. In the meantime , I threw together this batch of immune boost during the latest Full Moon. As I wrap this post up , I send all of you readers Positive Vibes. I am projecting Health , Strength , And Happiness. Be Loved 

And If I Wanna Get Real Wild , I Grab A BLK Sharpie ,


Sunday, February 9, 2025

January By Allegory

You Were The Girl That Changed My World     You Were The Girl For Me     You Lit The Fuse I Stand Accused     You Were The First For Me      But You Turned Me Out      You Dropped A Bomb On Me  Baby , You Dropped A Bomb On Me    You Were My Thrills     You Were My Pills     You Dropped A Bomb On Me 

The Gap Band

The Gap Band IV 1982 


Nothing flashy what so ever and I have a plethora of tasty excuses. But when I was out and about , the sights this dusty little desert offered up was mind bending my friends. Desert Sunsets Rock 

These numbers I present are fairly basic and my biggest excuse was weather related. But after witnessing the extreme COLD over on the Frontstrange , my true default lands under the simply laziness 101 category. The good news anyway , I only failed recording an outing 7 times for January. Everything uploaded was via the commuter bike and pleased to see that 100+ miles / 160kms was accomplished here in the history books. Nothing Tingling There Spiderman 


Mainly , completely blown away by how fast January flew on by. But the "completed" aspect reflects that I finally attended a motion picture on the big screen. This would be my first film in well over 5 years and maybe closer to 10 years than 5. Fun Fact: my last motion picture also showcased a musical biography. And I am so glad about this decision as attending movies is something special to me for numerous reasons!! The Complete Unknown was terrific and I loved the Johnny Cash character. My ignorance was off the charts with the whole Newport Festival scene and never knew Guthrie passed from Huntington's Disease. But for me , always intrigued by the fashionable styles of that era , cultural references , and automobiles of the early to mid 1960s. Fascinating Really 


Here before me is the task at hand. How does one remove this used track and install a brand new extra firm track?? You problem solve your way through ever step of the way with maximum confidence. And this new rolling track is heavy as Sh^t! Step one - dragging out the old trusty vacuum with all the attachment pieces. Dead Skin Cells 

Just about everything but the Mother Board caused an issue and/or needed to be removed. Even those little feet there caused problems for both removing and reattaching. And see that wheel down low in this below picture? Didn't know it at the time but that pulley plays a significant role , pun intended. 

The removal of the old track was simple as the boys wanted to fight it off the treadmill. I suggest the Dewalt Angle Grinder and cut those steal cables. Zip Zip. That was the "easiest " portion of the whole project. That and plugging the treadmill back in. Classic 

And carefully assembling presented its own rules and challenges. You see , the track must be installed perfectly. If the track is loose , drags on the floor. If the track is not in line with the opposite pulley , will jump off the running boards. If too tight , the track echoes screeching horrendous vibrations. On top of all that , the cosmetic pieces are all plastic so stripping , cracking , and /or over tightening throws monkey wrenches into the equation. Oh Baby Does She Purrrrrrrrrr 


In the office most every night and I am not complaining what so ever. It is just that the days are a blur and now we are 9 days into February. What The Fruit Stand

I reference these two chart to my clients often and I personally double check the top poster frequently. Stimulating these meridians are so beneficial and way easy on my hands as well. Way back in one of my undergrad classes , The Arndt Schultz Law resinated with me. Thankfully!! And this is why I believe and have become fully committed to Reflexology and energy meridians for allow healing from within ones own body mechanics. Plus , in my model of the world,  strengths and rejuvenation a body of wholeness without disrupting owns power. That's Just Me 

This LAW basically states that a STRONG stimulus DECREASES overall mobility. And LIGHT stimulations INCREASES ones range of motion. What the flock of seagulls does this mean?? If you ever experience a "knot" in your should blade ( scapula ) , you obviously lack range of motion with that shoulder. This represents the STRONG stimulus. If this happens to be an acute injury , I am able to work reflex points all over the body WITHOUT touching or disturbing the scapula itself. In this chart above , that scapula point is located just below that happy little pinky toe. Now , I definitely have manipulated many a neuromuscular releases of that subscapularis muscle and that is a real hoot. Nothing like a thumb up and under the shoulder blade there , through the armpit of course. Jump Back & Kiss Myself  


The Dude and I threw our first round of 2025 and that went exactly how you could imagine it. I did land one birdie on the round but horribly rusty for sure. We both missed putts by striking the actual basket but that doesn't count if the disc doesn't find its home inside the cage of the basket. Hints , this is why we pass on marking a score card. Plus , keeping score simply ruins a good walk. Walk On 

