Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays & Positive Vibes

12:34 12/21 - Winter Solstice - Last Day of Fall 
Went for a little bike ride the other day. Headed out towards the Utah State Line and the wildlife viewing was ridiculous. Moose, Mountain Lion, and Bobcats were just about the only animals that remained elusive to the naked eye. This is my way of saying that I am not looking down at my computer while riding around this magical world of Colorado.

Definitely been digging deep on my road rides this winter. Sure hope that all of this hard work pays dividends in 2020. On the way back from Utah, caught a sweet little tailwind. I harnessed that opportunity to grab a few gears and hammer down. All the stars were in a line, my nutrition was dialed in, properly hydrated, and I damn near exploded into a magnificent array of fireworks.

But nothing beat the late night solo bicycle parade of Christmas Lights Extravaganza. Only snapped a few photos because that task became too much of a frozen pain in the A$$ to remove my glove and fumble around with my iPhone.

A 2nd story deck view of GJ from one of the Solstice Gatherings 

I tapped into working with children a few years back at a Denver Donkies BBQ. The host and hostess questioned me about the possibilities of my voodoo magic helping with diabetes?? I told them," No Way Can I Cure Diabetes." But went on to explain the visceral benefits of Ortho.

Their son was only 8 years old and I so wish I had a still image of his face when he entered the office. You could read him like a book, not another hippie wack-a-do doc. Dad just happens to be the town Sheriff. I had Dad ( Muscular/Coerce/Intimidating ) lay supine on the table first. Immediately, the child relaxed. I performed a simple knee releasing demo and dad asked," Why did you start with my left knee?" I had no real reason but dad goes on to tell me how he twisted that knee over the summer. Ortho, It Is What It Is

Another Solstice Party That Evening  
My session with their child was very simple. I basically worked with the relationship between their kidney/adrenals and the bladder. Performed a basic bib release around their mid thoracic and sternum. We only worked together for approximately 20 minutes or so. Now this child has an insulin pump as he is type 1 diabetic and that relays info via bluetooth to moms smart phone. That establishes real data and not just me blowing smoke. Their child's own PH levels were in check for almost 10 hours after our session. Mom was ecstatic when she rang me the next day.

Spintertainment - Local Company & Only $9.99/month - Check It Out
This family began referring me to other kids and those parents referred me to other injured student athletes and now children account for almost half of my clientele these days. Which is great for me because I sort of lost touch with which season is connected to which sport. Now, I smell chlorine, its swim season. Wet socks, wrestling season. Jammed up fingers, its basketball or volleyball season. Its refreshing to reconnected with that side of the community again and quite the byproduct. Feeling So Hip  

Higher Resistance, Quads Burning, And Peaked Out At 714 Watts - Only 21 Miles 

Feeling like I should toot my own horn here because of the feedback I received. I attended a few Solstices Parties on Saturday and if maybe two people said something I wouldn't be mentioning it. But Holy Smokes! I heard you on air the other day was the theme throughout the evening.

The Darth Vader soundbites were a total hit. Encompassing the entire show in sections was well received and stoked me out that anyone even realized what I was doing. The Trivia Questions stimulated the phones. Folks rang in, Coach ( Program Director ) even played along, and acquaintances sent me text messages with various answers. But these party goers were like,"It Was Such An Engaging Show." and "I was going to go to the store but didn't want to miss the next attraction." and "Where did you find those remixed songs??" and "I need one of those Amazon Echo things."

So here is the RADIO RAPTURE link and that link will only be good until January 2nd 2020. There will be two links on this page, CLICK ON the Dec 19th Radio Rapture Show. This will turn you onto the song ending with ...something i can use > the KAFM entertainment calendar >  Space Funk 1977 Star Was. For the next two and half hours your ears will be subjected to B-Side Classic Rock, 1940 Swing cover tune of Janis Joplin, 1930 Big Band James Bond style Taylor Swift cover tune, Tony Bennett from his duets album, hilarious SNL commercials, Blonde by request, a cut by the Grateful Dead, a stunning Fleetwood Mac cover, and of course 5 trivia questions.


