Tuesday, February 8, 2022

If We Are Not Moving Forward, We Are Standing Still

Son Of A Gun   You Walked Into The Party Like You Were Walking Onto A Yacht    Your Hat Strategically Dipped Below One Eye      Your Scarf It Was Apricot     You Had One Eye On The Mirror    As You Watch Yourself Gavotte    And All The Girls Dreamed That They'd Be Your Partner    They'd Be Your Partner    And     Your So Vain    You Probably Think This Song Is About You 

Carley Simon

No Secrets 1972


After the past six playoff games, will the Super Bowl live up to our expectations?? Ether way, I hope so because I will be watching for the sure entertainment value. Totally excited for the Halftime Show with all the potential Smell A appearance opportunities by artist that live near by. Do YOU Have A Team You're  Rooting For??? 

Is it me or are we all tired about hearing Brady's latest tying of his shoes incident?? You know, there just so happens to be another future Hall Of Fame QB hanging up them sneakers, Big Ben. Does he hold the records, NO. But the cheater Brady train has run its course and the networks are treating this matter as if Brady died. When that does happen, it will be a two useless months of coverage. Whatever 


Pulled off one of my better radio show on 2002/02/03. Very few mistakes on my part and an amazing amount of texts/phone calls poured in with support. That Felt GOOD. The Magic Carpet Ride , HERE IS THE LINK , opens with the Red/Blue Pill soundbite from The Matrix. From there, I paid homage to BLK History Month with a wide range of Hall Of Fame artist that have shuffled off this mortal coil.

When you click on that link, simply click the play button icon next to the date 2/3/22 6:30pm. Be prepared for a radical dose of hip hop, reggae, and remixed disco cuts. Highly recommend listening at higher volumes in residential neighborhoods. My next time slot, CLICK HERE, will be this Thursday the 2022/02/10 at 4pm Mt Time Zone. I will definitely not be airing out love tracks for Valentine Days. That particular day so blows as exceptions are a double thumbs down. 


Holy Smokes! Ready for this one?? Working with a client right now that is suffering from severe throbbing pain after receiving an injection into their Trigeminal Nerve by an unqualified rookie dentist. Talk about a bummer. Simple route cavity has turned into a three month restless sleep caused by referring pain. 

Another odd mouth issue is a client that has been dealing with dentures that clearly do not fit properly. So the moral of the story is to please keep your healthy teeth healthy. So I have become familiar again with neck releases and relationships between C1 & C2. I am enjoying myself, the love the work, and hopefully adding a bit of comfort to the precious lives of others. I Hope 

Another long time massage client excelled during their half marathon in Moab , UT. They pulled off their own PR and were pleasantly surprised with a top 20 finish. They arrived in the office beat up and totally worked. We simply flushed out their soreness and paid close attention to their Rhomboids and Upper Traps. Runner tend to hold their shoulders in the ears during different points of the race. So Life Is Good In The Office


On my last evening with the two kitties kitties, I woke up in the middle of the night laying on my left side with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. One kitty was stretched out along the side of my chest and the other kitty was balled up behind my knees. This cozy house is way too warm for my sleeping comfort and yet I have two little heat boxes playing cuddle time with me. But it is better than sleeping in a van down by the river. 

A new, well new to me, opportunity came my way. The neighbor of a job popped their head over the backyard fence and inquired if I would be at all interested in walking their dog for twenty bucks. Let me understand this here, walk a dog for about a half hour in exchange for a crisp Andrew Jackson??? Phuc Yes 

Just how do I market this business plan?? All systems go in my model of the world and I think that it would be a hell of an adventure. I walk, the dog walks, we are both walking outdoors, and I get paid??? Totally Analogous 


Still shaking my head here. There is a lady across the street from the kitties house that has the most Phuc-D up routine that I have ever witnessed. This dumb A$$ walks to her car every morning and starts it up. She then goes back inside while the car warms up. She then climbs inside the car, rolls the window down about half, and smokes a cigarette. Then, shuts off the motor and goes back in the house. So badly I want to drill a hole in the bottom of her car battery so that the engine never sparks to life again. Because of the frozen snow still on the shady side of her car, the car hasn't physically moved in many moons. Unreal 

My weeks are flying by me so damn quickly these days. Accomplishing any goals is almost impossible and I am losing track of days. I know what day it is but everyday is full speed. Like January for instant , WHERE DID THAT MONTH GO?? 20 BLK Jack, fastest year of my life so far. The questions are; do I have a day? do I have a week? do I have a decade? do I have 30 years? Oh Mortality , Damn You 


  1. Lift With Intentions And Grace
  2. Ortho Bionomy With Three New Clients During February 
  3. Voraciously Meal Plan This Month 
  4. Energetically Make A Difference 

