Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Stepping Into 2023

Mother Do Think She's Good Enough For Me    Mother Do You Think She's Dangerous To Me   Mother Will She Tear Your Little Boy Apart    OOOH Ahhh Mother Will She Break My Heart    Hush Now Baby. Baby Don't You Cry    Mamma's Going To Check Out All Of Your Girlfriends For You    Momma Wont Let Any Dirt Ones Get Through     Momma Will Wait Up Till You Come In     Momma Will Always Find Out Where You've Been         Momma's Going To Keep Baby Healthy And Clean   You'll Always Be Baby To Me    Mother, Did It Need To Be So High 

Pink Floyd

The Wall 1979


Thanx to all of those New Years Resolution folks, been wildly busy in the office. Working with clients and meeting them in their model of the world totally kicks A$$. And I am a rather skilled, numerous arrows in my quiver, and above adequate body worker. Gratifying  

I can't even begin to explain about how many of my recent clients believed that they are athletes and push themselves way too far during this resolution month. We are talking cloistered individuals that break out of their funk and over due it. Mistakes include a poor warm up, clearly not thinking exercises through, and lifting more than they should even attempt. Not present in general but determined by Junes focus.

But it is NOT up to me to point out the obvious. My role is to simply listen and gradually put them back together. One client went tubbing with the family and accidentally became overzealous during their last run of the day. Claims the run was "very icy" and they over shot the strip. A happy little aspen tree brought the day to an abrupt end. OOF 


Been rockin the instant pot action. This one above was packed full of goodness with a hint of oh baby. Yams, green lintels, corn, okra, garbanzo beans, black beans, garlic, and an assortment of top drawer herbs for another easy delectable meal. Magnificent 


So I have come to realize that I have truly let myself go during this winter break. No excuses here but I am feeling pathetic as all get out. Then, this little wake up call happens, I decided to step on the scale. A shocking visual of 203lbs / 92kg. Phuc  

Planning an updated photo at the end of February and I most likely targeting a healthy sub 190 Pounds / 86 Kilos. When my step count is 27,000+ steps by 3pm, my knees simply can't take the weight anymore. I am walking like a mad man but my overall cardio lacks big time. Hopefully this section of future blogs here wont be completely anticlimactic next month. Yikes 


Crosby passing at 81 wasn't all that astonishing because he should have passed at 71 years old. It is not that I have a jaded black heart but the guy was on borrowed time. He lived a legendary career and lifestyle. Crosby Stills And Nash will live on for sure. I am thankful that I comprehended and adored their creative ways and musical talents over the decades. 

The one that hurt was Lisa Presley. Now she has no Phuc-N idea who I am but I spent a week or so bringing her morning deliveries. I was a bellman in the late 80's at a five star golf and tennis resort. While she was a guest, she tipped me very well for my services. She was extremely polite during our brief encounters and she treated our entire bell staff with respect. You would never know that she was sitting on millions of dollars. Very Classy 

I guess that it is the fact that I wont remember where I was when I found out about Crosby. But I will remember when my buddy Bix sent me a text during my radio show regarding Lisa Marie Presley's passing. What Are Your Thoughts??  


I drive to the airport gym around O Dark Hundred. The whole reason for this post today. I know that the three roundabout's ahead are slippy and rather treacherous when any form of moisture is involved. So this austere pick up truck immediately rides my A$$ up 12th street towards the first of three roundabouts. We received a VERY light dusting of snow last night and normally I would pass on mentioning such an insignificant occurrence. I hate tailgating under any road conditions and quickly made the conscious choice to pull over in a city bus stop pull out and allow them the satisfaction of douching the street in black thick exhaust. Trump Bumper Stickers Are So Cool 

Now I knew that the concrete poured roundabout wasn't far away but didn't think too much of it at the time.  Sure as can be, that rig missed the turn, drove through the roundabout with their front wheels cranked over to the right, up the center curb, and straight into the health living baby pine trees and boulder features. The truck was totally high centered and their break lights were still on as I entered the circle. Might as well try the emergency brake as well there dumbA$$. Classic

I really shouldn't have stooped so low but shamefully I did. As I creeped into the roundabout with my high beams on, gingerly scampered around the turn, carefully navigating myself safely through, with my window down and hand on the horn, I reached my left arm as far out as I could, and displayed the world wide gesture of finger language. The Bird


Using my old iPhone and a spotting scope, here is my accomplishment for the morning. I captured this just after 4am Sunday morning from Little Park Road facing north. Apparently, Comet e3 is only going to become brighter and brighter over these next 7 days. Can't Wait 


The Grand Mesa received way more snow than I anticipated last week. Very little fell or even accumulated in the valley as the forecasts claimed 3 to 6 inches were on the way. Not So!! Denver apparently got slammed and the Continental Divide received plenty of the fresh Pow Pow. Heard that Wolf Creek And Telluride saw about a foot or so. So That's Cool 

I experienced a lovely snowshoe session beginning with complete isolation. Like nobody was around last Tuesday and I hip hopped my happy A$$ around the hillsides. Through the trees is always a must for hearing / witnessing those pillow sized powder balls clumsily falling between evergreen limbs. Beautiful 

The morning ski patrol was exactly pleased with my route decision making and politely asked me to stay in the trees, turn around, and stay off the groomed SKI RUNS. It was a first for me but I didn't make a fuss or even mention that I was only here for the Instagram Selfie. BTW I do not subscribe to Instagram. 