Bike - 179.1 from the 16th through the 22nd of Dec
SnowShoe - 11.4 miles Two Outings
Hours - 8hr 51min
Activities - 9

My Two Favorite Ben Thouard Photos 

  1. Continue AM Calisthenics 
  2. Like The Tides, Ebb & Flow
  3. Point Out Achievements Accomplished By Family Members 
  4. Ease Back Into 100 Push Ups A Day - Thanx Meditation 
  5. Dance Like Its 1999
  6. Make Each Day My Masterpiece 

A Merry Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, And Pegan On,

P.S. It Just Started Snowing

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ortho-Bionomy 2019 & Happy 1st Day Of Winter


WHAT is it - Ortho is a gentle, non-invasive, system of healing that reminds the body of its natural ability to restore balance. Its principles are based on simple philosophy of allowing the body to self correct.

WHO is it for - Sometimes the body's natural ability to remain balanced is short-circuited by stress, injury, accidents, improper posture, emotional experiences, or repetitive movements. The simplicity of Ortho means that the practitioner and client may work together to re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore normal functional movements. Ortho helps people break the cycle of pain.

HOW Does It Work - Educational movements help perpetuate the release of tension and muscle contractions. This release of tension and stress in the body brings about relief from pain and discomfort. These benefits generally continue after the session is finished. i.e. Less Is More

My Sessions - I explain to my clients the importance of a Client Directed Session. This is a must! Meaning, if you feel something in your shoulder while I am releasing your ankle, I Would Like To Know That. The more information I have, the better your session becomes. I then go on to meet folks in their model of the world. If their language is simple, I keep it simple. If clients understand/awareness to concepts like energy meridians, I refer back to Chinese Medicine. If someone mentions standing all day at..... , I work the reflexology points in their feet. Anytime someone says that they have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I never start with the wrist. I began as distal away as I can. Not always, but often, releasing the neck and realigning the shoulder gridle allows the wrist to naturally "unwind" "relax" or "settle" happily. Its Brilliant I Tell Ya!! If the client is all kinds of mind Phuc-D from the week, I will offer a guided visualization. I enjoy those as much as they do. But again, ONLY if its in their wheel house. Gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compressions, and subtle contractions are key. NO FORCED, NO FORCEFUL MOVEMENTS, or FORCED PRESSURES are used.

2017 Snowflakes Project 

HERE is the link to Monday Night's Juke Box Show. This particular show was filled with B-Side Classic Rock songs and a few, Just A Few LIVE Jam Band Treats. I am pretty proud of this show and felt that it went well. Some of the highlighted cuts came from Fleetwood Mac, Henry Paul Band, Todd Rundgren, The Who, and even The Monkees with She. The opening track was performed by Wide Spread Panic covering WAR's Slipping Into Darkness from Snowmass Colorado. The Blue Z & I were in attendance back in 2005.

The Twins Were Streaming The Video Feed Of Me Monday Night  From AUS

HERE is the link to the Radio Rapture Show on Thursday. I showcased STAR WARS as the newest episode made its debut that night at midnight. I opened the show with the 1977 LP Star Wars And Other Galactic Funk and then used this as my background tune while on the mic. I am beyond stoked with the flow of this show. Loads of 1920's, 30's, & 40's style swing tunes BUT ARE ALL COVER TUNES. The James Bond Style of Taylor Swifts cover is choice. Over top of that, I mixed in Darth Vader soundbites between tracks and over instrumental jams. Also, offered up 5 random trivia questions for the listening audience. Hell, Chewbacca sings Silent Night is totally worth a stream.