Here is a quick minute and a half time lapse from my office. The high cirrus clouds are afloat until I released the shutter. Almost nothing but sunshine from there on out. Classic 


Dogs Are Welcomed Humans Are Tolerated,



  1. I won't be watching the Super Yawn. Our team didn't make it this year. Don't you be ragging on the G.O.A.T, TB12. Jealous pure jealous. 😉Oh, those sweet kitties. Sounds like life is good for you. Take care

    1. Too Funny My Friend - I Am Not Ragging By Any Means On Him But Its The Network - Just Like NBC's Disgusting Coverage Of The Olympics This Year - We Tune In For The Games And They Pound Home COVID And China This And China That - If An American Athlete Has A Rough Day Or What Not, They Say," ******* Missed Out On A Gold Medal." - Its The Coverage That Bothers Me, Not The Individual Aspect - CJ, Have A Dynamite Week And An Even Better Weekend


  2. Aunque como animal de compañía, prefiero los gatos, la fotografía que más me ha gustado es la imagen del perro de la fotografía número 1.

    1. Adoro capturar fotos de personalidades de animais - Obrigado, como sempre, por me verificar

      Big Hugs,

  3. The video went well with you description of time flying by. The cats must have loved you. Cats are not often that cozy with people. It’s great to have e a buddy you can walk!

    1. Thank You And Thank You For Watching The Time Lapse Video - They Sure Are Fun To Create - The Cats Totally Took A Liking To Me And Gravitated Towards My Every Spot - And It Really Is Desirable To Have A Buddy I Can Count On - So Nice Hearing From You Marie


  4. I won't be watching football, not a fan. Paid to walk and walk with a dog, priceless my friend. I think we all could use a little of Jade Fade. :) I'll be tuning in your show this week. Last week was a little to late. I wonder why the woman just didn't stand outside and smoke instead of wasting gas and adding pollution to the air. She's a no brainer for sure. Have a great week, Padre and thanks for all the comments you leave, I love reading them.

    1. I Know, Right - Its A Win Win - If I Have Found Myself In A Position To Own A Pup, Will Name It JADE For Sure - Thanx For Letting Me Know That You Will Be Streaming The Show Tomorrow - That Gal Has Some Wacky Issues As Well And Pissed Me Right The Phuc Off - And Thank You For All The Creative Daily Photos - Stay Groovy Mr Bill


  5. Hi Travis, no super bowling here I don't even know the teams who play except Denver Broncos. LoL...Ive never been a fan. I used to watch some tennis, but lately not. I say mailbox flyers "dog walking by the hourly or weekly rates" What a fun way to make a living eh? I HAD the same thing happen to me on my last dental visit...my Lingual Nerve. The side of tongue, and basically the whole right lower side of my jaw...stayed that way weeks. I lost my sense of taste also. There is NO reversing if the entire nerve was severed but thankfully now it's ok. Very annoying feeling. I want some of that Jade Fade. You're intro to the show was perfect. More and more it's becoming reality. TC and stay real!!

    1. Excellent - Mailbox Flyers Is A Fabulous Idea - Yikes, The Lingual Is Nothing To Play Around With - Would Happily Share Some Jade Fade With Ya For Sure - Thanx For Streaming The Show And Hope It Was A Toe Tapper As Well - Turn It Up


  6. Don't get me started on all the hype of Brady! To put it mildly...what a pain. Of COURSE he broke records! He has been playing longer than most have been alive!!

    Sweet poochie photos, but the cats are favored at our abode. 😊

    1. So Happy You Saw All The Pup Shots - Just Knew The Kitty Kitty Would Make Your Day - Have A Beautiful Day There Hootin As Its Always A Pleasure Hearing From Ya - Stay Warm


    2. Thanks for the profile compliment! And Happy Valentine's day.

    3. And A Happy February To You As Well - Go Hootin' Anni Go


  7. Hi,
    Great blog dear! I follow you, do you want to follow me?


  8. Good to see you are busy enjoying what your are doing. DOn't worry about the time left, it will take care of itself. Onward with your goals! Cheers!

    1. Brilliant!! It Will Take Care Of Itself - Well Said Magic - Well Said


  9. Love the first pic.
    ARGH, with the new company I would´ve had to ask for a day off last Friday. No idea if I make it through the game, but I sure am keen on it.
    Darn time zones! But yay for internet. Loved "The call" :-)
    Bought a lille popcorn-machine and other footy stuff at Aldi, all set ready to go :-) Your food sure looks more inviting!
    Brady, yes, was even in the German news...

    I bought (and will show) TP for Valentine´s Day, LOL. Shit#y times, haha....

