Sunday, February 9, 2025

January By Allegory

You Were The Girl That Changed My World     You Were The Girl For Me     You Lit The Fuse I Stand Accused     You Were The First For Me      But You Turned Me Out      You Dropped A Bomb On Me  Baby , You Dropped A Bomb On Me    You Were My Thrills     You Were My Pills     You Dropped A Bomb On Me 

The Gap Band

The Gap Band IV 1982 


Nothing flashy what so ever and I have a plethora of tasty excuses. But when I was out and about , the sights this dusty little desert offered up was mind bending my friends. Desert Sunsets Rock 

These numbers I present are fairly basic and my biggest excuse was weather related. But after witnessing the extreme COLD over on the Frontstrange , my true default lands under the simply laziness 101 category. The good news anyway , I only failed recording an outing 7 times for January. Everything uploaded was via the commuter bike and pleased to see that 100+ miles / 160kms was accomplished here in the history books. Nothing Tingling There Spiderman 


Mainly , completely blown away by how fast January flew on by. But the "completed" aspect reflects that I finally attended a motion picture on the big screen. This would be my first film in well over 5 years and maybe closer to 10 years than 5. Fun Fact: my last motion picture also showcased a musical biography. And I am so glad about this decision as attending movies is something special to me for numerous reasons!! The Complete Unknown was terrific and I loved the Johnny Cash character. My ignorance was off the charts with the whole Newport Festival scene and never knew Guthrie passed from Huntington's Disease. But for me , always intrigued by the fashionable styles of that era , cultural references , and automobiles of the early to mid 1960s. Fascinating Really 


Here before me is the task at hand. How does one remove this used track and install a brand new extra firm track?? You problem solve your way through ever step of the way with maximum confidence. And this new rolling track is heavy as Sh^t! Step one - dragging out the old trusty vacuum with all the attachment pieces. Dead Skin Cells 

Just about everything but the Mother Board caused an issue and/or needed to be removed. Even those little feet there caused problems for both removing and reattaching. And see that wheel down low in this below picture? Didn't know it at the time but that pulley plays a significant role , pun intended. 

The removal of the old track was simple as the boys wanted to fight it off the treadmill. I suggest the Dewalt Angle Grinder and cut those steal cables. Zip Zip. That was the "easiest " portion of the whole project. That and plugging the treadmill back in. Classic 

And carefully assembling presented its own rules and challenges. You see , the track must be installed perfectly. If the track is loose , drags on the floor. If the track is not in line with the opposite pulley , will jump off the running boards. If too tight , the track echoes screeching horrendous vibrations. On top of all that , the cosmetic pieces are all plastic so stripping , cracking , and /or over tightening throws monkey wrenches into the equation. Oh Baby Does She Purrrrrrrrrr 


In the office most every night and I am not complaining what so ever. It is just that the days are a blur and now we are 9 days into February. What The Fruit Stand

I reference these two chart to my clients often and I personally double check the top poster frequently. Stimulating these meridians are so beneficial and way easy on my hands as well. Way back in one of my undergrad classes , The Arndt Schultz Law resinated with me. Thankfully!! And this is why I believe and have become fully committed to Reflexology and energy meridians for allow healing from within ones own body mechanics. Plus , in my model of the world,  strengths and rejuvenation a body of wholeness without disrupting owns power. That's Just Me 

This LAW basically states that a STRONG stimulus DECREASES overall mobility. And LIGHT stimulations INCREASES ones range of motion. What the flock of seagulls does this mean?? If you ever experience a "knot" in your should blade ( scapula ) , you obviously lack range of motion with that shoulder. This represents the STRONG stimulus. If this happens to be an acute injury , I am able to work reflex points all over the body WITHOUT touching or disturbing the scapula itself. In this chart above , that scapula point is located just below that happy little pinky toe. Now , I definitely have manipulated many a neuromuscular releases of that subscapularis muscle and that is a real hoot. Nothing like a thumb up and under the shoulder blade there , through the armpit of course. Jump Back & Kiss Myself  


The Dude and I threw our first round of 2025 and that went exactly how you could imagine it. I did land one birdie on the round but horribly rusty for sure. We both missed putts by striking the actual basket but that doesn't count if the disc doesn't find its home inside the cage of the basket. Hints , this is why we pass on marking a score card. Plus , keeping score simply ruins a good walk. Walk On 

Sundays Make Me Giggle,



  1. Quite a potpourri. With a good focus on health, cheers to that!

  2. The sunset photos are stunning. Nice work on the track. Keeping busy is good. To great health and happiness, we march thru a new month. Take care, my friend and keep you sense of humour. :)

  3. Enjoy the remainder of the month. The first two photos are lovely!

  4. De tu reportaje, me quedo con las imágenes del atardecer.
