Friday, May 14, 2021

Sleeping When I Can - Pounding The H20

Whenever I'm Alone With You      You Make Me Feel Like I Am Home Again    Whenever I'm Alone With You     You Make Me Feel Whole Again        Whenever I'm Alone With You      You Make Me Feel Young Again       Whenever I'm Alone With You      You Make Me Feel Like I Am Fun Again      However Far Away        I Will Always Love You      However Long I Stay    I Will Always Love You     Whatever Words I Say    I Will Always Love You 

The Cure 1989


This past week flew by like a flock of migrating birds smelling warmer weather to the North. All of the clients I worked with were evening sessions. Before I knew it, my iPhone would read midnight.

I was so wired this past week for some reason. Just couldn't close my eyes and that morning alarm was a royal drag. Oh Well 

Wanted to share one little story about the cutest elderly couple. They have been "happily" married for 53 years now and have 18 GRAND CHILDREN. Their amazing display of affection towards each other was refreshing. Still referring to one as dear, its ok sweetie, and "He is still a very handsome man" when he explained his " disability" as the wife chimed in. They are the couple that gives us all hope. 

MAD Racing:

MAD Racing held its first event of 20BLK Jack and its been over a year since our last event. Not as rusty as I thought I would be but I made a few mistakes. Nothing major that effected the timing or outcome. Just those stupid little errors that go unnoticed but gnaws at ya after the fact. 

The racers were cagey after a year of sitting around or riding just to ride. So the prologue on the first day produced some high speed action and rowdy lines for time placement seatings. Sunday, Mothers Day, offered up a 3 stage race here in GJ, Colorado. Dog Skin 

By the numbers here, up from two years ago, 187 participants paid, 181 started the prologue, and 173 finished the aggressive three stage downhill Grand Enduro. Thanx to the COPMOBA non profit filling those volunteer spots, MAD Racing proudly donated $1,300 to COPMOBA for future trail maintenance, tools, etc. 

The weekend only produced two hospital visits. One guy with a face plant off a rock and thought he might have broken his jar. The other was this guy below with a pedal whip against the shin. Gotta Like That 


What a fantastic opportunity here and two lovely girl dogs supervising my every move. They were quick to remind me how their human does not do it that way. So Cute  

Lets start with the best supervisor ever. She watched my every move and patiently waited for another biscuit. She is the 13 year old señor of the tribe. 

Here she is with a treat in her mouth and ears flapping around with every chomp. She knew that I was a big old softy and would hand out treats like candy. 

And then smelling the empty hand for one more while her sister crunches away. Her sister is a funny little gal at the ripe age of 3. And she loved the freedom of backyard access all day. She checked in on me but was happy to bounce around the backyard. Owning The Perimeter 

I bid this job without considering my low back. Basically, refinishing this 20 feet by 10 feet deck. The wood was in pretty decent shape and still held its integrity. Unlike My Back 

These railings have beautiful grain and they came to life after receiving their first coat of goodness. Of course all the south facing boards were painted with a second coat.  

My poor baby soft hands ached on day number two but my right knee cap was beyond tender. I wear knee pads and all but my body just is not used to hands and knees manual labor like this. For a few hours, no worries. But for two days, yuck. 

However, the owners were so pleased with my work. After day one, they complimented my attention to detail and appreciated my thoroughness. I explained to them before they accepted my bid that I am a body worker and not a painter. But I am not a sloppy person by nature and cutting corners is lame. 

After the second coat was applied, this wooden deck shines like it has just been fabricated from scratch. Sanding down all imperfections was the key. The owners where also pleased after day number one when I asked them to inspect my work for any blemishes. " My goal is for you two to be satisfied all Summer while sitting out back here. Pick apart my work as I won't take it personally." I shared with them. 

But my first order of morning business before proceeding was hooking this gal up with a treat. And the wife loved my morning doggie update photos. Dogs, they can melt your heart. Good Dogs Anyway 

Again, I am thankful for the work but it kicked my A$$. The morning of day 2, I laid on the floor for about 20 minutes. Calisthenics, for get about it. Slowly stretching out, preparing breakfast and lunch, and then back to rolling paint. 


How ya like these??? They just turned up inside my bank. Super cool to be patiently standing in the queue in one moment and then in a Mr Rogers make believe day dream in the next. 

And our local cacti are about to burst with vivid desert color. Soon the pollinators will be happily buzzing around wildly. In fact, Hummingbirds should be making a scene any day now. Thanx Mother Nature 


My riding has fallen to almost zero. Kinda sad when I should be over 400 miles/643.73km for the month of May. But its just not the case. 