    Ow. Nothing worse than a dentist. But a bad dentist.

    Oh, sweet cats! I never got money for walking the dog and I never wanted the dog in the first place!
    German Shepherd dogs are nothing for 4-year-olds! Especially when they want a cat.

    You have a very weird neighbor there. Here it´s forbitten to start the motor unless you drive.off!
    Yes. Can´t believe it´s mid-February already.
    LOVE your goals. And nice video.

    1. That First Pix Cracked Me Up Because It Captured His Smile - Dang Those Time Zones As Our Olympic Coverage Is Dreadful - PoPcorn Machine, YES Please - A Drilling Dentists Makes A Point - Classic GS Comment There - I Cant Even Tell Ya How Much That Neighbor Disturbed Me On So Many Levels - Thanx For The love Love LOVE There Iris


  10. The only thing I know about American football is that it is a sport where players wear helmets and play by rules that I don't know. I don't know much more about rugby either- except that they don't wear helmets. I don't think anyone watches Super Bowl here.
    Rock on with the radio stuff. Those doggies you are paid to walk look really cute. I need a part time job like that! Being around animals makes me less stressed. That cat nip in comic book cartoon style is hilarious. The real kitties are adorable too. Your office looks cool, I like that owl painting.
    Great goals!

    1. Sports Are Sports - Its Entertainment If You Choose To Engage - Rocking The Radio Stuff And Enjoying Myself Again - Pleased To Know That The Cartoon Brought Laughter To Your World - Stoked You Mentioned The Owl As Its My Medicine Animal - You Would Never Believe My Spirit Animal - Always A Pleasure Hearing From You - Rock On My Friend


    2. I did some quiz and it turned out my spirit animal is a cat. I don't know how accurate it is, but I was often told I behave like one. :)

    3. A Cat, For Reals - Classic - You Totally Made My Night


  11. In Italy Super Bowl is not popular and I think that we cannot watch it on tv.
    Here people get crazy for soccer (I don't!!!!!). As you know I'm a rugby fan.
    The dentists: I am afraid of them.
    I would pay to walk with a dog.
    Those cats are too lovely. I also sleep with a cat on the bed.
    Great goals.
    All the best!

    1. For Sure Soccer And World Rugby Kicks A$$ - Those Dentist - Having A Little Life On The Bed Is Precious - Good On You - Take Care Brother BLK Knight


  12. Hello,
    I do not have a favorite for the Super Bowl, it is just good NOT to have Brady playing this year. Love the furbaby images, dog walking is a great job. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. Thanx So Much For Checking In - Out Of Curiosity, Why Is You Turn Off Your Comments - Agreed, So Glad Brady Is Not In The Super Bowl This Year - Looking Forward To My Week Ahead - Big Hugs E


  13. The dog walking sounds like a good gig! I do NOT understand that woman and the car. My guess is she's not allowed to smoke in the house...but still! "I'm going to burn up fossil fuels for no reason, pollute the atmosphere AND suck poison into my lungs, all at once!"

    1. Doesn't It Though - And Here In Colorado, Bring It On - Completely Flabbergasted Over That Ding A Ling - And Knowing She Does It All The Time So Gets Under My Skin - Anyway, Stay Healthy Brother Steven


  14. i remember when I was sleeping in my fiends' flat one of her cat jumped on me during the night xd I woke up with horror scenarios in my mind xd

    1. Always A Trip In Another Bed When A Critter Comes To Visit During The Night - I Know What You're Stepping In


    2. haha yes:D it was truly a moment never which I would never forget ;p

  15. Dearest Travis,
    Haha, humans are tolerated, love that ending and also being #31 for viewing your time lapse.
    That woman (not a lady!) getting in the car and letting it run, then coming back and smoking a cigarette with window half down is engine illiterate and she has more issues...!
    Love the kitty photo and yes, we experience the very same after having been sleeping at some King size beds in three different Hyatt hotels for 9 nights, our kitties claim us and we're literally sandwiched between them!!! But they're so loyal and loving.
    As for Super Bowl, both of us are completely illiterate in sports and we don't even mind. Having been on the go constantly, it was impossible to stay updated the world over and after a while, you completely kicked off.

    1. Glad You Saw And Thanx Ever So Much For Watching The Time Lapse - I So Cracked Up With The Kitty Head Rubs Upside Down - Enjoy The Weekend All The Same - Big Hugs My Friend


  16. We don't see Super Bowl in Italy... I love cats and dogs, these pics are so cute!
    Ciao Travis, Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. More Cats - More Dogs - More Happy Tails - And Puppy Breath


  17. I'm only going to a Super Bowl party for the food and halftime show this year. And yes, I am sick of every little sneeze Tom Brady does hitting my news feed.