2018 Snowflake Project


Early morning, banner sunrise, I rode towards Palisade. Talk About Chilly Willy. I froze my damn buns for about the first 6 miles. The BTU's finally warmed my core but my cheeks and fingers were a different story. It Is What It Is

East Orchard Mesa, directly above the charming little town of Palisade, is basically agriculturally zoned. The leftover weeds had that perfectly frozen in time appearance. Its so beautiful riding through East OM in any season. Its Why I Do It

I noticed a "cyclist" up ahead, so of course I picked up the cadence. I began to realize that I think I know this person but wasn't convinced. As I went around him, all be damn, its Captain Ron. I tapped the brakes to slow down and we acknowledge each other.

Poor Ron has had a very tough go at it. Last I had heard from him was when he was living in his truck in KAFM's parking lot. Rumors surfaced when he left the station but I haven't seen him since. I haven't been thinking of him or anything but had wondered what ever transpired.

He looked good. "My truck broke down." he says. He never asked me any questions but went on with diarrhea out the mouth like a neophyte cycling commuter. Pointing out how fast people drive, how everyone is texting while driving, and drivers are clueless in general. When I had had enough of his recent observations, started to cool down, it was time to ride.

So I told Ron that he really looked good, he seems more present than I have ever seen him, and that I was proud of him for putting in the miles. Sort of in a contrite somber. Totally genuine with my departing words to him but its tough to see. Kind of like when your family member lived on hard times for so long that even when they are "trying" to turn it around, you just know.

The take away here?.!?..?!!? He is alive. He is living life. He is riding his bike to work. He has a new found perspective. That's Cool

2019 Snowflake Project


  1. Discover A New Perspective That Awaits Me
  2. Stretch With Intentions 
  3. Controlled Core Work/ Slow Down 
  4. Why Haven't I Performed A Single Push Up This Dec
  5. Safe & Happy Holiday Week  

Eat Your Fiber Folks,

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Extra Determination These Days

Just the simple fact that I have totally committed has given me more drive lately. This whole new journey has brought on a rejuvenated spirit inside of me. Which Has Been Good

Like telling S&B the other night. She politely tells me that I had already told them about this biathlon adventure. I began to apologize for repeating myself but she quickly cuts me off with,"You told us this with the same enthusiasm as the first time." and goes on to say," Honestly, made me wanna do it as well."

My biggest challenge is reflecting back on the roots of this journey/training. Working out smarter, gradually a little harder, investing in nutrition, and asking LOADS of questions when applicable. I am referring to the January Safe Course Training. Pretty Damn Excited For It

Let's chat about my core work. I have been half A$$'n my morning calisthenics really. But Now, Its Time. Its time to be efficient, flow with rhythm, and strengthening my cardio vascular system without burning out. Seeking that happy medium/sustainable intensity.

This core work is crucial for driving the bike from the hips, controlling the cockpit of the 575, and controlling my breathing with a much stronger diaphragm. HOPEFULLY. I shall call this the physical body adaptation in progress. Anyone that knows anything about Colorado, there are plenty of hills to train on for achieving these goals. RIGHT

These competitions are there, they are real, and I have totally committed financially. I have begun anticipating the diversity and physical demands that lay out on my horizon. Do I needed to suffer in the "pain cave" already?? Let's Rock


So I have a few shows coming up soon and I am pretty much ready. Well, I think that I am ready anyway. Mostly Ready

Monday ( tomorrow ) the 16th at 9pm Mountain Time Zone is first on the docket. I am covering for George. His Monday Night Out with George typically airs rock & roll. I created a playlist of some classic B-Side Rock and will sprinkle in a few hidden gems as well.

Thursday at 4pm for my second show. This is a prime time slot and my mind is wondering. Pretty sure I know what I will be mixing. Its definitely a two CD at the same time kind of show. Loosely based on a major hit movie debuting in a couple of weeks. Thanx Perth

11:12:13:14 - Happy Friday the 13th 
Full Moon adventure after the KAFM Holiday Open House function. I truly enjoyed myself during the Open House but I was also disappointed by the low turn out. There were a number of folks that I can count on seeing at this event every year but they didn't make it this year. But those that made the effort, rather delightful catching up with them. 

