Pretty good week on the bike. Our Earth's pressure gradients are in motion again so we are all dealing with headwinds BOTH ways. Not always but damn it. The wind was only taken out of my sails when I learned Ken Osmand passed away. RIP Eddie
Latest Field Trip - Included Solar & Battery Powered LED Lights
Not too shabby this last week on the saddle. Mostly, I just rode the old ( 1995 Ricochet Model ) GT mountain bike. My commuter bike is just for that. A quick spin to Watson Island or a roll down to KAFM or that wonderfully delighting grocery store run. Oh Joy
Circling Winds This Time of Year - Brutal Gust Yesterday
I don't necessary complain about the both ways of a headwind because I really don't have anywhere else to be. Few places that I would rather be but not crying in my Wheaties. Pumping my lymphatic system is the true desired goal. And after you read this sentence, go for a walk around the neighborhood block. Go, go do it, only takes about three minutes. Have fun, walk on, and wave politely to someone.
Palisade Colorado has assembled some significant improvements to their public park and disc golf course. Good On Them
These signs are beautiful, informative, and offer awareness to sponsorship and local merchants. The A,B,C,D circle marker indicates which basket / pen placements. So this photo shows a RED B. The RED B Pro Tee is 335 feet and the Amateur Tee Pad is 213 feet away from the basket. Impressive
The sign also offers a handy little maker to the next tee pad. Also, at the base of each pen, they painted an arrow facing towards the next tee pad. The photo above has the number 11 in red over the yellow maker. Way Stylish
My Black & White shot with the basket dead center. The temperature was beyond ideal and a very light breeze circulated through the trees. Thankful about this game not ruining a good walk in the park. I played a solid round and surprised myself a few times. And my short game was righteous!!
I missed an ace on the 4th hole by that much. My red disc is on the ground and The Dude is making his birdie putt with his white putter hitting the chains. The bench of the next tee pad is conveniently placed in this photo as well. My simple creative flair there.
I hosted my first radio since before my San Diego trip. I was super rusty and made quite a few rookie mistakes. You can stream for free ( May 17th HERE ) for the next two weeks. Of course I aired a number of cover tunes and filtered in a few SNL skits here and there. I focused on a wide verity of music for anyone listening that just happened to turn on the radio at any given moment.
Loads of phone calls came through the studio and pleasant text messages put a little pep in my step. Because I was so rusty, missed a few breaks and had some dead air for a second or two. But I was pleased have a hobby again. I would be curious to hear your feed back. HINT HINT
Here it is!! This is what I have been talking about. If I ever adventure out an the dating pool again, I am so going to buy my partner one of these.
This creative video is 11 minutes long and features a pro stud cyclist racing is wife up a short punchy climb in California. She has an eBike and check her out. Minimal effort and enjoyed the "outing" with her husband. They can ride togethers! I Want That
Be A Better Human And Smile More
Learn Something New
Zoom With Intentions
Run Around With My Head Cut Off
Stretch, Climb, And Hydrate
Clip The 500 Mile Marker
Enjoy Your Memorial Weekend, Be Safe, And Think Of Others First
I became very cagey and felt compelled to get the flock out of town. So I navigated my way up the foothills in order of cross paths with the beautiful Amber. I love spending time around her secluded compound as its rich, alive, and rejuvenating. Plus, the dinosaurs enjoy my company and the extra hand full of scratch helps. So Thats Cool
This Dinosaur Loves Me
The outdoor garden is just coming on as they are about a month behind us. The indoor veggies have been thriving! Just look how lush everything is. The red leaf lettuce was absolutely mouth watering. And the arugula was fire tasty like a red radish. So Delightful
The Legendary Amber The Human
Something that I have become aware of while cycling is how one quickly becomes in tune with Mother Nature and seasonal patterns. Having that connection refuels and feeds the soul. Its something I never truly understood or grasp from behind the wheel of a large automobile. To me, its more than just a bike ride. Its a moment of real life experiences, appreciating the vivid desert flowers busting open for pollination, or evidence that we collectively are going through something. Flashing Peace Signs