Last Friday, Mothers Day Weekend, I strolled on out to the Palisade Brewery to meet someone new. Insert the right eyebrow lifting here. A couple that I know raved over this person that I just gotta meet. You know how that goes. 

Part of me was rather hesitant because in the back of my mind, what if Triple J showed up. They have family in Palisade and just my luck, right. Actually, crossing paths with Triple J wouldn't be so bad. I wonder if they moved to Denver to make real money. I do hope Triple J is content and in a much better headspace these days. Call me crazy but what if. 

So this person comes up all friendly and what not and I knew in two shakes that this was a mistake. They were obnoxious as hell, way young, and I wondered what my friends thought of me in order of thinking this would be a match. It was very challenging for me to keep my composure and not just get up and leave. But damn I was becoming more annoyed by the second.

Out of the corner of my eye, this dazzling figure graced my way and I envisioned concupiscent desires in my third eye. The direct eye contact was piercing and I became mesmerized. While I was in my trance like state, my friends say," So Glad You Could Make It!! This Is Travis. Travis, This Is..." Flipping Stoked

The other yahoo was just a random friend and I was beyond judgmental. They were not the blind date and I am so thankful I didn't back hand this person and blow the whole evening. See, taking the higher ground pays off. Like WoW

Back to walking behind this sucker again. Sort of dreaded firing this beast up again as I was pretty burnt out by the Fall of 2020. But here I am again, walking behind this noise maker, and collecting some much needed cash. The income is good but the work so blows. 

My other part time job, here is a flywheel from inside a rowing machine at the gym. This was absolutely a two person task. Again, thankful for the pay check but I wanna spend every moment possible in the office. Humans Need Ortho

April was a solid month for trail running but I haven't been out for a good old american adventure during the month of May. Forced myself to hike the other day to simply clear my busy mind. Work Work Work 

Also, I sincerely apologies to each of you that I have fondly enjoyed following over the years. I am currently without wifi and have dropped off the blogging world. Sort of speak anyway. I have not devoted the time to sit and type and when I do jump on the net, updating this journal hasn't been a priority. Until tonight!!! Thank You WONMAN TODAY!!! Your comment on my last post struck a nerve and rejuvenated my spirit. Thank You 

Another fun project, that red pulley there went belly up. It amazes me how an engineer designs this magnificent machine on a computer but has no clue what might be involve when making adjustments or repairs. And why must they build these suckers with DIFFERENT sized screws??? For me to replace that one pulley, I used three different allen wrench drill bits. 

Anyway, this is my attempt to update my where a bouts, my trials and tribulations, and my inclinations and aspirations for building my practice again. I leave you with my goals and this one minute time lapse video from the window at KAFM. 


  1. Burn Some Calories
  2. Actively Pursue New Clientele
  3. Ride My Phuc-N Bike
  4. Keep My Head Above Water
  5. Compliment Others For No Reason
  6. Sunday Phone Calls
  7. Swim At Least Twice This Week
  8. Pull More Weeds
  9. Finish Painting The Trim
  10. Wash All My Windows For Seeing My Future  



  1. Dearest Travis,
    Thank you for the time lapse, that I viewed as your #10.
    Your #10 goal here above made me laugh out loud!
    Need to see my future also more clearly but some of our windows (most of them!) are way too high above the ground and a no-no for me. Being cautious since my dbl pelvic bone fracture in 2018.
    Even biking, I try to be cautious, one never knows. It goes too fast and with the crazy traffic passing by it is scary at times. WISH we had bike lanes like in The Netherlands!
    Going to our favorite River Walk in South-West Georgia is now off limits without having a bike rack. Those two are also too heavy for constant lifting on and off.
    But my belly and waste is becoming more muscular, so it works to stay active, as much as possible.
    You have been extremely productive and most were back breaking jobs! Not feeding the treats to the canines... but the deck and also the lawn mower pushing.
    Guess some new language variations could be easily invented when trying to repair certain equipment; you're so right about the not making any sense of things being used together.
    Sending you hugs and success with your Ortho business!!!

    1. And Thank You For Viewing The Time Lapse - Have Been Posting As Much Because Of The Lack Of wifi But I Really Have No Excuses - Been Leaching Onto The Community Radios Stations Network - The Windows, How Funny - I Wish I Lived Near By Because I Would Climb The Ladder - And Of Course Work On You Two As Well - Wish The Bike Lanes And Accessibility Were A Little More Convenient For Ya - Thanx For The Well Wishes And Looking Forward To Moving On - Stay Strong - Big Hugs


  2. Seems you have been busy.
    Lovely photos there.
    The deck is looking good.
    Take care.

    1. Hard To Believe That It Is The 15th Of May


  3. Wow on that bike race! I'm surprised there weren't more injuries and glad the injuries didn't involve you. Your supervisors were cute (even if they are dogs. 😺) It's so nice to see someone take pride in the work they do. You're a true craftsman. Take care and have a good week.

