Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thank You Ladies

I Live My Life Like There's No Tomorrow     All I've Got    I Had To Steal    Least I Don't Need To Beg Or Borrow     Yes , I'm Living At A Pace That Kills 

Running With The Devil 

Van Halen 1976


MSNBC just posted a poll that claims Harris is leading The Donald by 21 points via women voters. Thanx ladies and please tell ALL of your girlfriends. Seriously , Harris must win !!!! That is , Madam Harris , Yes Please. And single women with cats , You Flipping Rock !!! 


Now let me chime in about me , myself , and pay attention to this guy. 

This years PORCHELLA is shaping up to be rather entertaining and the buzz circling Porchella is infectious. That ( circling ) was a Blue Angels reference from last year. We Big Swing Colorado play at 4pm on 1313 Ouray Ave. And I am screaming about how much fun we are all plan on sharing with one another. Witnessing neighbors mingling with fellow neighbors and catching up with random familiar faces. Can't Wait  


The annual downtown car show took place once again mid September. Sent this to the oldies with the caption

                             The Original Owners Are Heading To Prom Tonight

If you knew me , you would clearly understand why I believe that this photo above is worthy of a thousand words. Below , sent this photo to Nate , one night Nate and I labeled our band Pepe Le Phew for a gig we played. That title was in between Al & The Coholics and Amber The Band. A year prior to Big Swig Colorado. 


Oh how Bike Night is that tasty carrot dangling out there towards the end of the week that reminds you of all your hard work and/or accomplishments. We rode over to Stocker Stadium for a little observation of the Crosstown Rivals. Another marvelous showdown between the GJ Tigers vs Fruita Wild Cats and the stadium was beyond packed. Very Lively Atmosphere 

One ride , we arrived to this street party. A band playing rhythms from Salvador rocked the mean streets of GJ. Our tribe stayed for the entire show and then we started the Bike Night Ride just after 8pm. This band was floored when just over a hundred riders showed up to dance in the streets. Like Way A$$ Cool 

And I am seriously telling you all that over one hundred riders attend these days with the University back in action. Full On Spectacular 

The Dude & I decided on a field trip for his birthday and the night was chalk full of laughter , crossing paths with all sorts of old faces , and some of the best story telling of all time. Unforgettable 

On one particular evening , The Mesa Theater showcased an R&B Funk band that down right became a spicy soup sandwich. We obviously hung out front like puppies with no home and barked up and down Main Street all night long. Classic 

I have been deeply touched by the hip new wave of folks that have transplanted here in the Valley recently. Meeting like minded individuals is so refreshing these days. Allow me to use the word properly , Its Awesome!!! That is correct. A little bit of fear playing in the background while totally exciting at the same time. Awesome 


Nobody believes that Ringo could be 84 years old and still perform in top shelf manner. AND No F Bombs All Night!!! A true showman for sure.

Ringo and his All-Star band have a full catalog from ToTo , Men At Work , Beatles of course , and I want to say Grand Funk Railroad but I cant recall right now. Yes , living members from these bands are all part of this All-Star gamut of talent on stage these days. 3 plus hours of your favorite 80's hits and Ringo singing Beatles cuts. 

And Ringo would point out generational attendees in the crowd. He would actually point at granny , then the daughter , and then the grand daughter. He would sing a few and then inform us that he was in need of a cup of tea. Off he goes to the green room and here comes Land Down Under. Amazing Production And Choreography 

Plus , a complete sell out at the Los C Amphitheater. Which obviously sets the tone for the evening. And Yes , The Dude and I rode our bikes and ONLY four other bikes were locked up. It was an older GJ crowd and they love sitting in traffic after a concert. 

So for the rest of my life , I have the privilege saying that I sang Yellow Submarine with Ringo and The Dude. It's not like John Jon will be swinging through town anytime soon. Definitely something special dancing with that All-Star Line Up. Magical 

And then there was this guy below. That's right , another Tony Furtado show in the Radio Room. Sold out and a straight two and one half hour gig. Outstanding 


Truth be told here. As Mr Moon creeped into the evening sky like a police officer peeking into the backseat of your car, I wondered what night was the partial eclipse. 

Yup , spidey senses were activated and way A$$ tingling. Mounting the old iron horse , to the river I rode. iPhone photos of the moon always blows A$$ but I am posting it anyway. Some day in a far far galaxy some alien might see this photo and think COOOOOOOOOOL. Smile 

So in closing , its been lively in these thar parts. Hope you are checking off the priorities from your life chores list. I am still unable to comment on this blog or your blog. Missing the connection from my digital world of friends. Until my next installment , stay strong , play nice , and groove on.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last Day Of Summer or First Day Of Autumn Joy

Loving You Isn't The Right Thing To Do    How Can I Ever Change Things That I Feel???    If I Could    Baby I'd Give You My World     How Can I    When You Wont Take It From Me     You Can Go Your Own Way    Go Your Own Way     You Can Call It Another Lonely Day   You Can Go Your Own Way 

Fleetwood Mac

Rumours 1977 



Thanx to brother Steve for reaching out. Had no idea that over 100 spy tactics were profiling me. Had no idea that 65 websites were tracking me. I was aware that CBS Sports dot com loads advertising that mirrors my google searches. Like REI , underground weather , etc but what a trip to clear all of those cookies cashes. However, I am still unable to post any comments. Yes , I would pay for this blogger stuff because there are a number of avenues that I would love to pursue. But No , Not An Option , YET

As Always , Smile 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

time is flying by By Flying Is Time

There Is A Brand New Dance     But I Don't Know Its Name   That People From Bad Homes Do It Again And Again     It Is Big And It Is Bland     Full Of Tension And Fear     They Do It Over There    But We Don't Do It Here     Fashion , Turn To The Left     Fashion , Turn To The Right      OoH Fashion 

David Bowie 

Glass Spider 1980


A fun little project recently came my way. A brand new custom slider and talk about beautiful. 