Sundays Make Me Giggle,


Sunday, January 26, 2025

So Weak I Am

Tell Me Something Girl     Are You Happy In This Modern World    Or Do You Need More    Is There Something Else You're Searching For      I'm Falling        In All The Good Times    I Find Myself Longing For Change     And In The Bad Times     I Fear Myself     Tell Me Something Boy    Aren't You Tired Trying To Fill That Void      Or Do You Need More     Ain't It Hard Keeping It So Hardcore     I'm Falling   In All Good Times    I Find Myself Longing For Change     And In Bad Times     I Fear Myself    I'm Off The Deep End   Watch As I Dive In     I'll Never Meet The Ground     Crash Through The Surface    Where They Can't Hurt Us     We're Far From The Shallow Now 

Lady Gaga , Bradley Cooper

Star Is Born 2018 

Hello All, 

Yes, you read that title correctly. The first order of business was to remove the inside cap from the top of the boiler. Once I accomplished that task without dropping parts into the belly of the boiler itself , cleaning this old cap began. I have zero idea for how long ago the old gasket was installed around this cap. But I can tell you that it had melted and/or broken down many moons ago. Looking Good Now 

The above photo is of the old ball value and contraption for regulating the boiler. That big ball looking thing is what needed to be replaced and that open valve there is rather important for properly installing this beauty. Joy

Once we replaced to nipples and a 6 inch pipe , the assembly process began. City Boy , Little E and I started tightening this all back together. We struggled like crazy with this process and those are City Boys hands on top there in the above picture. We literally gave it all we had and ended up with a 16 and 3/4 in gap between valves. Guess what??? That gap must be at 15 inch period. Even when I gave it my all which included my tiny little boney butt , 16 and 5/8 was all that we could muster. City Boy asked me to go measure again because we all needed a breather here. Measuring was simply a distraction. City Boy even walked back to boiler just to look over my shoulder to make sure I could unequivocally read a taper measure correctly. Thankfully he did because he coaxed two of the biggest gym rats to come and help us. So wished I captured this task on video.  True Testosterone Baby  

Now the one guy is way taller than me and strapped. The other guy is about my hight but always wears sweatshirts or baggy tops. He whips off is top to unveil his Sylvester Stallone physique wearing a white wife beater tank top. His arms are Phuc N solid and his waist is about the same diameter as my thigh. These two brawny guys could easily compete in bodybuilding competitions like right now. Once they attached our two pipe wrenches , I quickly ducked to stabilized the base with my grip , them boys began tightening down this whole apparatus like butter. My jaw hit the floor as they grunted away with raw power. With each quarter turn , they closed the gap like a paperboy folding a newspaper before wrapping with it up with a rubber band. Now remember , three of use were struggling and felt defeated. These two monsters rocked it out with minimal effort. When I measured the first time , 15 and 1/4 inches. Two more rotations and 15 inches on the flipping nose. Impressive 

As we left the shop proud like peacocks , I carried this bad boy back to the boiler room. Once Little E and I attached this sucker onto the side of the boiler , it was a matter of transferring the old wire schematics to the new control box. Up and running went the boiler and the stream room was full of life once again. All in a days work I say while rolling my eyes. 

In Closing , Better Start Eating My Wheaties, 


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Do You See What I See

Color Me Your Color Baby    Color Me Your Car        Color Me Your Color Darling     I Know Who You Are     Come Up Off Your Color Chart       I Know Where You're Coming From     Call Me Call Me On The Line    Call Me Call Me Any Anytime    Call Me Call Me I'll Arrive      You Can Call Me Any Day Or Night     Call Me 


American Gigolo 1980 

Today was one of those days were I thought to myself , " Oh BoY." A number of issues presented themselves to me but here is the banner issue to speak of. The old boiler , installed 1991 , finally went belly up here inside that big belly valve over the weekend. The boiler itself is A-Ok but that ball valve is toasted. The new ball valve arrived this afternoon. BUT 

Just how are we going to tackle this?? After 4 decades of heating , cooling , heating , cooling , heating , and now we have to disassemble this sucker ?? Like Wish Me Luck Tomorrow 

Rode the commuter bike down to the Library to drop off my book and grab the one on hold for me. And Brother Steve , this was a new one on me. Knowing I am a few days overdue , I informed the librarian gal and offered to pay the fine. She explains to me that the library no longer chargers for overdue books. News To Me 

This Dave Davis art piece is now located in front of the library. I locked up the old trusty commuter and walked over to pay my respects. And Snapped Two Photos 

After that exchange was completed and I left with a few extra cents in my pocket , off to REI my happy little A$$ rode. House sitting folks gifted me this little gem of a card during the Holidaze and figured that it was time to burn it. Looky Looky 

Groovy Day For A High Of 23F / -5C ,