So after socializing the early evening away, I ducked out and headed towards the Grand Mesa. My original plan was to drive up County Line but realizing the cloud cover, quickly adjusted my attitude. I turned down my jets and turned into the Powderhorn Parking Lot. Casually snowshoed my way up the ski hill. No headlamp needed but I wore it as a precautionary feat. i.e. Not Getting Crushed By The Groomers


  1. Killer Upcoming Week On The Road Bike
  2. Informative Radio Show 
  3. Survey Those Single Track Maps 
  4. Solidify Crested Butte Plans 

Excellent Band, Wouldn't Ya Say,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Quick Snowshoe & Light Parade

What a treat!! The Grand Mesa is the largest flattop mesa in THE WORLD and showcase over 300 lakes. And its an easy 45 minute drive to Powderhorn Ski Resort. HERE is their webcam link.

So I ended up taking the elders to the Mesa for a short little snowshoeing excursion. I was cracking up inside as we drove along towards the trail head because they were dropping comments like " glad we have someone to break trail"  or  " how far will we go" or " sure hope it doesn't get too cold"

I only smiled because I know we might make it a mile from the car, we sure as hell won't be breaking trail, and I am a casual "hiker" when friends are involved. These guys, dinosaurs!! I mean that in a humorous way. 80 years old, 68 years old, 65 years old, and me. The game plan was simple, show these guys a really fun non pressured walk about. Stop often, point out the small things, and hear our laughter echo off the mountain side.

And thats exactly how it played out. Offering each other a helping hand strapping on snowshoes, walking a short distance, stopping as often as needed, plenty of photo opportunities, and sharing stories from whenever and whatever.

"Should we turn back?" I would ask. "Are you sure you want to adventure up this climb?" I dubiously checked in. "How are you all doing with your water intake?" Leading questions like that. Much to my surprise, we tromped an out & back for a total of 3.1 miles. Never would have guessed that these guys would hike a 5K at 9,600ft. Truly Inspiring

While we surged on, I would break off trail and hammer out a loop. Even with snowshoes, the snow was up to my crotch in a few spots. I was able to burn the quads a bit as I rounded back in behind them. I did a number of these little loops. I just dig the sounds of breaking the crunchy frozen snow surfaces. And the day, Phuc-N Beautiful

Here was my eye opening moment, we returned to the car and them boys were wiped out. The 80yr old bent over to unstrap and damn near ate some yellow snow. I quickly grabbed him and held him up. We smiled at each other but damn it freaked me a bit. I announced," No more head rushes here. I will remove your snowshoes." We snacked on our treats, reflecting on the camaraderie from the day, and loaded up. Fun Had By All

Necessities for the Annual Light Parade 

The 37Th Annual Parade of Lights:

The theme this year was Comic Books. Call me a wing nut but I'm a fan. So a field trip ensued and  on goes the rechargeable battery powered lights. Again, call me names but I throughly enjoy dressing up bikes.

A group of us rode on downtown and meandered our way through the staging areas. I always support this detour because there are so many distraction during the parade that I feel like I miss the real details on these floats. And I enjoy shouting out encouraging phrases to all the participants. By Their Facial Reactions, Well Received

Like Smokey The Bear here. The Forest Service float was amazing but I would have never known if I didn't see it up close. They had live Pine Trees on all four corners of their trailer. I sang Happy Birthday ( turned 75 years old ) to Smokey The Bear and the supporting cast members on the float weren't too sure about me at first but reluctantly joined in. By the end, they were singing their hearts out. So Much Fun

Snoopy, Who Doesn't Love A Little Appearance by Snoopy?!?!?!!???? The stocking for a sleeping cap was a wonderful touch. Someone took their sweet time hanging those strings of lights. Fantastic Craftsmanship Displayed Here

