Monday, September 16, 2013

What A Weekend

The weekend of Friday The 13th started w/a drive towards the foothills. The sky was full of clouds and still the sun poked its little face out a few times. From GJ 2 Delta the desert is so damn green from all the rain here in Colorado that you have heard about. Totally looks like March Not Sept. Outside of Delta is a 2lane road through farm lands, over the Gunnison River, & up & over railroad tracks. A short little drive through Hotchkiss brought back so many memories from my last job, an old friend, & a nice easy pace of a life style.

Between the town of Hotchkiss & Crawford I found the farm land that is hosting this magical event known as the Smyth & Katy Boone Wedding. Yes, the real Boone Name!!! Smyth is also a 10th generation Black Smith!!! So Yes, I was surrounded by family w/real traits of living.

After my first walk through after driving I found a chair near the flower garden and I allowed time 2 simply slip on by. And then, WoW!!! The most beautiful women walked by and said," Travis, is that really you?" I could believe my eyes!!! We wrapped are arms around each other as if it was just yesterday. WoW!!! Its Time 2 Start.... A Blueman Group Song

40 min B4 the wedding I headed back 2 the car, where I will call home, and changed my get up. Around all the parked cars was this funny smell. The more I looked around, the blue'rrrrrr the air became w/that funny smell. Its grown in the foothills, its harvested in the foothills, & seems as everyone really likes it!!!

I headed back 2wards the amazingly green grounds, tables of love, trees full of mason jars w/little lights inside, welded lotus looking sculptures, tents 4 dinner, tents 4 a bar, a dome 4 the Best Men, & a well built structure 4 the wedding & the band. And who is the greeter giving out bubbles??? WoW!!! She is so beautiful from her white boots, up her white ( MY FAV ) hoses, flowery dress, & heart piercing eyes. I floated my way across the grounds & found myself staring off into space. I then set up the Gopro on a 5sec time lapse about 30min B4 the start. Here is that video I HOPE.....

The rest of this amazing night was filled w/wine, songs, dancing, fire, swimming,& telling of tall tales. Life is Awesome.

Training is going very well. Saturday was all stretching and LOADS of h2o!!! Sunday was Hailey's sweet 16th. Shadow & I off & on ran 4 just under 1hr 20min!!! Talk about Kick A$$. I felt Gr8!! 2wards the end of the trail system, Shadow & I ran from shade 2 shade. My feet had a full range of motion, my hips were relaxed, & I felt so smooth. Last time that the Boy Dog & I did this walk from my place 2 my bros it took well over an hour and a half. I would love 2 say an hour next time BUT time means what???? The views were awesome, folks on the trail were awesome, & I am awesome. Shadow & I will do an easy walk 2nite, I will ride the bike w/trailer full of recycling, & 2mar we head 4 the desert 2 run free and crazy.


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