But it doesn't just stop there. How about these 44 year old single pane windows as well. U Bet!!! 

And of course I snuck in a little time capsule. It really is wonderful even though it was a simple replacement. No drafts , easy open and close , and the window lock actually works. Who Knew 


Big Swig Colorado performed up in a little town and talk about a hoot. As we began the show , very few were accounted for. One of the locals found us to be exactly what the town needed. So he was on a mission for gathering the town tribe. 

And that he did!!! Not everyone but the whole town came out for sets two and three and talk about a party scene. I definitely have a new found respect for the sleepy little town of Collbran Colorado. 


Storms rolling through the valley , 26 inch wheels rolling along the mean streets of GJ , and I haven't rolled up my pennies in ages. It's hard to believe that I was so engrossed with rolling dimes and pennies way back in the nineteen hundreds. Back in the simpler times for sure. 

The office keeps me busy as a bee and this past Summer treated me well. Nothing earth shattering by any means but engaging never the less. 

Dog and house sitting are still the cats meow and this Summer was a busy one. Again , nothing earth shattering but a joy in its own right. 

Lastly , I am completely frustrated and disappointed with the Blogger action. Yes , it is free but I am unable to comment what so ever. I am totally unable to even drop a comment here. I Sh*t You Not , When I Click Publish , PooF

So Yes , STEVE , I still keep regular tabs on my favorite girl.  So Yes , Mr Bill , The Traffic Lanes.  So Yes , Pittbrownie , College , Pro , Survival Skills.  So Yes , MAGIC , you provide a much needed daily does.  So Yes , Iris , The Leo Is Alive!!!  So Yes ,  Island Musings , Love The Pants !!!  And Yes , Mariette , I think about you all the dang time. 

There is so much for sharing but not at this time. I Will post more soon and until then , discover your own rainbow my friends. Or maybe a tasty beverage of your choice. 

Keep Looking Up,


Friday, August 30, 2024


This is absolutely a senseless tragedy!!! Another regular old evening with young brothers cycling along ends by the hands of a Phuc-N drunk. Johnny Guadreau 31 years old and his brother 29 were run over and killed by a driver under the influence of booze. WHY 

According to police reports , a dipsh*t drunk hit Johnny and Mathew while attempting to pass another vehicle ON THE RIGHT that had moved over in order to make room for the Gaudreaus brothers. Now think about that. A citizen and law biding driver graciously gave the cyclist room by moving over to observe the 3 foot law and a privileged drunk driver took the opportunity to pass on the right. What if that was your daughter walking home? What if that was you walking your dog? What if that was your family members simply riding along and giggling the way families do? 

Many moons ago , I believe I was around 17 or 18 years old , had a friendly dispute over who is the better athlete. We were working as Valets at a golf and tennis resort and had plenty of free time on our hands. My buddy was advocating that Hockey Players are the best, strongest, and physically fit professionals. Of course I was all in on Water Polo Players , Triathletes, and NFL Running Backs. Remember , I was a young knucklehead and Earl Campbell and Walter Payton are my heroes. It wasn't until I was in my 30's when I began to agree with this cat. A little late but I do believe that it is true. Hockey Players are flipping studs. They sprint , they hit , and they finesse their passes through eager defensive players that just might literally want to kill ya. All in the name of sport. 

And with one drunk driver , two legends are dead. Completely Senseless 

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Cartoon Day In The Life Of Pure Imagination

The stitches are history , the lungs are burning , and that electric bass is PHAT 

The wheels continue to roll while devotions and expectation are exceedingly met 

Enjoying the interludes and extended jams 

The Farmers Market took on a whole new vibes this year and impressed the Sh*t out of me 

Sunrises are incredible I tell ya and sunsets are a window into reflection 

I Am Always In Love When I Am Excavating Sandstone Or Deep Rich Earthy Red Flagstone 

Other peoples pets are so righteous and their company is so pure and true 

Older gents and their stories are daunting and captivating at the same time

In order to slow down busy drivers , the city turned a two lane street into a one way one lane street. And Yes , I am stoked!!! Main Street meanders east to west. 4th and 5th street were one way two lane drag strips across Main Street. Everyone walks on Main Street and everyone hauls A$$ on 4th and 5th Streets. Finally , drives MUST slow down OR take the new 3 years in the works route. Infrastructure 101 Baby 

We are losing daylight here this high up the globe and them gardens are producing sexy yields 

Live music soothes the soul and even better with the right mix of patrons 

May you lead with your heart and dance your child like demeanor into happiness 

Beyond excited about this upcoming gig