    1. Best Supervisors A Guy Could Have - Thank You For Such Kind Words - I Appreciate Your Observations - Looking Forward To The Weekend And Should Be A Stellar Work Week As Well


  4. Hello,
    The downhill bike riding, looks down right scary to me. I hope those who had to visit the hospital are ok. Love the cute doggies, they are adorable. The deck looks great. Sounds like you are busy, your goals have inspired me to wash my windows. Take care, have a happy weekend!

    1. Scary For Sure And Those Kids Made It Look Effortless - Two Of The Cutest Dogs - Wash On My Dear Friend - Wash On


  5. Oh, I loved The Cure!
    53 years, 18 grandchildren, WOW. And sweet.
    I sure am too scared of racing now...
    And scrolling down I see why, huh.
    Can you come over here and do our balcony, too?
    Looking forward to blooming cacti.

    Sad when you feel instantly it´s wrong, meeting a new person. Or maybe good.
    It takes a lot of courage (for me) to meet new people.

    You made me laugh with the "noise maker".

    Cool music on your video and... Love #5. We need people like you (I am one).

    1. The Cure!!!! Good Older Folks - Wish I Lived Down The Street As I Would Work On It In A Heart Beat - That Noise Maker, Another Summer Walking Behind It - Dang It - Thanx For Watching The Video And More Of #5 Please


  6. Well, I'm glad the blind date wasn't a disaster after all! WHEW! Keep us posted!

    Good job on the deck, and of course I love the beautiful (and no doubt very spoiled) dogs. :)

    1. Oh Man, Could Have Gotten Out Of Control Quick Like - Glad You Saw The Deck Work - Pretty Proud Of It - And Those Happy Dogs Are Well Looked After - Good Humans For Sure


  7. My gosh, that mountain bike terrain looks really extreme!! Great job on the deck. My lower back hurts just thinking about it!

    1. Its Rowdy As All Get Out - You Would Enjoy These High Desert Views - Thanx For Dropping A Comment And Have A Brew For Both Of Our Backs


  8. Muy interesante las fotografías que incluyes en tus reportajes.

    Se ve que eres una gran amigo de los perro, por eso te hacercas a ellos y le sacas fotografías para darlos a conocer.


    1. Que bom que você está gostando das fotos - Espero que esteja bem e feliz - Fique forte


  9. Yep, odd sized screws and bolts have been my bane lately.

  10. Mountain biking looks like a huge challenge. The deck looks extremely nice, you did a great job. Blogging can be tough without wifi. Chill out, be happy and blog when you can. We all enjoy your commentary, it's unique and honest. Have a good week, Padre!

    1. Very Extreme MTB - Been Surfing The Net Here At The Community Radio Station - I Appreciate You Returning And Enjoying My Updates - Rather Unique For Sure - Keep On Keeping On Mr Bill


  11. Mad racing for sure! That was a nice pot of chili and lovely story of the couple.

    1. MADness For Sure - Good People - Be Well


  12. Stuff just keeps getting harder Im a DIY'r and I can testify to that. I spent an hour at the bike park in Rifle watching the kids make those jumps and zoom around the curves, great fun to watch but I have to stick to a straight line although I found myself in deep sand today my calves are a burning now...
    Hope you can recover your clientele, it has to be hard in these weird times. Have a good one!

    1. When Were You In Rifle - I Miss Walks Along The Coastline And Burning The Lower Legs In The Warm Coarse Sand - Will Enjoy The Week Ahead


  13. Loved your analogy of how time flies with migrating birds! Oh and your supervisors were supercute!

    1. Best Supervisors Ever - Thanx For The Feed Back There Magic - Way Cool


  14. Me enamoraron los perritos tan lindos, amino con tu viaje y con tus metas. Cuídate con el clclismo te mando un beso

    1. Obrigada por comentar e por curtir os gols - é bom ter - agradeço o amor e os beijos


  15. Really extreme sport! Interesting post!

    1. Very Extreme With Heavy Consequences - Thanx For Commenting - Hope You Are Well


  16. Oh my goodness, my goodness! That bike race. What a challenge. I'm sure that if it were me I'd be in the hospital. Strapped in traction on every bone in my body!!
    Your deck work is phenomenal & enjoyed seeing your supervisors...cuteness.
    At my age, I can't take those that are obnoxious. Hit 'em upside their heads with my fist, I would. Oops, ER here I come.