Just a few, totally packed sidewalks, folks came out for the parade of lights. However, I sort of felt alone in a way. Not the whole time!!! I experienced a similar feeling while decorating my bike. I would love to share creative moments with a partner and share the joy of laughter over stupid inconceivable nothings. Standing on the street watching, would love to have a little hand slip into my glove. Or engage in the softness of lips meeting while the Snoopy float rolls on by. Simple Intimacy

But then it quickly dawned on me that I wasn't judged all day, I wasn't ridiculed about my behavior, and I wasn't doing IT wrong. I wasn't concerned about meeting someone else expectations and nobody was up my A$$ about a timeline or schedule. Actually, Flying Solo Isn't So Bad

This Batmobile cracked me up. Pretty Damn Cool But Totally Hilarious At The Same Time. When we rode by them in the staging area, they had an operating fog machine for a three dimensional vibe. It must have crapped out by this point. NOW, in the good old fashion of Keeping GJ Lame, NO SANTA ON THE LAST FLOAT!!! Can you believe that?? Have you ever been to a Christmas parade were Santa WASN'T on the last float?? That Is Weird Or Just Lame

This is a time lapse video that I created back in 2017. Before my older MacBook Pro crashed, I could bang out these 2-3 minute time lapses in no time at all. I have been experiencing this little itch of creating content again. But then the $$$ for the equipment, relearning the new programs, and investing the time turns me off. Mainly, its the coin. I don't know, you tell me. Would You Watch These 3 Minute Time Lapses??



  1. Ride Outdoors A Much As Possible
  2. Consume As Many Veggies & Fruits As Possible
  3. Giggle With Tears Of Joy
  4. Work In Super Sets This "off" Season
  5. Share This Full Moon Snowshoeing
  6. Creating Three Separate Upcoming Radio Shows  

Stay Strong,

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

November Numbers & The String Cheese Incident


Activities - 37
Running - Zip
Days Off - 3
Travels - 5 days
Biking - 782mi
Hours - 42
PR's - 12

My cycling legs are definitely coming around and I am feeling a wee bit stronger with quicker burst of power. My slower-twitched distance legs are healthy and I could almost ride steady forever. What I am most pleased with are my back to back long days with minimal fatigue.

A leisurely round trip to the Loma Boat Ramp and back chalks up 44 miles. On my third day in a row of 40+ miles, only my elbows felt stiff. This is obviously because my old road bike is a little too small for me. Other than that, body feels great. Oh Baby


What a long strange trip. After soaking the bird in a brine for two days, the stacked coals took flame just after 7am, the rinsed off bird was on. Good times ahead. I mean, after last years Turkey week, a sharp stick the eye would be better than that years experience. On the bottom rack, above the water pan, landed this 17.77 pound beauty. The middle rack was home for the Beef Ribs. The bacon claimed the top shelf spot as they only needed a couple of hours.

At the six hour mark, here she is. The water soaked apple wood for smoke was more than ideal. Under the skin, before the heat, cloves of garlic, fresh sage, a little hint of cayenne pepper, fresh thyme, and backyard rosemary. Just Look At Her

The smoked bacon for later use was perfect. The aroma when lifting the tupperware lid the next morning, YES!! I was thankful they weren't over cooked. Me personally, I am not a crispy fried in oil kind of guy.

The Dude made a great call and set out the game BUZZ WORD. As folks filtered through the house for a quick visit, some hopped in to play a round or two. Others chimed in from the couch. We rifled through a number of cards throughout the entire evening and loads of tongue twisting giggly brain farts were had by all. Highly Entertaining. We finished off the evening with a couple of rounds of Mexican Train Dominos for us late night goers. P.S. Sharing this Egypt photo for Shadow and Light.