    $20 to walk a dog? I need to figure out how to cash in on that here. Actually, there are kids in my area that made a business of scooping poop from yards. As soon as the snow melts, the flyers will start popping up from these little entrepreneurs looking to cash in on yards full of crap LOL!

    Have a great weekend, Padre!

    1. So Far, Its Been A Hoot Walking The Little Guy - We Have A Couple Of Poop Scoopin' Trucks In Town And No Thank You - But Yes, Savvy Little Youngsters - Fabulous Weekend It Was - On We Go My Friend And Hope The Super Bowl Treated You Well


  18. Replies
    1. Welcome Back Aa It Is So Nice Hearing From You - All The Best This 2022 Calendar Year


  19. I gotta route for my local team (Go Rams!!). Should be a good one.

    1. Congrats And It Was Highly Entertaining - Be Well Brother Parts


  20. Dog walking sounds like a fun gig.

    Love the kitty photo.

    Happy Sunday, Padre!

    1. Doesn't Though - The Kitty Was A Hit - Excellent Sunday And Thank You


  21. Mortality has been on my mind too as I have a big birthday later this year. How much time do I have left? Why am I wasting precious time in my soul-sucking job? Oh yeah, bills to pay. I could get into dog walking, lol.

    Glad to hear things are going well for you at work. There's nothing better than making a difference!

    1. Turning 21 Later This Year You Are - Outstanding - We Both Could Get Into Dog Walking As We Would Throughly Enjoy The Daily Exercise And Outdoor Lifestyle - Thanx You For Your Kind Words Wendy - Sending Positive Vibes Your Way


  22. So many happy pups and kitties in this post. I love it. And I can't imagine going to the dentist to take care of an issue and ended up with a worst issue. Man. Hope all else is well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Pet Photos Are A True Hit And The Humans Always Appreciate Them - Such A Bummer On The Dentist Situation And Concerns Me As Well - The Month Of February Is Flying On By But All Is Well


  23. Replies
    1. Espero que essas fotos tragam um sorriso ao seu coração - Obrigado por me verificar meu amigo


  24. I hope you're doing well. That first photograph is so lovely. It looks like a cartoon drawing of that adorable doggie. That grill looks nice. I love grilled zucchini.
    I hear you on V-day and not wanting to air V-day tracks. People are getting tired of Valentine's Day being turned into this commercial thing that is all about spending and high expectations. All holidays are getting like that, it seems. No wonder this depresses people. My husband is against commercialization of holidays (including Valentine's day) and wanted to boycott it. We planned to stay in but friends invited us for a dinner so we ended up doing out for pizza and it was nice. Our friends bought us Valentine's day candle and chocolate. So we didn't succeed in boycotting it completely.

    So sorry to hear about your client that was hurt by an apprentice dentist. I get those injections all the time (dentists here don't use other methods) but I never had a problem. I hope you'll be able to help the poor man.

    1. Much Better Ivanna - Thanx For Asking And For Checking In - Love The Flavor Of Grilled Veggies - Pizza Sounds Delightful And Pleased You Were With Friends - Totally, And Keep Them Teeth Of Yours Healthy - We Are Working Together Weekly And Ortho Is Making The Difference - Big Hugs My Dear Friend


  25. The lady with the car made me laugh. As we say Up North - "There's nowt so daft as folk". Great blog - you have an eye and an ear for funny and unusual people. There's lots of them.

    1. There Are A Plethora Of "Unusual" People For Sure - I Am Still Amazed By The Times I Find Myself Shaking My Head - Excellent Quote Brother Phil


  26. I don't watch or follow sports too much, once I followed soccer and gymnastics but lately I stopped doing that also. Sadly I never got to see any of the american sports but I like how enthusiastic and organised supporters get (from what I saw in movies).
    I cliked your link and as soon as I found my earphones, I will play your music, my neighbors are old and quite ... irritating when it comes to noise.
    Nice to see you are doing well, helping others and keeping yourself busy in so many different things.
    Cheers from Italy!

  27. P.S: Steve Rodgers is fantastic. I have recuperated my earphones and listening to the music of your office, it is very relaxing, I could easely fall asleep listening to it (it is a compliment). I have great playlists with fantastic music (mostly jazz, strumental or nature sounds) that help me with my insomnia. Have you considered making longer videos?

    1. Good For You For No Wasting Time With The Sports World - However, The Winter Olympics Are In Your Neck Of The World - Thank You For Streaming The Show - Steve Is Fantastic - With The Old GoPro3 Would "Create" Longer Videos But It Only Is What It Is - Yes, Wish I Owned The $5,000 HD Camera For Night Time Photography As Well - Thanx For Checking In My Friend - Big Hugs