Kicked My A$$ Head Winds
That split second to connect with the fellow human race, all because of a simple hand gesture. That peace sign grants us the opportunity to be apart of something. Its a real conscious decision maker. A quick acknowledgment that possibly eases the headwind pain cave for a minute or two. Today, the weather was not friendly at all. Lightning strikes to the north along the Bookcliffs, stressful cross winds, and tiny pea-size hail aided in my adventure. Crazy Negotiations
Saturdays River Runners
I was burning the cardiovascular system the other day on a back farmland road and a healthy sized dog gave chase from the safe side of the fence line. As I dug deep for more raw power, I gave thought to how we treat animals so differently from our fellow humans. Human barks and its on. Dog barks and we console with treats, rubs on the head, or a quick toss of a ball to show how cool we are. Play Time
I Love My Backyard
It has become so easy or even the normal to hammer back with an arsenal of justifying words or just plain out be mean through social media outlets. The person that leaves the disrespecting comment carries on throughout their daily routine without any care what so ever. The person who reads that comment begins to ponder or dwell if you will. We are all guilty of this behavior from both sides of the coin. What I find so difficult is how hard it is to be my authentic self when these challenges arise. I really want to be reactionary and spew it back. However, I choose not to say something that I can't take back.
Yes, I Dressed Up That Spoon - Xmas Gifts About 5 or 6 Years Ago
I find myself asking these questions when a text or comments comes my way. Is my response kind? Is it true? Is it even necessary? What do I want to represent? And only then I act with intention. The world has become so polarized and holding my anger provides nothing. Nada. Zippo. How did life change us so quickly that it is very arduous or problematic to become the better person? Be The Better Person
Then I become excited about how the UK claims to have injected $2 billion pounds into their cycling infrastructure. And even more importantly!! The UK changed the laws of liability and presumed liabilities!! That is such a new age of cycling. If I understand this correctly?!?! If you are on your bike and are struck by a car, the DRIVER is at fault until proven otherwise. The idea is making cycling part of the traffic flow and drivers becoming aware of their own proprioceptions. Meaning, the dimensions and ramifications of all automobiles. YES
12:34 Baby
So these are just some of the randomly odd thoughts I have while cursing around this glorious desert valley floor. Then, The Colorado River distracts me from that thought process. A lovely herd of horses kick about while man serves the cattle fresh cut hay. Catching a bird of prey as it effortlessly soars in flight. Baby goats!! Baby goats are so damn cute. All while simply pedaling along and daydreaming. And then, a passerby flashes the peace sign. Righteousness
My "Stimulus" check arrived by snail mail. Now, those bastards are implying that this is not taxable income but it sure A$$ Hell isn't free Phuc-N money ether. So I made the decision to divide the $1200 four equal ways and donate it to four separate non profit outfits here in the grand valley. Actually, one non profit company is technically a national company. Sure, usual bills linger over my head. Most of my May payments were covered but come June, who knows. But my choice of giving unconditional support carries more merit in my heart than a few of my unpaid bills that will return again in June. Those same bills will arrive this July as well. So Take That Donald. He Can Kiss My A$$
The Donald clearly knew of my strong hatred towards him by the fact that he did not sign my check. He Is A Real Cock Sucker
Been on my game! Only took 8 weeks to figure out my SH*T. To the best of my knowledge, I started playing disc golf ( we played the game like a game of horse and didn't not refer to our game as Disc Golf ) in the spring of 1976. We only played six holes and those holes consisted of a concrete cinder block with a wooden post stuck through it. We had the one regular beach throwing style frisbees back then. Later that summer, someone used orange construction tape to make the official target area between the top and mid area on the post. They also added three more holes for a "proper" 9 hole course.