  1. Bumping Up The Cardio
  2. Smaller Portions Washed Down With H2o
  3. Shuck And Jive
  4. Books Rooms In April  
  5. Clean Out Old CD's And Clothes For Good Will 
  6. Keep Looking Up
  7. Reframe From Giving The Bird For The Rest Of 2023 


February Is Just Around The Corner, Make These Next Few Days Count, And Remind Yourself Just Far You Have Come In Life. 


Monday, January 16, 2023

The Magic Carpet Ride 2023

I Think I Am Going Mad And It Is Making Me Sad     It's A Yearning For My Old Back Door    I Realize Maybe I Was Born To Lead      Better Swallow My Silly Country Pride   Going Home Running Home Down The Gasoline Alley Where I Was Born      When The Weather Is Better And The Rails Unfreeze   And The Wind Wont Whistle Round My Knees     I'll Put On My Weather Suit And Catch You In The Rain   I'll Be Home Before The Milk's Upon The Floor 

Rod Stewart

1970 Gasoline Alley 


HERE ( click that "here" for the link ) is the link for my latest and first 2023 radio show. The show starts off with about a minute of the pervious show's song. The Magic Carpet Ride begins with Wide Spread Panic covering Steppenwolf's MCR. I do a quick thank you acknowledgment to pervious shows DJ's and then we get bizarre. 

This version of the Magic Carpet Ride kicks A$$ on a number of fronts. The biggest difference maker would be the fact that I knew this would NOT be a perfect show. Was going in rusty and totally looking forward to simply jammin on out. 

I featured Kung Fu clips from the 1972 televised series, offered up 4 trivia questions, and this wasn't no nostalgia show there grasshopper. The King Lives 

I executed an entertaining show, matched clips with musical cuts, and littered the airwaves with remixed and mash up tracks. Turn It Up 

There was something so freeing to the fact that I arrived completely stress free. I used to way over think my shows. Sometimes I would arrive with about 6 hours of music for an intended 2 hour time slot. This show was all about enjoying the moment and riding the magic carpet. 

Even when I played Led Zeppelin by mistake, No Worries. I kept my composure and didn't allow that mistake to ruin my night. So what if I hit play on CD 1 when I clearly meant to air CD 2. Whatever 

My only complaint was that the high energy beats and my enthusiasm allowed the clock to fly by way too quickly. When I realized I only had a half hour left of the show, kinda bummed me out for a second. But the music picked me right back up and I finished the show so strong. Loved It 

And what also rocked my world were the trivia playing callers attempting to correctly answering questions genuinely expressed how they have missed me. I am some touching moments for sure. I wasn't prepared for those conversations at all but those voices of reason were welcoming and very humbling. A few of them were very out spoken about how awful STAFF at the station are. I just listened because I was hosting a show and that wasn't the proper time to engage. But in my mind, I wanted to bluntly ask them why I am the only Mother Phuc at the Board Meeting as Joe Q Public. 

But I just steady the ship and moved forward in my musical world of make believe. I really hope that you have a listen because the KISS remix is worthy of a listen. You gotta check out the Glenn Campbell jam for sure. Its unreal!!! Hopefully you get a kick out of Master and Grasshopper prominences as well. Be Like A Running Brook 

And then the best was this photo above. Can you believe that the Program Director sent this to me?? I forwarded to everyone. I added my two cents with something like this would be the new protocol when a volunteer enters KAFM. Doesn't Everyone Receive An Email Like This?? Harassment 101


  1. Shovel Because It Just Has To Snow Soon 
  2. Call The Graphic Designer AGAIN 
  3. Book A New Client
  4. Stretch With Intention 
  5. Check In With / On Friends 

Comet E3 is now visible and will be until early Feb. Grab a pair of binoculars and look towards the Little Dipper in the northern sky. Under a super dark unpolluted night sky, the naked eye will do just fine. But with your favorite pair of binoculars in hand, that greenish ball of light is mind boggling. 

Keep Looking Up,


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

An Unwelcome Visit Of Yuck

One    Two    Three     Four     One     Two     Let Me Tell You How It Will Be     There Is One For You     Nineteen For Me     Cause I'm The Taxman     Yeah     I Am The Taxman        Should Five Percent Appear To Small      Be Thankful       I Don't Take It All    Cause I'm The Taxman    Yeah   I Am The Taxman 

The Beatles

Revolver 1966

And a big ol happy 1/11 at 1:11 to you my fine readers. Targeted high hope, aspirations of expectancy, and reachable out there goals for 2023 but I sure stumbled out of the gate I tell ya. 

