Monday, November 9, 2015

Week II

I have blogged about working three jobs while training for the Lead King 25K. Well, this is one of those jobs. Its an early 1960's Heidelberg Cylinder Press that has been converted into a die cutter monster. So I set up the GoPro and shot still photos for 3hrs at 5 second shots.

Training: Hit the gym three times this week and a swim day as well. Cycle Cross Race yesterday. Loaded up on stretching and Sun Salutations to open the hips and calm the lower back.

Radio Show: This Tuesday, 10th on Nov from 4pm - 6:30pm Mt Time Zone, I will be hosting Bluegrass and Beyond. Way fired up about this show because Veta has a huge following and I can't tell you the last time she had to miss a show. I pretty much listen to KAFM all day on Tuesdays when I can. And anther show on Thursday the 12th at 6:30pm. Both show will be live at www dot kafmradio dot org

Legs Feel Gr8, Boy Dog is Happy, & Lets Rock!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks like pretty hard work! Talk about rocking life! 3 jobs and training - I totally know how that goes. :) Great job on hitting the workouts AND a swim (such amazing cardio not to mention a reset for the brain). Going to try and tune in for your show. Congrats I know you'll have a blast filling in for her. As always, thanks for motivating comments you leave me. I love blog comments and yours always leave me smiling and feeling good. :)