The summer of 1978, Morley Field in San Diego California was created. The original 18 hole course with proper concrete tee pads and baskets. None of that hippy dippy nonsense. So I have unofficially been throwing plastic for four decades and JUST NOW discovered my preferable playing style. Classic
The Dude Is Getting All Kinds Of Cheeky With It
There is always something to be Grateful Dead about. While The Dude & I were discussing how well used the park has been during this time, he announces he wanted to make a thank you card. A thank you card for the park? He brought over a roll of construction paper, multi-colored sharpies, and the creation was under construction. Together, this is what we came up with. Elementary Yet Cool
Cutting String For Hanging Sharpies With
Not only was it not ripped down BUT all kinds of park users signed it. Talk about stoked. I didn't think the sign had a chance but one week later, Tada
And how does this happen?? I could literally throw my putter a thousand more times and never produce this undesirable result. Yes, not in the basket so it doesn't count as in. Had to snap off a photo because we both just stood there in disbelief.
From A Possible Elusive Birdie To A Ridiculous Par
While looking towards the night sky, beauty is everywhere. The full moon, The Flower Moon, the other night rose amongst the high cirrus clouds and illuminated our Mother Earth. Bike riding the streets quickly became tranquil. No daily programed sounds interfered with the serenity of night time cruising. Only little unobscured sounds filled the airwaves. Like when the Colorado River currents dance off the pillars of the bicycle bridge. And soon, Comet SWAN will be seen by the naked eye. Naked. Early mornings will be conducive for witnessing such a brilliant interplanetary iceberg as it dazzles in the East-Northeastern sky line.
This photo/diagram is from space weather dot com
And if that's not enough, Mr Moon will be part of a face in the predawn hours on the 13th and 14th of May. Jupiter and Saturn will accompany Mr Moon to create a happy little face. Kinda Cool. But speaking of Planets, Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, And Saturn will line themselves across the sky as Mr Moon approaches form the north. Keep Looking Up
Well Now, would you look at that. This might be my closest achievement to adding my name to the number one position on any Strava Segmented Leader Boards. As for KOM's, not a chance. The climbers now a days are flipping machines. I'll be willing to bet that I am not even in the top 50 of any KOM's. Just not much of a stud. Clearly
Here in Colorado, other states do something different, so I was rudely informed, Coloradans go outside at 8pm and howl. Thats Right, Howl. Engaging that diaphragm and belting out an evening howl is so fulfilling and beneficial. Its been a real kick during the month of April as participation has dramatically increased. Even Dogs Participate By Default
So I was riding the other evening, beautiful sunset, ideal temperature across the Vally Floor, and everyone starts the howling ritual. Oh, Its 8pm. I felt as if I was finally in sync with the times. Felt as if I was in the Middle East with that frame of reference by the prayer bells ringing out. Actually, that 8 o'clock howl was uplifting with my current state of mind.
A Memorable Cheese Show
On a positive note, I was laying in bed while reading about how the European cyclists have dominated their landscape. The amount of causal bike riders has been unprecedented. Paris has reportedly dropped 300 million euros into their cycling infrastructure. Can you imagine how far that will go?? The health benefits?? The cleaner air quality?? The amount of families that will be taking advantage of these opportunities to develop NON automobile usage?? Instilling their youth to simply ride to the damn grocery store! New Habits, Ingenious
I dropped a comment on Wendy's blog about "Strava Hunters" in reference to all the folks out and about these days. As a clarification, I rely on Strava as you all know. During peak hours of trail usage, couldn't be bothered with Leaderboard Segments. With so much foot traffic on weekends, no need to push the envelope. " Casually passing on your right." Is my go to expression. With families I say," Plenty of room and I'm not in any kind of hurry." No Biggie. There is a time and place for chasing Strava Stats. I Get It
Newbies??? Oh Yes. Plenty. Chains that haven't seen oil in decades. Folks walking completely checked out. That zombie stumble from not being outside in months. The two moms with strollers walking side by side down the middle of the concrete path. Trained and untrained dog walkers. But I keep this in mind, Its A Multi Use Trail System! RELAX People
I say relax because I witnessed this lady totally loosing her SH*T over a navigating newbie. This "first" time biker was on a three wheel bike and obviously meandering along the trail. Without a worry what so ever. Just in the moment and enjoying the peaceful ride. A fluorescent spandex wearing, hammering on her $30,000.oo ultra light machine, drinking organic coconut water, cyclists approaches throwing her hands around, and was totally flipping out about the whole situation. On her own pace and just couldn't be sympathetic of others. This brief moment completely ruined her whole ride, whole day, and her whole Phuc-N week. The three wheeled bicyclist, a handicapped person.