Saturday mornings audacious travel day with The Blue Z began about 10 minutes early to schedule. Off to the Frontstrange we migrated. It was rather funny to me how FEAR was the normal reaction about us driving over the divide. This was clearly based on what the idiot box ( television ) was broadcasting. I am so disgusted with the meteorology world. Seriously

The roads were bone dry until around 9,000 feet. The Z and I made excellent progress until we arrived in Vail. A wet heavy snow was falling but this is expected at elevation. Slow going but no biggie. We Had Some Righteous Tunes

Here is what the roads conditions AT 11,000 feet looked like. Where is the FOUR FEET of blowing snow that was in the forecast of Armageddon?? We accomplished our mission of safely navigating ourselves over the Continental Divide while Mother Nature offered up all kinds of postcard perfect opportunities. Stunningly Gorgeous

Only because AppleJack's Liquor was on the way to our hotel, we just had to stop and window shop. Right??

Our hotel offered a free shuttle over to the Mission Ballroom on the top of every hour. So the Blue Z and I relished in our pregame show. This consisted of relaxing, munching, and reminiscing over these past years events. Time Sure Does Fly When Your Having Fun

Oh, we ate well. There was a cute little ( under 5ft for sure ) Japanese gal handing out samples of sushi. The Blue Z never moved so fast towards her station. The Z Loves Sushi & Went Ape Sh*T Over Free Sushi!! She had just prepared this family platter for, GET THIS, $14.99!! Immediate Red Flags. BUT her station was spotlessly clean, she carried the biggest smile, and she insisted everything is made fresh every day. All Settled Well

Mother Nature even created our own fog machine as we headed up Floyd Hill. Those bands of blowing snow reminded me of the Northern Lights Dancing Across The Sky. Call me crazy but I love those moments. Again, the roads were bone dry I tell ya.

The Mission Ballroom was disappointing to say the least. There was this buzz about how this new building is spectacular and perfect for live music. But concrete floors?? So Sucks!! $8 Damn Dollar Beers?? Forget It!! They over staffed as they expected a normal Saturday night drinking crowd. Nope. Not The Cheese Family. I would venture a guess that it was the all-time lowest sales of alcohol. The Bartenders Were Leaning AND Not Cleaning

My Own Opinion Here 
The Band - A
The Setlist - B ( HERE is Saturdays Setlist )
The Bands Appearance - C+ ( both drummers rolled out of bed and took the stage ) 
The Jams - A+
The Crowd - F ( why must people insist on talking during the show )
The Theatrics - F ( when you pay these prices, what the flock of seagulls )
Seeing Friends - B
Bumping Into Friends From Long Ago - A+
Cover Tunes - A+ 
Billy's First Set Intros - F ( we, as long time fans, deserve proper band member intros and story telling. If you are going to share historical moments, bring your A Game )
Bathrooms - D
One Water Fountain???? - F


Made my reservations for Carson City and saved $211 dollars. Let me say that again, I saved $211 dollars by reserving my car rental and hotel on Monday. Thats Just So Weird To Me

The room rate was exactly the same back around Halloween and I procrastinated until now. And that "hesitation" saved me $211 dollars. The entry fee, full price between Jan - April, goes up after that, is $179. I received a BLK Friday e-mail that on Cyber Monday, all their events for 2020 would be $99 dollars. SCORE

Feels pretty satisfying to be all in without feeling shafted over something. I have NEVER waited in a BLK Friday line, have never shopped on Cyber Monday, and usually couldn't give two Sh*Ts about that sort of behavior. So what a way to bust my cherry. I happily saved $291.oo on this 2019 Cyber Monday action!! I Take A Bow Now And Pat Myself On The Back

The Blue Z & I stayed on the 3rd floor of this 9 Story hotel - Our window opened 

Downtown Denver Colorado 


  1. Extend Body Weight Only Routines
  2. Embrace Snowshoeing w/Friends
  3. Practice Maximum Enthusiasm 
  4. Finish The Welding Disc Basket Gift
  5. And Add Climbing To The Workouts 

Smiling From Ear To Ear,