I woke up with a scratchy A$$ throat on January 2nd. I didn't put much thought into it because the house heater was on for a majority of the night. Plus, I just assumed that I was a wheeeeeeee bit dehydrated from the previous week. Wonder Why 

But by that afternoon, zero energy. I mean totally useless. So the first week of 2023 was a repeat of crashing out early, waking up for a whiz, back to bed for a day drooling, chicken broth mixed in there somewhere, back to bed for a round of snoring, vitamins with EmergenC at night, and back to bed completely zapped. SUCKED A$$ 

Leading up to the January 1st, throughly enjoying the Grand Mesa and all of its little perks. Snowshoeing is not only rewarding but way therapeutic for sure. The daytime hiking hours around the Monument was stellar and our sunsets have been amazing. Just Amazing 

Wish I could have spent quality time exploring during this first week of the month up there but no way. I totally missed out on meeting the legendary Mountain Liama and her main squeeze R. That missed opportunity really bummed me out. They were in town to check out the digs. My hope was to tour guide them around the western slope and planned on a hearty meal of curry dishes one night. Next offering was a make your own homemade pizzas. Plus, traveling all around the western slope showcasing the goods is so in my wheelhouse. Of course I tend to overstep my grounds and those two would have been just fine navigating without my ready input and /or interjections. 

I burnt through both COVID home test kits and they returned out negative results. But I just didn't trust them so I triddy trotted my happy A$$ on over to the Health Department for a proper test. That place totally freaked me the Phuc out because everyone else was just as sick and less than half of them were wearing a mask. But thankfully I tested negative there as well so I simply experienced a good old head cold for the first time since about 2017 or 18 or 19. YUCK 


Banner News!!! I am hosting the Magic Carpet Ride 2023/01/12 at 6:30pm mountain time zone. You can stream LIVE by clicking on that live link highlighted there. Will be my first show since September 2022 and I am way fired up over it. Bring On The Reggae, Deep Tracks, Remixed Cuts, And Grasshopper Sound Bites!!! Yahooo0000


Once I was back at work, missed an entire week, it was full speed ahead. Plus dog sitting and that forced me to buck up with meager walks to the dog park and back. Dog Is Pleased

Because 42 is always the answer, walked as much as I could muster up but then it took me an hour or so to fully feel recovered. That's Fun

But while I was out, the vitamin D helped. Nothing like warming up the bones with a little sunshine on my shoulders. Long Live John Denver

Here was a fun little project that awaited me. I was so nervous about shutting off the water because these pipes look so old and corroded. I casually hit both valves with a light dash of WD-40 and twirled them closed with care. No Breaks 

From there, pretty straight forward job really. The old faucets had seen there better days and one of the ball joints was beyond shot. I gingerly nursed these back to health early December but was well aware that a full replacement was the prescription on the pad of paper. Pro Tip for ya here, once you attached the old lines to the new faucet, run the hot water for a moment to heat up the brass line. Your connections will seed up nicely that way. Unnecessary But Helpful

So happily removed both, razor bladed the gunk away, cleaned the porcelain with care, and installed the new faucets while the Silver Sneaker folks added their two cent stories while peering down upon me. I Always Listen 

Now this blew my little puppy marbles!! The photo below was about one twist away from a real disaster. Who ever installed these faucets originally over tightened the piss out for these and literally twisted the brass line. I mean look at that!! The one line is perfect and the hot water line is twisted to SH*T. People baffle me all the time and seem to disappoint me around every corner. All we can do is shake our head and count our blessings. Right 


Last Sunday, while walking the dog, I noticed a number of jets circling or making U-Turn patterns with their chemtrails. I chalked it up to a military exercise but it defiantly landed on my radar during the walk. What COULD this be ?? Why Are They ?? Who Are They ?? This Isn't Normal Behavior  

The photo above was a poor representation but you can sort of make out the patterns scrolled across the canvas of the Colorado Bluebird backdrop. So I opened my Flight Tracker app to discover that the Aspen Airport was closed due to weather.  Duh 

All these private lear jets were circling over GJ in a holding pattern until Aspen opened up again. Check out these screen shots of mine. 

I found this fascinating for some reason. I stood out back for awhile and tracked some of these circling planes. Pretty Cool 


  1. Ease Back Into It Injury Free
  2. Float The Kidneys
  3. Enjoy Hosting The Radio Show
  4. Speak My Truth
  5. Listen Before Speaking
  6. Smile
  7. Share Knowledge Politely 
  8. Create Something New
  9. A Proper Ride
  10. Finish My Book 


Quick Question Here!! Does anyone know the where about or what ever happened to Brother Andrew?? Miss that guy and his blog is no more. Also, the Taxman was inspired by DOUBLE HALF.