    Great post Travis. I love your positive attitude on life.

    1. Righteous Challenge - The Supervisors Made It All Worth It - I Have This Sinking Feeling That I Am Aging Sour - Thanx So Much For Stopping By And Dropping Comments Like You Do - Stay Raw - Be You


  17. Sorry you weren't able to make a love fix ups ever work? Back when my sister was single, she met potential mates through EHarmony and they were all awful and clones of her horrible ex. I talked her into opening up her criteria a bit and the guy she is married to now was so completely different from anyone she ever met. He's wonderful. So grateful for him!

    And ouch to the guy who took the pedal to his shin. Ouch!!!

    1. Still Haven't Gone Down The Internet Path - No Thanx - Pleased With The Sisters Outcome - And Happy For The Both Of You And Your Delightful Husbands - Pouncing A Little Pedal Off The Shin, That Always Feels Good


  18. Look like you burn some calories.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. And Need To Dig Deep And Start Riding For Endurance Here Soon - Like Real Soon


  19. Oh, from this entry the first time I know your name is Travis 😊👍 ..., so far I understand your name is Padre 🤭.

    Hopefully you will no longer have trouble sleeping like some time ago.


    1. Stay With The Padre , That Works - Call Me Travis, Totally Works


  20. Wow pictures from this mad racing make impress :-)
    Btw so so cute dogs <3

    1. Glad You Found The Photos Impressive And Those Dogs Are So Dang Cute


  21. This bike race. WoW ... I would have wanted to see it.
    They are very versatile ... Thanks for the tours, I always think I would be there too :-)))
    And now I'm going to clean one - two windows ... maybe I'll see another beauty out there that I haven't discovered yet ...
    Masse regards to you. Viola

    1. Wish We Had A Live YouTube Channel For Broadcasting Around The World - Cleaning Windows Clearly Brings Vision - All The Best To You


  22. The story of the elderly couple is so beautiful... it keeps us hoping in a better world.
    On the other hand the story of those young people that got hurt and especially the photo of the second one gave me the creeps. I am glad I didn't got to see the pgoto of the first one that had an injury at his jaw, I hope both of them are well.
    Keep on with your impressive work and good luck in fulfilling all of your goals.

    1. It Was Beautiful - All In With The Goals And So Far So Good


  23. I can only hope to make it that long in my marriage. We are celebrating year 18 tomorrow (but together for 24 years now).

    Your puppy companions sure were cute. I'd have a hard time saying goodbye when the sitting gig is up. Great job on the deck too.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Congrats!!! A Quarter Of A Century Next Year - Good On You Two - Such Adorable Companions - This Week Is Flying By - Big Hugs


  24. Congrats on participating in that mad race. It looks like quite an.adrenaline rush.
    The doggies are wonderful and the photos of nature are precious.

  25. Dogs seem to be drawn to you like cats are to me Padre :) You have had a productive couple of weeks so far, gosh I relate to the aching back after a day in the garden. Lovely story re old couple, think there are many more like that also. So when are you going on second date with gorgeous blind date, good luck hope it goes well. Enjoyed the time-lapse as always, excellent choice of soundtrack. Take care ✨

    1. Dogs And Cats, love Love LOVE - Gardening And Pulling Weeds Does A Number As Well - Old Folks A So Authentic - Fingered Crossed - Really Appreciate The Time Lapse Support - Sure Do Enjoy Seeing What Develops - Big Hugs Perth


  26. That chilli looks familiar but needs more beans to make it "work". LOL.

    1. Dynamite There Brother Phil - Needs A Wok To Work In My Humble Opinion - Rock On


  27. Oh Lord! That racing was very challenging!
    That chili looks yummy!

    1. The Chili Was With TURKEY - Thats Right, The Frozen Leftovers From Thanksgiving - Turned Out So Well - Cant Go Wrong With Frijoles


  28. The terrace looks stunning. Well done 😊!!!
    Sport can be painful sometimes 😖!!!

    1. Thank You - Quite The Effort - Worked In The Shade As Much As Possible


  29. the second photo is interesting.... beautiful flowers .... love it

    1. You Noticed My Fancy Flare There - Way Cool And Thank You


  30. I heard Triple J is in Southwest CO/San Juan Mtn working for the Southern Ute Tribe and training for 14ers. Living the dream.

    Great choice posting The Cure!

  31. Oh yeah- I think she’ll be in palisade this weekend visiting family so plan dates accordingly!
