Saturday, February 10, 2018

Olympic Fever 2018

The Dude and I started this tradition of changing out the flags back in 2000 during the Sydney Games. The Dude has hung the Brazilian flag for the past couple of days and now we welcome the Olympic Flag for the Winter Games of 2018.

Thanx FJ for documenting this honor. The Dude was pretty consumed with emotions as he spent his 50th in Brazil for the Summer Games. Deep Down, I know he wishes that he was in Korea right now.

And Avery Charles between puppy kisses. Too Funny!! Everyone showed up with Korean dishes for the Opening Ceremonies and its great to see the "regulars" show up every two years now. We allow cultural dishes from the previous host city, current, or the upcoming country for the closing ceremony. But for now, lets stay in the present. 

Go Athletes!! Represent And Do Your Best!!


  1. The sky changing colours like you changing flags! Beautiful!

    1. Right On!! Thanx So Much For Watching!!


  2. Watching the Winter Olympics right now Padre, can't believe how cold it is there... Go Aussies go 😀

    1. So Damn Cold For Sure And Way Windy During The Mens Downhill. Like WoW But Epic!!

      Go Aussies Go
      Big Hugs