KAFM Update:
The staff at KAFM sent out a pathetic e-mail that was beyond disappointing and uninspiring. The highlight being ' The basics of the return to live programming:
We will be doing live radio every other day for two weeks. This schedule may be changed after the two-week period. The days for live shows will be: '
Are you flipping kidding us??? Another example of a half-A$$ attempt. Broadcasting every other day?? KAFM was given the golden opportunity to shine, reassure the community, and thrive. Hell, grow their listening data base and membership! Instead, they Sh*t The Phuc-N Bed. Keeping GJ Lame
Yes, You Can Walk Across The Colorado River
Its been especially challenging as friends that know about my association with KAFM remind me how bad the auto programed music sounds. How unlistenable the station has become. Asking me why they would hold a fund drive with NO LIVE DJ's?? Total annihilation and the biggest question that arises," Why has the communication been so limited?" Its a defeating failure like the not so mighty Colorado River. Such A Discouraging Topic
I am so grateful for friendships. An elderly friend sent a text about wanting to chat. "Would you mind stopping by my place?" He Asked
Day One
I throughly enjoy working but the poor old body doesn't. Manual labor never bothered me because of the rewarding satisfaction after completion. I absolutely loved landscaping back in the day but the body just simply won't allow it. But of course I couldn't say no. He was so excited about the possibilities that await. What Else Is Possible
Repairing With Chalk And Sanding
I used to enjoy removing sod/grass and then create a desert appearing oasis. There is a true paragon about working with flagstone. Its more than just craftsmanship. Like a metal artist, the finished piece is the goal but its the grinding of the welds. Or the pleasure from organic matter between your toes that Mother Earth produced while gardening. Its more than just a potted plant, its the cycle of life, tuning in with seasonal growth. Its the gratification from producing something that will enrich in so many ways. Ownership
And Now The Deck
I will admit, the evening after the first day, my shins were beyond sensitive!! That red ladder there, I climbed on it all day. My poor sissy legs aren't used to holding myself safe with those tiny stabilizing muscles and of course you use your shins/foot to relocate the ladder to its next position. Oh, and my hips?? Killing Me!! Low Back, Shot. After that first day, I laid on the floor for about 15 minutes. But after stretching out, lets do it again tomorrow. And the next day after that, these days are margining together. So Long April
Done Sanding - 1st Coat Applied
However, the singing birds, AMAZINGLY Beautiful. I swear that every time I gazed towards the sky there was some sort of bird of prey in flight. The weather has been more than ideal with a lovely afternoon breeze. Perfect Temperatures
The second fresh coat of paint has truly changed these 30+ year old weathered redwood boards. All the elbow grease was paying off. Literally AND Figuratively. Just for the record, I really wanted to paint that bay window.
I wasn't really sold on the "red" paint and made the comment to him about how its Denver Bronco Orange and you'll love it. The brown was going to be the floor board color but I recommend not. The brown would cook your bare feet in the summer months. A multi colored deck was a hint in theory but later became the talk of his zoom meetings. He really loves the 4x4 post highlights in brown. The two tone browns tapered down that robust Donkey Orange paint. So Thats Cool
I was wondering the other night before drifting off, What Would Dr Seuss Think About The State Of Things
For my OCD readers, after I finish reading one, I shelf it the opposite direction so I know which ones I still need to read. Takes me about 2 years to randomly read them all. Been Flip Flop Reading These Gems For Decades. The last sentence in my high school senior yearbook even reads, I Yam What I Yam & Thats All Folks
And this video is absolutely brilliant!!!
Bust Out Some Serious Miles This Month Of May
Finish Reading Still Life of the Woodpecker
Calisthenics With Primal Movements
Be A Little More Compassionate With My Zoom Meetings