Thursday, November 7, 2013

How Did It Become Thursday????

My Shadow Boy

I sat down to write some e-mails and the Boy Dog jumped on in behind me. What a dog!!! Life is good and way busy. 22F on my commute to work this AM. Funny, I was the only one on the bike today and a SH*T ton of cars. During the month of Oct, felt like a record amount of cycling commuters. I even had the chance to ride into town w/my mail lady. Maybe I will see other rides April of 2014????

Colorado folks have been enjoying the Moon and Venus at sunset these past few days.

Tonight will be the 1st time this season that I have interest in Thursday Night Football.

Shadow Boy and I have a 3 mile walk/run on the list as well.

I have a new project w/honey this weekend.

I will be hosting the Mt Bound Radio Show this Saturday.

November, You Are A OK

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